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Cookery Course

28 June 2021 - 2 July 2021

12:00AM - 12:00AM


  • £125 per person. 25% discount for IMEMS members (email to subscribe list)

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Blackfriars, in collaboration with medieval experts from Durham University's Institute of Medieval & Early Modern Studies (IMEMS), is hosting a five-day online cookery course delving deep into this fascinating collection of recipes on meat, fish and game as well as vegetables, pottage, and sweet dishes.

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Online Cookery Course Image

Associated with the court of King Richard II, and surviving in a number of hand-scribed 15th century copies, the Forme of Cury is the most famous English cookbook of the Middle Ages - and we a copy here in the North East at Durham!


We’ll take the original recipes and present them with the help of Blackfriars chefs for the modern palate and introduce you to the historical period as well through films, podcasts explaining the period, the history, and how medieval people lived. We also have live Q&A sessions and a lively Facebook page to show-off your own creations!

Steeped in history and working with the best of modern cuisine, Blackfriars 13th century former Dominican friary is the perfect virtual venue for the course. Chefs Chris and Craig, and owner Andy Hook, join forces with Professor Giles Gasper and colleagues from Durham University and further afield, to bring you EAT MEDIEVAL: FIT FOR A KING. Come and join our growing online community of medieval food lovers. 


£125 per person. 25% discount for IMEMS members (email to subscribe list)