Staff profile
Affiliation |
Professor (History of Visual Culture) in the Department of History |
I am a historian of photography, visual art, and museum and heritage practices. My research considers how photography developed in tandem with industrialization, colonial and imperial expansion (especially in North Africa and the Middle East), and ideas of heritage preservation. I view photographic archives and museum collections not as dead legacies of these pasts, but as living expressions of them which, as historians, we have a responsibility to analyze, evaluate, and confront.
My previous research focused on how different people, at different times and places, have represented the culture we know as 'ancient Egypt'. My work on the history of the Tutankhamun excavation has helped challenge conventional narratives of the discovery by drawing attention to the political contexts of archaeology, photography, and museum displays. My most recent book, Treasured: How Tutankhamun Shaped a Century (Atlantic Books 2021; Public Affairs 2022) traced the different trajectories taken by the tomb, its 'treasures', and its archive, from the 1920s to the present day. I have also published the first academic study of the excavation's photographic archive, in a book called Photographing Tutankhamun (Bloomsbury 2019).
My current research considers the role of historic photographs in contemporary culture, from digital colourization, to museum and heritage displays, to public art and local history. I am working with Heba Abd el-Gawad to develop a 'counterarchive' of archaeology at Luxor, Egypt, and I am developing a new project on photographic history, the visual arts, and heritage practices in the context of 19th and early 20th century industrialization – including the Durham Coalfield in the northeast of England.
More broadly, I am interested in how photography informs historical methods and how photographs function as social and material objects. Approaches from anthropology, museum studies, and the history of science have helped shape my interdisciplinary work. Trained as an archaeologist and Egyptologist, I began my career working on the visual culture of Roman Egypt and curating museum collections of Egyptian antiquities. Before joining the Department of History at Durham University, I spent twelve years in the Department of Art History and World Art Studies at the University of East Anglia, Norwich.
My research has been funded by the British Academy, the Leverhulme Trust, and the Arts and Humanities Research Council. I am a former Fellow and Visiting Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford University. In 2012, I delivered the Evans-Pritchard Lectures at All Souls College, which were published as Unwrapping Ancient Egypt (Bloomsbury 2014) – first runner-up in the BKFS Book Prize for Middle Eastern Studies in 2015.
Research Supervision
I welcome inquiries from potential postgraduate research students interested in the history of photography, museums, and visual culture.
Research interests
- History of photography
- History of museums, collecting, and display
- Archaeology, colonialism, and empire
Authored book
- Riggs, C. (2022). Treasured: How Tutankhamun Shaped a Century. (Paperback ed. with new preface). Atlantic Books
- Riggs, C., & Cernuschi, G. (. (2022). Vedo cose meravigliose: Come la tomba di Tutankhamon ha plasmato cento anni di storia. Bollati Boringhieri
- Riggs, C. (2021). Treasured: How Tutankhamun Shaped a Century. Atlantic Books
- Riggs, C. (2020). Ancient Egyptian Magic: A Hands-On Guide. Thames & Hudson
- Riggs, C. (2018). Photographing Tutankhamun: Archaeology, Ancient Egypt, and the Archive. Routledge.
- Riggs, C. (2017). Egypt. Reaktion Books; University of Chicago Press
- Riggs, C. (2017). Tutankhamun: The Original Photographs. The Gower Press
- Riggs, C. (2014). Unwrapping Ancient Egypt. Bloomsbury
- Riggs, C. (2014). Ancient Egyptian Art and Architecture: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press
- Riggs, C. (2006). The Beautiful Burial: Art, Identity, and Funerary Religion in Roman Egypt. Oxford University Press
Chapter in book
- Riggs, C. (2020). Archaeology and photography. In G. Pasternak (Ed.), The Handbook of Photography Studies. Bloomsbury
- Riggs, C. (2020). Photographing Tutankhamun: PhotoObjects and the archival afterlives of colonial archaeology. In J. Bärnighausen, C. Caraffa, S. Klamm, F. Schneider, & P. Wodtke (Eds.), PhotoObjects: On the Materiality of Photographs and Photo Archives in the Humanities and Sciences (291-308). Max Planck Research Library
- Riggs, C. (2018). Loose bodies: Reserve collections, curatorial reservations, and the ancient Egyptian dead. In M. Brusius, & K. Singh (Eds.), Museum Storage and Meaning: Tales from the Crypt (253-62). Routledge
