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We work with a range of partners, including both academic and non-academic organisations, across the UK and around the world.

Find out more about the Centres and Networks linked with IMH

The Black Health and the Humanities Network

Collaboration with The Black Health and the Humanities Network bridges further cross-institutional and cross-disciplinary dialogue.
The Black Health and the Humanities Network-square

Centre for Philosophy of Epidemiology, Medicine, and Public Health

The Durham-Johannesburg Centre (CPEMPH) is a platform for interdisciplinary research into the philosophical aspects of human health.
A market street in Kenya with various traders and pedestrians

Religion, Health, and Humanities Researchers

The RHHR cultivates scholarship at the intersection of religion, spirituality and health by fostering cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural collaborations.

Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research

IMH is one of the lead partners in the Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research [NNMHR]

Neurodivergent Humanities

A safe and generative space that accommodates the diverse, individual needs of scholars working in the humanities.
Crossing black lines with orange circles at the intersections on a white background.

The Early Career Hallucination Research (ECHR)

ECHR is part of the International Consortium on Hallucination Research and works to connect early career researchers with an interest in hallucinations across the world.
ECHR logo, featuring a capital 'E' next to an icon of a globe with the letters 'CHR' beneath.

Wellcome HSS Centres

We work closely with the other three Wellcome funded HSS research centres.
Wellcome Trust logo

Get in touch

For general enquiries, please contact us by email.

Institute for Medical Humanities

Durham University

Confluence Building

Lower Mountjoy

Stockton Road



T. +44 (0)191 334 8277