Gaussian is available through software modules that must be loaded to make the software accessible. To see which versions are installed, and to load an appropriate version, type e.g:
module avail gaussian
module load gaussian/G16.B01
Gaussian can be run using a job script similar to the one below. Further advice on configuring jobs on Hamilton can be found on the Running jobs page.
# Request resources
#SBATCH -p shared # SLURM queue. Use 'long' for jobs longer than 3 days.
#SBATCH -t 00-01:00:00 # job time limit, in the format dd-hh:mm:ss
#SBATCH -c 1 # number of cores to allocate.
#SBATCH --mem=1G # memory required, in units M,G or T, up to 246G.
#SBATCH --gres=tmp:1G # temporary disk space on compute node, up to 400G.
# Load the Gaussian module and set up the Gaussian environment
module load gaussian/G16.B01
# Gaussian can create large, temporary files. The following line ensures that these
# are stored locally on the compute node for better job performance. $TMPDIR is
# automatically removed when the job ends:
# Gaussian checkpoint files should not be stored in $TMPDIR! Place them in your# /nobackup directory by adding a line at the start of your Gaussian input file:
# %Chk=/nobackup/your_username/your_directory/filename
# run Gaussian. It will one run one thread per allocated CPU core.
g16 your_input_file.gjf
The resources requested with #SBATCH -c and #SBATCH --mem should be mirrored at the top of your Gaussian input file. The example below is adapted from Note that the file must end with a blank line.
# RHF/6-31G(d)
water energy
0 1
H 1 1.0
H 1 1.0 2 120.0