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Dalee Sambo Dorough at Durham Congregation 2024

DurhamARCTIC awards honorary degree to Iñupiaq scholar and legal advocate Dalee Sambo Dorough

On 28 June 2024, DurhamARCTIC Director Philip Steinberg, together with Associate Directors Bob Baxter and Abbie Garrington had the privilege of awarding an Honorary Doctorate in Civil Law to Dalee Sambo Dorough.

Dr Dorough, an international leader in human rights law, Indigenous Peoples' empowerment, and Arctic governance, has had a distinguished career including holding the positions of both Executive Director and Elected Chair of the Inuit Circumpolar Council. She also has had a key role in international fora, including serving on the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the International Law Association's Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. In these and other capacities, she has played a key role in implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the International Labor Organization's Convention 169 Concerning Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Independent Countries.