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J.R.V. Prescott Workshop Scholarship

Thanks to a generous donation from the estate of international boundaries scholar JRV Prescott, IBRU is pleased to announce the JRV Prescott Student Scholarship Programme, to support postgraduate attendance at IBRU training workshops.

Each year, IBRU will award one person a scholarship covering a workshop registration fee, plus up to £500 to defray expenses, to attend one of that year’s regularly scheduled training workshops. To be eligible a student must be studying or have completed studies of a Postgraduate qualification in the last 5 years, in any discipline. The scholarship programme is presently scheduled to run annually through 2026.
Our professional training workshops

How to apply 

To apply, please email the following to no later than the 15th April in the year in which you hope to attend a workshop. Applications should consist of: 

  1. A statement, no longer than 500 words in length, detailing one’s background, course of study, career goals, and how attending the workshop will enable the applicant to complete their course of studies, pursue their career goals, and/or contribute to goals consistent with IBRU’s mission of “facilitat[ing] enhanced understanding of border areas, contribut[ing]to the peaceful resolution of boundary disputes, and engag[ing] with broader geographic questions concerning the changing nature of sovereignty, territory, citizenship, and the political organisation of space.” Applicants should name a specific workshop and explain why that is particularly appropriate for their training needs. 
  2. A curriculum vitae, no longer than two pages in length.
  3. One letter of recommendation.

The applications will be considered by a select group from the IBRU Steering Committee and the successful applicant will be contacted by IBRU. 


Past Awardees

VÍCTOR ALEJANDRO RIENOSO 2022 Prescott Scholarship Awardee

MASOUMEH PARSOON 2024 Prescott Scholarship Awardee