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Hydrogen for Transportation: Compact onboard storage - safety considerations

A video of the webinar "Compact onboard storage - safety considerations" from our Hydrogen for Transportation network is now ready to view on the DEI Youtube channel.
Hydrogen for Transportation image of train plane cars

DEI Celebrates International Women & Girls in Science Day

On 11 February 2021, 181 school pupils and teachers joined Durham Energy Institute and our Energy Centre of Doctoral Training to celebrate International Women and Girls in Science Day!
Image of panellists at event International Women and Girls in Science

Video of integrated zero-carbon hub for Hydrogen

The video of DEI - CESI research webinar on Integrated Zero-Carbon Hub is now live and available to view. It explores how by using an integrated, symbiotic system, hydrogen can deliver distributed heat, cooling and electricity for residential, industrial and commercial applications and provide hydrogen and electric charging services for transport.
Banner showing different energy sources in a hexagonal grid to depict energy systems integration

Making it fair: what would a just transition to net zero look like?

DEI Director Professor Simone Abram and Dr Rebecca Ford, University of Strathclyde were guest on the Climate Papers blog discussing what a socially inclusive approach to a decarbonised economy would look like.
Logo for the Climate Papers

New project to explore the impact of Home Working on Energy Usage during COVID-19

The Home Working NEATZERO project will measure the real energy consumption impacts of home working to help with future energy scenario planning.
Image of a home office working space with desk and monitor

Hydrogen - Back to the Future

The Aviva Investors Editorial team caught up with DEI Director Professor Tony Roskilly and other experts to find out about the future for Hydrogen.
H written in water droplets condensation

Energy Transition opportunities for women in STEM

Durham University, with support from the British Council, is offering six fully-funded Energy Transition Masters scholarships for female students from the Americas! DEI is delighted to be supporting this initiative.
Image of Women in STEM British Council initiative

New Project: Zero-Carbon Emission Integrated Cooling, Heating and Power (ICHP) Networks

DEI have been awarded EPSRC funding to work with National Grid on a new research into decarbonising heating and cooling using Hydrogen.
A stack of gas pipes

Durham research supports £12.7m National Grid hydrogen research facility

Durham to support National Grid's first of its kind offline hydrogen research facility to explore how gas transmission networks could be used to transport hydrogen in the future.
A stack of gas pipes