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Digital illustration of Triple-A

Our new Triple-A training tool, designed to support autistic and neurodivergent pupils at school, is being launched on the 24th of March 2022.

Working to support neurodivergent pupils in school is a key focus for the team at the Centre for Neurodiversity and Development.  That is why, over the last year, the team have been developing evidence-based training to support a set of difficulties commonly experienced by autistic and neurodivergent pupils called Triple-A. Triple-A refers to difficulties with attention, arousal and anxiety. These are issues which interact with each other and which can have an significant impact on the ability to engage at school. The training that is being developed is targeted at educational professionals, such as teachers, teaching assistants and school leaders, to raise awareness and understanding of these hidden difficulties.

Funded by the ESRC IAA and Research England, Prof Mary HanleyProfessor Debbie Riby and Jess Hirst have been working in collaboration with the Communication and Interaction Team from Durham County Council to develop this online training for educators on Triple-A. It is based on research that has been conducted at the Centre for Neurodiversity and Development, and it provides a range of strategies to support Triple-A needs at school. A big emphasis of the training is research that shows how the school environment poses unique challenges for autistic and neurodivergent pupils, and small changes can make a big difference.

The training will be freely accessible to anyone who wishes to use it. It will launch on the 24th of March 2022. Please go to the Triple-A project page for further details. Building on the success of this impact work, the team was recently awarded  follow-up funding to develop the Triple-A support package further, and in April 2022 they will start the second phase of this work which will involve making a manualised support package for whole-school training.

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