- Riggs, C. (2015). Discussing knowledge in the making. In W. Carruthers (Ed.), Histories of Egyptology: Interdisciplinary Measures (129-38). Routledge
- Riggs, C. (2015). Egypt. In E. A. Friedland, M. G. Sobocinski, & E. K. Gazda (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Roman Sculpture (552-68). Oxford University Press
- Riggs, C. (2013). Mourning women and decorum in ancient Egyptian art. In E. Frood, & A. McDonald (Eds.), Decorum and Experience: Essays in Ancient Culture for John Baines (156-62). Peeters Publishers
- Riggs, C. (2013). Greco-Roman Egypt. In D. Hicks, & A. Stevenson (Eds.), World Archaeology at the Pitt Rivers Museum: A Characterization (115-21). Archaeopress
- Riggs, C. (2012). Portraits, prestige, piety: Images of women in Roman Egypt. In S. L. James, & S. Dillon (Eds.), A Companion to Women in the Ancient World (423-36). Blackwell
- Riggs, C. (2010). Ancient Egypt in the museum: Concepts and constructions. In A. B. Lloyd (Ed.), A Companion to Ancient Egypt, 2 vols (1129-53). Blackwell
- Riggs, C. (2010). Tradition and innovation in the burial practices of Roman Egypt. In K. Lembke, M. Minas-Nerpel, & S. Pfeiffer (Eds.), Tradition and Transformation: Egypt under Roman Rule (343-56). Brill Academic Publishers
- Riggs, C. (2008). Gilding the lily: Shrouds, sculpture, and the representation of women in Ptolemaic and early Roman Egypt. In S. E. Thompson, & P. D. Manuelian (Eds.), Egypt and Beyond: Essays Presented to Leonard H. Lesko (285-304). Brown University
Edited book
Journal Article
- Riggs, C. (2025). Past Caring: Archive, Affect, and Whiteness in Digital Colourisation. Visual Studies, 40(1), 56-69.
- Riggs, C. (2021). Reborn-Digital Tutankhamun: Howard Carter and an Egyptian Archaeologist, Name Unknown. Photography and Culture, 14(3), 395 - 399.
- Riggs, C. (2017). Shouldering the past: Photography, archaeology, and collective effort at the tomb of Tutankhamun. History of Science, 55(3), 336-363.
- Riggs, C. (2017). Nuns and guns: Thoughts on heritage, histories, and Egyptology. Review of Middle East Studies, 51(2),
- Riggs, C. (2017). In the shadows: The study of ancient Egyptian art. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 112(4-5),
- Riggs, C. (2017). Objects in the photographic archive: Between the field and the museum in Egyptian archaeology. Museum History Journal, 10(2),
- Riggs, C. (2017). The body in the box: Archiving the Egyptian mummy. Archival Science, 17(2),
- Riggs, C. (2016). An autopsic art: Drawings of ‘Dr Granville's mummy’ in the Royal Society archives. Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science, 70(2),
- Riggs, C. (2016). Beautiful burials, beautiful skulls: The aesthetics of the Egyptian mummy. British Journal of Aesthetics, 56(3),
- Riggs, C. (2016). Photography and antiquity in the archive, or how Howard Carter moved the road to the Valley of the Kings. History of Photography, 40(3), 267-282.
- Riggs, C. (2013). Colonial visions: Egyptian antiquities and contested histories in the Cairo Museum. Museum Worlds, 1(1),
- Riggs, C. (2013). A Roman Period child's mummy in the Saffron Walden Museum. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 99, 265-70
- Riggs, C., & Hardwick, T. (2010). The king as a falcon: A 'lost' statue of Thutmose III rediscovered and reunited. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. Abteilung Kairo, 66, 107-20
- Riggs, C. (2009). Lions, pylons, and feet: A small-scale linen shroud in the Bolton Museum and Art Gallery. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 95, 249-54
- Riggs, C. (2006). Archaism and artistic sources in Roman Egypt: The coffins of the Soter family and the temple of Deir el-Medina. Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 106, 315-32
- Riggs, C., & Depauw, M. (2003). 'Soternalia' from Deir el-Bahri, including two coffin lids with Demotic inscriptions
- Riggs, C., & Stadler, M. (2003). A Roman shroud and its Demotic inscriptions in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, 40, 69-87
- Baines, J., & Riggs, C. (2002). Archaism and kingship: A late royal statue and its Early Dynastic model. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 87, 103-18
- Riggs, C. (2002). Facing the dead: Recent research on the funerary art of Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt. American Journal of Archaeology, 106(1), 85-101
- Riggs, C. (2001). Forms of the wesekh collar in funerary art of the Graeco-Roman Period. Chronique d’Égypte, 76, 57-68.
- Riggs, C. (2000). Roman Period mummy masks from Deir el-Bahri. The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, 86, 121-44
Other (Digital/Visual Media)