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2019/20 Fellowship and Project Publications

Bateman, J., Robertson, L., Marsh, L., Cameron, C., Hoek, J. (2020) ‘An Analysis of E-cigarette Marketing in New Zealand Tobacco Retail Outlets Prior to Legislative Change’, Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 22(7), pp. 1221–1224.

Bateman, J., Robertson, L., Thornley, L., Marsh, L., Hoek, J (2020). ‘New Zealand Tobacco Retailers’ Understandings of and Attitudes Towards Selling Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems: a qualitative exploration’, Tobacco Control, 29(e1).

Blank, M.L., Hoek, J (2020) ‘Roll-your-own Smokers’ Reactions to Cessation-efficacy Messaging Integrated into Tobacco Packaging Design: a sequential mixed-methods study’, Tobacco Control, doi:10.1136/ tobaccocontrol-2019-055284.

Blank, M.L., Hoek, J (2020), ‘Roll-your-own Loose Tobacco Packaging Warning Labels: a qualitative study using a novel elicitation method’, Tobacco Control, 29(6), pp. 672-678.

Bryant, Lia, Jamie, Kimberly & Sharples, Gary (2022) 'Reading Clay: the temporal and transformative potential of clay in contemporary scientific practice', Journal of Material Culture.

Bryant, L., and Williams, C. (2020) ‘Place and Space in Social Work’, Qualitative Social Work, 19(3), pp. 321-336.

Bryant, L (2020) 'Farming, Gender, and Mental Health', in Sachs, C et al. (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Gender and Agriculture, Routledge, UK, ch. 33, pp. 421-434.

Forlano, L., Glabau, D. (2024) Cyborg. Cambrige, Mass: MIT Press.

Forlano, L. (2020) ‘The Danger of Intimate Algorithms’, Public Books.

Centanni, T.M., Halpern, A.R., Seisler, A.R., & Wenger, M.J. (2020) ‘Context-dependent Neural Responses to Minor Notes in Frontal and Temporal Regions Distinguish Musicians from Nonmusicians’, Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 20(3), pp. 551-564.

Foxhall, Forbes (2023) ’Creating Knowledge and Knowing Creation in Theological and Scientific Writing in Late Antique Western Christendom’, in Ayres, L., Champion, M.W., Crawford, M.R. (eds) The Intellectual World of Late Antique Christianity: Reshaping Classical Traditions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 705-728.

Glendall, P., Hoek, J (2020) ‘Role of Flavours in Vaping Uptake and Cessation among New Zealand Smokers and Non-smokers: a cross-sectional study’, Tobacco Control, tobaccocontrol-2019-055469.

Greenspon, E. B., Pfordresher, P. Q., & Halpern, A. R (2020) ‘The Role of Long-Term Memory in Mental Transformations of Pitch’, Auditory Perception and Cognition, 3, pp. 76-93.

Gurram, N., Thomson, G., Wilson, N., Hoek, J (2019) ‘Electronic Cigarette Marketing by New Zealand Vendors’, New Zealand Medical Journal, 133(1506), pp. 20-33.

Haggart, K., Robertson, L., Blank, M-L., Popova, L., Hoek, J. ‘It’s Just Steam: a Qualitative Analysis of New Zealand ENDS Users Perceptions of Secondhand Aerosol’, Tobacco Control, Epub ahead of print, pp. 1-6.

Halpern, A.R (2020) ‘Processing of Musical Pitch, Time, and Emotion in Older Adults’ in Cuddy, L.L., Belleville, S. & Moussard, A (eds.) Music and the Aging Brain. San Diego: Academic Press.

Hee-jeong Choi, J., Braybrooke, K., & Forlano, L (2023) ‘Care-full Co-curation: critical urban placemaking for more-than-human futures’, City, V27 1-2, pp. 15-38.

Hoek, J., Glendall, P., Eckert, C., Louviere, J., Ling, P., Popova, L (2021) ‘Analysis of On-pack Messages for e-liquids: a discrete choice study’, Tobacco Control, doi. org/10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2020-056033).

Jamie, K., Sharples, G (2020) ‘The Social and Material Life of Antimicrobial Clay: exploring antimicrobial resistance, medicines’ materiality and medicines optimization’, Frontiers in Sociology. doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2020.00026.

Le Nagard, L., Brown, A.T., Dawson, A., Martinez, V.A,. Poon, W.C.K., Staykova, M (2022) Encapsulated bacteria deform lipid vesicles into flagellated swimmers’,  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)119(34), pp. 1-7.

Lockton, D., Forlano, L., Fass, J., Brawley, L. (2020) ‘Thinking with Things: landscapes, connections and performances as modes of building shared Understanding’, IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 40(6), pp.38-50.

Moreira, T., Marshall, J., & Staykova, M. (2023) ‘Engaging Publics in Imagining the Future of Engineered Living Materials’, Matter, 6(8), pp. 2467-2470.

Neil, B. (2022) ‘Forging the Faith: pseudo-epistolography in Christian late antiquity’ in Lennartz, K. & Martínez, J (eds.) Tenue est mendacium: Rethinking Fakes and Authorship in Classical, Late Antique, & Early Christian Works. Eelde: Barkhuis Publishing.

Neil, B (2021) Dreams and Divination from Byzantium to Baghdad (400-1000 CE). Oxford Studies in the Abrahamic Religions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Neil, B (2021) ‘Transitional Leadership in Homer’s Odyssey: Penelope and Odysseus’ in Caterine, M. (ed) SAGE Ancient Leadership Series – Transitions of Power, SAGE Business Cases. Sage Publications.

Nie, J.B., Xie, G., Chen, H., & Cong, Y (2020) ‘Conflict of Interest in Scientific Research in China: a socio-ethical analysis of He Jiankui’s human genome-editing experiment’, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 17(2), pp. 191-201.

Nie, J.B. (2020) ‘The Summit of a Moral Pilgrimage: confucianism on healthy ageing and social eldercare’, Nursing Ethics

Padilla, Nelson D., Magaña, Juan., Sureda, Joaquín ., Araya, Ignacio J (2021) ‘Power spectrum of density fluctuations, halo abundances, and clustering with primordial black holes’, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 504(3), pp. 3139–3155.

Petit, C (2023) Antiques, sadiques et diaboliques, Paris: Les Belles Lettres.

Petit, C. (2020) ‘Les manuscrits grecs du traité des Simples de Galien’, Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences, 70 (184-185), pp. 76-113.

Petit, C., Swain, S., Fischer, K.D (2021) Pseude-Galenica:the formation of the Galenic corpus from antiquity to the renaissance. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

Strickett, E., Robertson, L., Waa, A., Blank, M-L., Erick, S., Hoek, J. (2020) ‘A Qualitative Analysis of Maori and Pacific People’s Experiences of Using Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS)’, Nicotine & Tobacco Research.

Thomson, G.W, Hoek, J., Marsh, L (2020) ‘The Long-term Supply of Tobacco and Nicotine: some goals, principles and policy implications, Tobacco Control, 29(6).

Turner, C. (2022) ‘International Law and the Securitisation of Peacemaking: On Chapter VII, the Security Council and the Mediation Mandate in Yemen’, Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 28(1), pp. 161-186.