Influencing church debates on same-sex relationships

Prominent theologians from our Department of Theology and Religion are driving the discussion forward on same-sex relationships and equal marriage.
Their pioneering research is making a difference in shaping church debates and policies.
Engaging in constructive debates
Their research has improved the quality of conversation between different parties on the question of same-sex relationships and equal marriages.
Their work has led to the Church of Scotland’s formal change of position on same-sex marriage.
The work of Professor Robert Song was extensively cited in the Theological Forum’s report into same-sex relationships, where it was described as one of the most perceptive theological works in this field.
Living in Love and Faith
Our academics have greatly contributed to the Church of England’s Living in Love and Faith (LLF) project, including its core book publication.
Their research has had impact on people’s understanding and attitudes within the Church of England and challenged the LLF project team to take interdisciplinary approaches seriously.
Durham’s research and contribution to the LLF project was commended as of the highest quality.
Find out more
- This pioneering work has been carried out by Robert Song, Christopher Cook, Mike Higton, Walter Moberly and Simon Oliver, professors in our Department of Theology and Religion.
- Read about the research on science and theology in human sexuality and use of scripture in contemporary debate about homosexuality.
- Interested in studying at Durham? Explore our undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Department of Theology and Religion.