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Professor Carole Torgerson

Honorary Professor

Honorary Professor in the School of Education
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing

Esteem Indicators

  • 2000: Awards and prizes: Janet Duffin Award 2013

    British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM) 

    Torgerson, C.J., Wiggins, A., Torgerson, D.J., Ainsworth, H., Hewitt, C.(2013) Every Child Counts: Testing policy effectiveness using a RCT, Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, 15 (2) 141-153

    The Janet Duffin Award is made annually by the Society to the author (or authors) of what is judged to be the most outstanding contribution - either research paper or essay review - published in the Society’s journal, Research in Mathematics Education [RME], during the preceding calendar year.

  • 2000: Peer review: Journals 

    American Educational Research Journal; Annals of Medicine; Biological Psychiatry; British Educational Research Journal; British Journal of Child Psychiatry and Psychology; British Journal of Educational Psychology; British Journal of Educational Studies; British Journal of Psychology; Child and Adolescent Mental Health; Controlled Clinical Trials; Developmental Science; Educational Research and Evaluation; Educational Review; Effective Education; European Journal of Psychology of Education; Evidence and Policy; International Journal of Educational Research; International Journal of Research and Method in Education; Journal of Early Childhood Research; Journal of Mathematics Education; Journal of Public Policy Research; Journal of Research in Reading; Learning and Instruction; Learning, Media and Technology; Oxford Review of Education; Pediatrics; Psychological Methods; Research Synthesis Methods; Review of Education; Scientific Studies of Reading; Systematic Reviews

    Other peer review

     (UK) ESRC grants board; (US) Institutes for Educational Sciences: reports (reading and writing); (US) Institutes for Educational Sciences: grants board (science and maths; reading and writing); (UK) MRC grants board; SAGE; Education Endowment Foundation peer review

  • 2000: Keynotes: Keynote presentation: The history and future of randomised controlled trials in education: 100 years of experimental trials in education conference, jointly organised by RSS and NFER, Royal Statistical Society, September 23rd, 2019

    Keynote Lecture: Janet Duffin Lecture, BSRLM conference, University of Southampton, June 14th 2014

    Keynote speaker: meeting hosted by President of the French Academy of Sciences (closed meeting), (Paris) on the theme ‘Vers une éducation fondée sur la preuve scientifique?’ (Towards an evidence-based education?), May, 2009.

    Keynote presentation: ESRC Research Methods Programme 2007 Conference: ‘Challenges for the 21st Century’: ‘The feasibility of conducting randomised trials in education research’, Nov. 2007.

    Keynote lecture: 2006 Cathie Marsh Memorial Lecture, organised jointly by the Social Research Association (SRA) and the Royal Statistical Society (RSS), 'The suitability of randomised controlled trials in social research', Nov 9, 2006.

  • 2000: Member of Editorial Boards: Effective Education, Routledge Journals (Taylor Francis), 2007- present; Educational Research and Evaluation, 2012-; Campbell Collaboration Education Co-ordinating Group, 2012-; Journal of Research in Reading, 2013-

    Editor, Review of Education, 2017-

    Guest Editor, Special Issue, Educational Research Journal (2018) Randomised controlled trials in educational research: Methodological debates, questions, challenges, Vol 60(3) 2018


  • 2000: Invited presentations: Undertaking randomised controlled trials in education settings: Challenges and solutions Randomised controlled trials in education workshop, Universitat Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, Italia, 15th October, 2018

    A critique of pure teaching methods and the case for synthetic phonics Research seminar, UCL/IOE, 22/11/'17

    Systematic Reviews: Challenges in communicating the results to policy-makers VIVE/SFI Danish National Research Centre, Copenhagen, September, 2017

    RCTs: State of the Art SFI Danish National Research Centre, Copenhagen, March, 2017

    Owning the future scholarly lecture series (Hatfield College, Durham University) Evaluating Public Policy, January 25th 2017

    Scholars' Supper (John Snow College, Durham University)Challenges in researching the effectiveness of interventions to improve educaiton and wider outcomes for disadvantaged children, Nov. 27th, 2015

    The Rise of RCTs in Education: Statistical and Practical Challenges: Royal Statistical Society Social Statistics Section, November 4th, 2015

    Building Evidence into Education, Ben Goldacre report launch, DfE, London, March 14th 2013, meeting hosted by Michael Gove

    John Snow legacy conference: Opportunities and challenges of undertaking trials in education, April 11th and 12th, 2013

    Experimental evaluation in education for the Ivalua international workshop Social Experiments and Innovation: a new paradigm for public intervention? Barcelona, September 26th 2013

    A brief history of randomised experiments in education (over the last 100 years) for the Century of Social Enquiry seminar series, Department of Social Policy and Innovation, University of Oxford, November 7th 2013

  • 2000: Cabinet Office: Academic Advisory Panel, 2014
  • 2000: Co-Chair and Editor, international Campbell Collaboration Education Co-ordinating Group: and member of C2 Steering Group, 2006–09
  • 2000: International: Member (only non-US) Expert Methodology Group, United States, Institutes of Education Sciences (IES), 2010
  • 2000: International: Member Advisory Board: edited volume: Lipsey, M. and Cordray, M. (Eds.) Field Experimentation: Methods for Evaluating What Works, for Whom, Under What Circumstances, How and Why, Sage, 2009
  • 2000: UKLA/Wiley-Blackwell Research in Literacy Education Award: Member of 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 panels
  • 2000: National: Member of Academic Group, Dept. of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) to support the Government's review of adult literacy and numeracy provision, 2011-12

    Consultant methodologist and methods trainer, BIS, 2013-14

  • 2000: International Peer Review Panel: Member, Trygfonden Foundation grants peer review panel, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014.
  • 2000: International: Principal member (only non-US) Reading and Writing Scientific Review Panel, United States, Institutes of Education Sciences (IES), 2008-11
  • 2000: International: Principal member Mathematics and Science Scientific Review Panel, United States, Institutes of Education Sciences (IES), 2007-8 and 2011-13
  • 2000: Joint organiser: Annual international conference: Randomised controlled trials in the social sciences 2006-20
  • 2000: International Advisory Group: Supporting Informed Healthcare Choices in Low Income Countries research project (based in Norway)

    Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring, Durham University

    Family StAR project, Università Cattolica di Milano (based in Italy)

    Campbell Collaboration UK and Ireland


Authored book

Chapter in book

Journal Article

Other (Digital/Visual Media)
