Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Geography | +44 (0) 191 33 41875 |
My expertise and principal area of research experience is in Quaternary science, with emphasis on fluvial sequences. My early work was on the River Thames, which has a Quaternary sequence of international importance, and its tributary, the Medway (the river that divides those males born in the county of Kent into Kentish Men and Men of Kent: I number myself amongst the latter). This grounding provided a platform for a number of initiatives aimed at broadening my research into an international sphere, once I became established in Durham. My Earth-science interests have always overlapped with the oldest divisions of the archaeological record, perhaps because the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic archives from the Thames system are so extensive; my research in this area led to the award of the Henry Stopes Memorial Medal of the Geologists' Association in 2003, for 'on the Prehistory of Man and his geological environment'.
In 1996 I co-founded a new research group within the Quaternary Research Association (QRA) called 'FLAG' (FLuvial Archives Group). This had its first meeting in Durham in December of that year, its aims: to facilitate liaison between those working of fluvial records. FLAG is now a fully international body that has organized a sequence of six successful biennial meetings in the past decade (Mainz 2000, Clermont Ferrand 2002, Siena 2004, Izmir 2006, Budapest 2008 and Castelo Branco 2010), following on from the three annual meetings during the funded years (1996–8) as a research working group within the QRA (Durham, Arcen and Cheltenham). Added to these has been participation in sessions at successive INQUA congresses in Reno (2003), Cairns (2007) and, next year, Bern. FLAG has also participated in other meetings, sometimes (as for INQUA sessions) in partnership with GLOCOPH, and has co-hosted a session at the EGU (2005). At the 2010 FLAG meeting in Castelo Branco, Portugal, I was elected as the new Chairman of the group.
In 1997 I obtained a grant of £76,000 from the Leverhulme Trust for work on Middle Pleistocene Mammalian Biostratigraphy of North-west European Rivers. This project, completed in April 2000, employed Danielle Schreve (now a professor at Royal Holloway, University of London) as Senior Research Associate.
From January 2000 to 2007 I was Co-Leader of successive projects within UNESCO's International Geological Correlation Programme (IGCP: now International Geoscience Programme), the first (2000–2004) entitled 'Global correlation of Late Cenozoic fluvial deposits' and the second (2005–2007) 'Fluvial sequences as evidence for landscape and climatic evolution in the Late Cenozoic'. These were fully international projects aimed at amassing data on long-timescale fluvial archives from around the world. Their results can be appreciated from the publications they produced, more of which will appear in the future. Syntheses are provided by special issue editorials in Quaternary Science Reviews (2007, Vol. 26, Parts 22–24 (pp 2693-3016)) and Global & Planetary Change (2009, Vol. 68, issue 4). ). Nested within FLAG, these projects provided a further seven combined conference and field meetings, in Prague and Kanpur (2001), Agadir (2002), Belem (2003), Malaga (2004), Sanliurfa (2005) and Nanjing (2006).
Between 2001 & 2009 I have obtained a series of small awards from the Council for British Research in the Levant (Rivers of the Levant), using which I have developed research on rivers in Syria and adjacent parts of Turkey, including the Orontes, Euphrates, Tigris and Ceyhan. The sequences in these rivers are particularly valuable, as several have yielded Palaeolithic artefact assemblages and some can be dated with some precision from interbedded volcanic rocks (see relevant publications).
From 2003 I have been part of separate teams working on two project clusters with substantial funding from Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund (via English Heritage). The first, 'Late Quaternary Landscape History of the Swale-Ure Washlands' (with a follow up 'Late Quaternary Environmental & Human History of the Lower Tees Valley') has led to a number of publications, including a book (Oxbow books, 2010). The second, 'The Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Occupation of the Middle and Lower Trent Catchment and Adjacent Areas, as Recorded in the River Gravels used as Aggregate Resources' (with a follow up 'Lower and Middle Palaeolithic of the Fenland Rivers of Cambridgeshire') has also produced several journal articles, with anothyer Oxbow monograph in production.
In 2009 I joined the Council of the Geologists' Association as Senior Vice President, becoming President for a two-year period from May 2010. This has led to enhanced activity in connection with the long-established journal of that learned society, the Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, which has recently moved to Elsevier and Science Direct, including co-editing special issues published in 2009 and 2010 on behalf of FLAG and the QRA. I shall deliver the first of two Presidential Addresses in May 2011, 'Late Cenozoic Fluvial Archives: a potential revolution in our understanding of continental geology'. Also for 2011, I am helping to organize a GA meeting, sponsored by Elsevier, entitled 'Geoconservation for Science and Society: an Agenda for the 21st Century', a reflection of a long-standing interest in Earth science conservation that links back to my involvement in the Geological Conservation Review (1980–1994).
