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Obstetric Violence Blog 

The Obstetric Violence Blog offers a multidisciplinary platform for commentary, analysis, and critical reflection on established and emerging issues related to obstetric violence, disrespect and abuse during pregnancy and childbirth, and human rights in childbirth more generally. It aims to promote dialogue and awareness of obstetric violence related issues between interested stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and across the globe. We welcome submissions from students, early career researchers, policymakers, academics from all relevant fields, lawyers, healthcare professionals and support services, civil society organisations and anyone with a vested interest in obstetric violence and abuse during childbirth which is broadly construed.

Blogs will not be peer-reviewed but will be reviewed by the editorial staff for relevance, originality, timeliness, topic, style, and focus. Blogs under consideration elsewhere or those already published on other platforms will not be considered. Before being posted on the CELLS website, editors will collaborate with authors to edit the piece. Twitter will be used to publicise blogs on publication (on submitting your blog post please provide details of your Twitter account or that of your research group so that we can tag you when sharing).

To submit a blog post for consideration, please read our Blog Guidelines



Latest Blogs

Obstetric Violence as Ontological Boundary Work in Second Trimester Pregnancy Loss

Seeking to explain deep-rooted cultural drivers of obstetric violence in the context of pregnancy loss in England, Aimee Middlemiss discusses how normative ideas that a pregnancy should produce a healthy, living baby are shored up by obstetric violence in cases of second trimester pregnancy loss.
Two people standing on a grassy hill in the distance

‘Threads Of Protest: Human Rights in Childbirth’ Challenging Obstetric Violence and Human Rights Abuses During Pregnancy and Birth

This blog post details Dr Gemma McKenzie's Economic and Social Research Council funded project, Threads of Protest. The project draws from yarnbombing and craftivism as forms of protest, and it includes a crochet exhibition to challenge the injustices of obstetric violence. Members of the public are encouraged to donate granny squares to be included in the exhibition!
Colourful crochet squares with white text stating threads of protest human rights in childbirth

National Survey on Obstetric Violence and Birth Trauma in the UK: The Birth Experience Study (BESt)

This blog post details the exciting news that the Birth Experience Study (BESt) is coming to the UK. This is a national survey that aims to understand women’s experiences of birth trauma and obstetric violence and it is the first survey to focus on these issues in the UK.
Logo of the Birth Experiences Study

‘This Deliberate and Systematic Practice’: How Doctors’ Religious Beliefs Impelled Ireland’s Forced Symphysiotomies

Marie O’Connor traces the religious motives for systemic reliance on symphysiotomy procedures in Ireland, highlighting serious human rights violations and exposing flawed and unfounded arguments by the government to avoid accountability.
Female Pelvis, Female, Pubic Arch, Brim of lesser Pelvis, Contributed by Gray's Anatomy

Same Story, Different Country – The Experiences of Muslim Women in Irish Maternity Hospitals

In this post, Amal Women’s Association share some of the findings from their investigation into Muslim women’s experiences of maternity care in Ireland. The report, ‘A Mother is Born Too’ exposes concerning manifestations of obstetric violence and racism, particularly towards migrant Hijab wearing women.
Amal team on lauch day of report

Recording of 'Obstetric Violence: A Multidisciplinary Analysis', 18 May 2023

The Centre for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences and Centre for Research into Violence and Abuse co-hosted a multidisciplinary panel on obstetric violence on 18 May 2023, at Durham Law School. We are pleased to share the recording in this post.
YouTube logo on mobile phone

Tied2Beds: Spatial Hauntings in Obstetric Care

Noting the importance of naming obstetric violence, Nicole Daniels and Veronica Mitchell foreground how material relations with/in the labour ward normalise institutional arrangements that manifest as violence. The authors focus on the power and implications of beds on the labour ward floor as a component of the materiality of violence in obstetric care.
A doctor's hand drawing of the central role of beds in the labour ward

The Iatrogenic Harm of Binary Gender in Perinatal Care: How Perinatal Systems Insistence on a Gender Binary Risks Babies Lives

In this post on naming and framings of violations in maternity care, Mari Greenfield and Yuval Topper introduce a case study to draw attention to unseen violences that occur when trans people rely on NHS perinatal services that enforce sex binaries and structure care according to cisgender and heterosexual frameworks.
Colourful letter tiles spelling the word transgender

Birth Trauma, Obstetric Violence, and the Human Cost of Caring

Cristen Pascucci, Founder of Birth Monopoly and Director of ‘Mother May I’, reflects on the cost of caring in the context of obstetric violence and highlights pressing concerns about secondary traumatic stress. An essential read for those working on obstetric violence.
12 burnt matchsticks against a grey background

The Supreme Court of Israel allows the operation of natural birth centres outside hospitals

Dganit Sommerfeld details the ground-breaking ruling delivered in Nashim Korot Laledet v State of Israel, a case that lifts the ban on ‘natural birth centres’ in Israel. This piece traces the progression of the case which ultimately recognised the importance of women’s ability to choose their own birthing experience. A promising milestone in the fight to address obstetric violence in Israel.
Poster on street lamp stating good news

The Iatrogenic Harm of Heterosexism in Perinatal Care: Have We Forgotten Lesbian Mothers during Covid?

Mari Greenfield continues the blog series on naming and framings of violations in maternity care. The post exposes several heteronormative framings in perinatal care, with a focus on lesbian co-breastfeeding mothers' experiences. She reveals the harmful consequences of heteronormative Covid maternity restriction policies which fail to recognise diversity in family structures and the different roles that parents play. Not all partners are fathers and not only mothers who birth can breastfeed.
Pride flag

The Battle for Recognition: Obstetric Violence and its Long Controversies

This blog continues the blog series on naming and framing of violations in maternity care. Rachelle Chadwick traces the racist, sexist, and misogynistic history of obstetric care and provides some hard-hitting critique of those who refuse to engage with ‘obstetric violence’ and its ‘struggle history’.
Multiple squares of plain white paper