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Magazines published by the Durham Energy Institute

A short series of magazines published by the Durham Energy Institute

Durham Energy Institutes 15th Anniversary Magazine

Edition of DEI magazine to mark the Institute's 15th Anniversary in September 2024
Image Front cover for accessible copy DEI 15th Anniversary Magazine

Durham Energy Institute (DEI) 10th Anniversary Highlights

Highlights from 10 years of Durham Energy Institute research, training, engagement and partnerships (2009 to 2019)
10 Anniversary Highlights for DEI

DEI review magazine 11 - Spring 2019

Read about the DEI Co-director chairs the European Universities Association Platform; three news centres for Doctoral training; Energy on the move and so much more......
Cover for DEI review issue 11 Spring 2019

DEI review magazine 10 - Summer 2018

Read about our policy successes; our prestigious awards; the role of social sciences in EU policy and so much more..........................
Cover for DEI review issue 10 Summer 2018

DEI review magazine 9 - Autumn 2017

Meet the new DEI Director; read about Brexit's impact on Energy security; learn about our growing partnership with Mexico and so much more..........................
Cover for DEI review issue 9 Spring 2017

DEI review magazine 8 - Autumn 2016

Read about the new Centre for Energy Systems Integration; Smart Grid Innovations; learn about Our Mining Legacy and so much more..........................
Cover for DEI review issue 8 Autumn 2016

DEI review magazine 7 - Winter 2015-16

Read about Rising powers and low energy transition in Sub-Sahara Africa; how to charge millions of electric vehicles at once and so much more..........................
Cover for DEI review issue 7 Winter 2015/16

DEI review magazine 6 - Summer 2015

Read about World Solar Car Challenge; energy training @ Durham; off-grid and renewable transitions in energy livelihoods and so much more..........................
Cover for DEI review issue 6 Summer 2015

DEI review magazine 5 - Winter 2014-15

Read about A Chemist in the Commons; Supporting Innovation in Local Governance; leading the public energy debate and so much more..........................
Cover for DEI review issue 5 Winter 2014/15

DEI review magazine 4 - Spring 2014

In this issue Leading the public energy debate; attitudes to renewable energy; new biotechnology and bioenergy network and so much more..........................
Cover for DEI review issue 4 summer 2014

DEI review magazine 3 - Winter 2013

In this issue Energy Bill enables low-carbon transformation; future power generation technologies; Keeping the lights on and so much more..........................
Cover for DEI review issue 3 Winter  2013/14

DEI review magazine 2 - Summer 2013

In this issue Urban Climate Justice; Low carbon energy for development; Local action in Durham and so much more..........................
Cover for DEI review issue 2 Summer  2013