The Global Stocktake and International Law: Paradigm, Process, and Ambition - A successful Conference for the CSDLP!
We are thrilled to announce the success of our conference on ‘The Global Stocktake and International Law: Paradigm, Process, and Ambition International Conference.’ Held on the 22nd and 23rd of June, this conference marked the first part of a two-part series, with the second part scheduled to take place in Singapore, convened by the Centre for International Law at the National University of Singapore. Building upon last year's online workshops supported by the UNFCCC Secretariat, this event focused on the global stocktake, a vital mechanism of the Paris Agreement.
Presentations from world experts contributed to a dynamic environment for discussions, and ensured that participants had the privilege of engaging with cutting-edge research and insights. It enabled the exchange of ideas and fostered a deeper understanding of potential of the global stocktake. Speakers shared their expertise and perspectives on enhancing climate action and support in collective progress. The insights gained from the event will play a crucial role in shaping future actions.
We would like to particularly thank our speakers for their valuable contributions, and for making this conference a success and a significant step towards achieving enhanced ambition in tackling the challenges of climate change.