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Dr Behzad Kazemtabrizi

Associate Professor, Director of Education

Associate Professor, Director of Education in the Department of Engineering+44 (0) 191 33 41734


I received my PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering emphasising on Power Systems from the University of Glasgow in 2011. Shortly after I joined the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Durham University where I worked as a Post Doctoral Research Associate (PDRA) from February 2012 till September 2013. I have been with the Department of Engineering (formerly School of Engineering and Computer Science) at Durham University first as an Assistant Professor between September 2013 - July 2020 and as an Associate Professor since July 2020. 

My principal research interests are in advanced electrical power systems modelling, analysis, simulation and optimisation for improving performance and reliability of future flexible power systems.

I have in the past looked at problems that encompass reliability of large-scale offshore wind farms (e.g. UK round 3 developments) where I have focused on efficient and reliable grid integration of the wind farm to the grid. The research covers a wide variety of subjects, from developing tools for evaluating effects of large scale wind power in system adequacy (ability to meet demand), cost-benefit analysis of deploying alternative offshore connections, and integration of energy storage for maintaining performance standards within the whole power network. 

I have lately been working on flexible power systems especially hybrid AC/DC networks with an outlook of planning and optimising the operation of such systems. In this context, I am interested at looking at operational aspects in which the controllability and reliability of the system is improved by employing flexible power flow control. This research area focuses on both large-scale integration of HVDC systems within existing AC transmission systems as well as integration of AC/DC networks in distribution networks.

I have used a variety of computational packages over the years including MATLAB based MATPOWER power systems simulation package, PSCAD/EMTDC for dynamic simulations in power systems, and general- purpose model-based language packages such as AIMMS for optimisation problems.

I am interested in hearing from prospective PhD students who may be intersted in pursuing a research career into advanced topics of power systems operation and reliability. I am also interested in students in relevant areas of mathematics and physics, particularly data sciences, and statistics who are looking for applied problems in future energy/power systems.

Research interests

  • Advanced Power Systems Modelling
  • Decision Making under Uncertainty
  • Flexibility and Resiliency in Future Power Systems
  • Power Electronics (FACTS/HVDC)
  • Reliability Evaluation of Power Systems
  • Optimal Power Flows
  • Renewable Energy Integration (Wind Power)
  • Power System Dynamics


Authored book

Chapter in book

Conference Paper

Journal Article


Supervision students