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Prof Nancy Cartwright  CHESS Co-Director
Prof Robin Hendry CHESS Co-Director 
Prof Peter Vickers CHESS Co-Director 

Dr Sarah Wieten

CHESS Co-Director 


Steering Group

Dr Jana Bacevic Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology
Dr Greg Lusk Department of Philosophy
Dr Joseph D Martin Associate Professor (History of Science and Technology) in the Department of History
Dr Katherine Puddifoot Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy



Administrator (CHESS) Email: 
Emma Gardiner: Administrator (EURiCA Project) Email:


Research Students

Sam Colclough

Sam is currently studying an interdisciplinary PhD in Sociology with Philosophy. His research uses the scientific response to COVID-19 in the UK as a site for understanding how the production of scientific knowledge is politically mediated, with a particular focus on the ways and extent to which politics became embedded in the knowledge claims made by the UK scientific advisory community during the pandemic. Prior to studying for a PhD, Sam worked as a parliamentary assistant to a Labour MP and spent three years at the University of Liverpool in an impact role.


Alexandre Fonseca 

Alexandre holds a BA in Law from the Franciscan University (Brazil), as well as a BA and a MA in Philosophy from the Federal University of Santa Maria (Brazil). He published papers on Philosophy of Law and Philosophy of Science. His general research interests are in the fields of Legal Theory, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of the Social Sciences and Philosophy of Economics. Currently, his doctoral research focuses on the relationship between micro and macro patterns in Economics and Social Sciences. 

Cat Gillen (EURiCA project)

Cat is a PhD student within the EURiCA project (Exploring Uncertainty and Risk in Contemporary Astrobiology). She has an MA in Logic and Philosophy of Science from the MCMP, Munich and is currently researching uncertainties inherent in biosignatures in the face of their abiotic mimics.



Associate Members 

Prof. Catherine Alexander  Professor in the Department of Anthropology, Durham University
Prof. Deryck Beyleveld
Professor of Durham Law School              
Member of Durham CELLS (Centre for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences)                              
Member of the Human Rights Centre
Emeritus Prof. David S. Byrne 
Emeritus Professor in the Department of Sociology          
Fellow in the Durham Research Methods Centre
Jeremy Clarke CBE 
National Adviser, Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) & DWP 
Consultant Adviser to New Economy 
Dr Nick Cowen  Lecturer in Criminology, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lincoln 
Professor Sharon Crasnow Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Norco College, California 
Professor in the Department of Geography, Durham University                         
Principal Investigator in the Tipping Points Research Project        
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing
Professor in the Department of Theology and Religion 
Member in the Centre for Visual Arts and Culture 
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing 
Professor Matthew Daniel Eddy
Professor in the Department of Philosophy
Professor Yulia Egorova 
ORCID profile 
Professor in the Department of Anthropology 
Member in the Institute for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies 
Florian Fischer  Research Associate, University of Siegen
Areas of specialization: Laws of Nature, Dispositions, Persistence 
Dr Katherine Furman 
Lecturer in Philosophy, Politics & Economics, University of Liverpool
Katherine is the Philosophy, Politics and Economics lecturer at the University of Liverpool. She is a Philosopher of Public Policy, who works mostly on health policy cases. 
Dr Peter Garratt  Associate Professor in the Department of English Studies 
Dr Philip Goff  Associate Professor/Deputy Director of Phil MA/Tutor Manager in the Department of Philosophy 
Contact: Dr Philip Goff
Professor Mathew Guest  Professor in the Sociology of Religion in the Department of Theology and Religion 
Chaplain (Quaker) in the Chaplains 
Jeremy Hardie  Research associate, CPNSS, LSE 
Former Chair of WH Smith, Loch Fyne Restaurants and the Centre for Economic Policy Research 
Professor in the School of Education       
Fellow in the Durham Research Methods Centre                 
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing
B.V.E Hyde

Research Fellow at the Research on Research Institute at University College London. A metascientist and philosopher of science interested in scientific method and the method of policymaking as well as research ethics. Contact:

Professor Simon James Personal web page 
Professor in the Department of English Studies 
Dr Donal Khosrowi  Postdoctoral researcher, Leibniz University Hannover 
Marie-Helene Labbe  Member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies 
Dr Christopher Lawless  ORCID profile 
Personal web page 
Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology 
Jessica Lee  PhD Candidate and Junior Researcher at the Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG), University of Cape Town, South Africa 
Dr Greg Lusk  Department of Philsophy, Durham University
Professor Jane Macnaughton 
Professor of Medical Humanities in the Department of Anthropology                     
Research Associate in the Department of English Studies                               
Deputy to the Vice-Provost (Research) in the Vice-Chancellor's Office                       
Former Director of the Institute for Medical Humanities                 
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing
Professor Holger Maehle  Professor/Director of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of Philosophy 
Professor, History of Medicine and Disease in the Centre for the History of Medicine and Disease 
Dr Joseph D. Martin 
Assistant Professor (History of Science and Technology) in the Department of History, Durham University 
Dr Coreen McGuire  ORCID profile 
Lecturer (Twentieth-Century British History) in the Department of History, Durham University
Dr James Miller  ORCID profile 
Personal web page 
Assistant Professor/Nat Science advisor and Exam Board Rep/Seminar Organiser in the Department of Philosophy 
Contact: Dr James Miller 
Prof Eleonora Montuschi

Professor of Philosophy of Science in the Department of Philosophy, University of Venice Ca' Foscari and Coordinator/PI, Inclusive science and European democracies (ISEED -960366) 

Her area of expertise is in the philosophy of science and social science. She works on objectivity, the theory and practice of evidence, and methodological issues of the social sciences.
Tamlyn Munslow
Tamlyn was a CHESS/K4U PhD student on the ERC funded K4U project and is interested in whether evidence-based intervention and evaluation in fact harm the pursuit of knowledge for equitable policymaking. 

Professor Paul D. Murray

Professor of Systematic Theology in the Department of Theology and Religion 
Member of the Centre for Visual Arts and Culture                             
Member of the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Professor Shaun Pattinson
Researcher ID profile 
ORCID profile 
Professor of Medical Law and Ethics in Durham Law School 
Member of Durham CELLS (Centre for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences)                              
Member of the Human Rights Centre                    
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing
Dr William Peden  Posdoctoral Researcher, Erasmus University, Rotterdam  
John Pemberton 

AHRC sponsored PhD student in Philosophy, Durham University

Project Team Member of the Society for the Philosophy of Time (SPoT) 

Dr Menno Rol  Lecturer, University of Groningen 

Fanidh Senanta Sanogo

PhD student, University of Cape Town
Doug Scott  Managing Director, What You See Is All There Is Ltd 
Holder, Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion, Lifetime Achievement Award 
Professor Leonard A Smith  Research Professor, Department of Statistics, London School of Economics 
Director, Centre for the Analysis of Time Series (CATS), London School of Economics 
Member of Oxford Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, University of Oxford  
Professor Robert Song Professor in the Department of Theology and Religion 
Member of Durham CELLS (Centre for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences) 
Dr Waney Squier  Honorary Clinical lecturer, University of Oxford 
Professor Veronica Strang
Pieter Streicher Research Associate, University of Johannesburg
Dr Emily Thomas  Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy 
Member of the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 
Fellow of University College 
Leader of Work Package 5 in Tipping Points Research Project 
Dr Peter West  Teaching Fellow in the Department of Philosophy 
Contact: Dr Peter West 
Professor Alison Wylie  Professor of Philosophy, University of British Columbia 
Personal web page