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The Taliban’s harsh new ‘vice and virtue’ laws are a throwback to the oppression of the 1990s – especially for the women of Afghanistan

Dr Kambaiz Rafi, from our School of Government and International Affairs, explores how the new laws introduced by the Taliban could see the scenes of oppression from the past return for women living in Afghanistan.
Four Afghan women in blue and black burqa walking on dirt path in barren land

Disney wrongful death legal case exposes potential pitfalls of automatically clicking ‘I agree’

Disney has made international headlines after it performed a U-turn on using terms of service to dismiss a wrongful death lawsuit. Dr Stergios Aidinlis, from our Law School, explores the potential consequences of completing a user agreement without reading the fine print.
The building at Disneyland Paris

Corruption holds small businesses back: Ghana study reveals two strategies to avoid the traps

Corruption is one of the biggest challenges small business owners face in Ghana. Professor Joseph Amankwah-Amoah, from our Business School, explores the best strategies business owners in the African country can deploy to mitigate the adverse effects corruption carries.
Men working at a Ghanaian fishing port

Offering insights into global electoral integrity

Dr Juraj Medzihorsky is an Assistant Professor in our School of Government and International Affairs and part of the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) project. The V-Dem project compiles and analyses data to offer a deeper insight into global democracy and the integrity of the election process.
A range of hand posting votes into a voting box

After teachers in England receive pay award – here’s what else needs to be done to keep them in schools

After the UK's Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson accepted recommendations to give teachers in England a 5.5% pay rise, Professor Stephen Gorard from our School of Education and Beng Huat See from the University of Birmingham explore what else can be done to keep teachers in the profession.
Female teacher smiles at a class of children with their arms raised
Three international students sat talking

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