Research interests
- Quaternary environmental change and fluvial history, with reference to palaeontology and archaeology
Authored book
- Bridgland, D., Howard, A., White, M., & White, T. (2014). Quaternary of the Trent. Oxbow Books
- Bridgland, D., Innes, J., Long, A., & Mitchell, W. (2011). Late Quaternary Landscape Evolution of the Swale-Ure Washlands, North Yorkshire. Oxbow Books
- Long, A., Bridgland, D., Innes, J., Mitchell, M., & Vyner, B. (2004). The Swale-Ure Washlands: Landscape History and Human Impacts. Durham University
Chapter in book
- Cunha, P., Martins, A., Gomes, A., & Bridgland, D. Landscapes and landforms of the Beira Baixa region (Sarzedas – Monfortinho, eastern central mainland Portugal). In G. Viera, Z. Luis, & C. Mora (Eds.), Landscapes and Landforms of Portugal. Springer Nature Switzerland AG
- Bridgland, D., & Allen, P. (2014). Quaternary Palaeohydrology and River Terraces. In J. Catt, & I. Candy (Eds.), The History of the Quaternary Research Association. Quaternary Research Association
- Brown, E., Gordon, J., Burek, C., Campbell, S., & Bridgland, D. (2014). Geoconservation and the Quaternary Research Association. In J. Catt, & I. Candy (Eds.), The History of the Quaternary Research Association. Quaternary Research Association
- Schreve, D., & Bridgland, D. (2002). The Middle Pleistocene hominid site of Bilzingsleben. In R. Meyrick, & D. Schreve (Eds.), The Quaternary of Central Germany (Thuringia & Surroundings): Field Guide (131-144). Quaternary Research Association
- Bridgland, D. (2001). The Pleistocene evolution and palaeolithic occupation of the Solent River. In F. Wenban-Smith, & R. Hosfield (Eds.), Palaeolithic Archaeology of the Solent river (15-25)
- Bridgland, D., & Schreve, D. (2001). River terrace formation in synchrony with long-term climatic fluctuation: examples from SE England. In D. Maddy, M. Macklin, & J. Woodard (Eds.), River Basin Sediments Systems; Archives of Environment Change (229-248). Balkema
- Bridgland, D. (2000). Discussion: The characteristics , variation and likely origin of the Buchan Ridge Gravel. In J. Merrit, E. Connell, & D. Bridgland (Eds.), The Quaternary of the Banffshire coast and Buchan (139-143). Quarternary Research Association
- Bridgland, D., & Saville, A. (2000). Den of Boddam. In J. Merrit, E. Connell, & D. Bridgland (Eds.), The Quaternary of the Banffshire Coast and Buchan (102-115). Quaternary Research Association
Edited book
- Bridgland, D., Briant, R., Allen, P., Brown, E., & White, T. (Eds.). (2019). The Quaternary Fluvial Archives of the Major English Rivers. Quaternary Research Association
- Yellow River and its environs: Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association
- Bridgland, D., Allen, P., & White, T. (Eds.). (2014). The Quaternary of the Lower Thames and eastern Essex. Quaternary Research Association
- Merritt, J., Connell, E., & Bridgland, D. (Eds.). (2000). The Quaternary of the Banffshire Coast and Buchan: Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association
- Murton, J., Whiteman, C., Bates, M., Bridgland, D., Long, A., Roberts, M., & Waller, M. (Eds.). (1998). The Quaternary of Kent and Sussex: Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association
Journal Article
- Abou Romieh, A., Westaway, R., Daoud, M., & Bridgland, D. (in press). First indications of high slip rates on active reverse faults NW of Damascus, Syria, from observations of deformed Quaternary sediments: Implications for the partitioning of crustal deformation in the Middle Eastern region. Tectonophysics, 538-540, 86-104.
- Briant, R. M., Whiteman, C. A., Haggart, B. A., Bridgland, D. R., Egberts, E., Grant, M. J., Hatch, M., Knowles, P. G., Schreve, D. C., Toms, P. S., Wenban-Smith, F. F., & White, M. J. (online). Quaternary rivers, tufas and mires of southern England: Description of Geological Conservation Review sites. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association,
- Bridgland, D., Lauer, T., & Stokes, M. (2025). Evolution of fluvial systems in Eurasia at different time scales: Special issue dedicated to the memory of Rob Westaway. Geomorphology, 470, Article 109540.
- Krzyszkowski, D., Wachecka-Kotkowska, L., Krawczyk, M., & Bridgland, D. (2024). Deformation of terrace surfaces in the Bystrzyca River valley, central Sudetic Foreland, SE Poland. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 135(6), 639-659.
- Innes, J. B., Rutherford, M. M., Bridgland, D. R., Gearey, B. R., Lillie, M. C., Mitchell, W. A., O'Brien, C. E., Jones, R. T., & Thompson, G. J. (2024). Lateglacial Interstadial to mid-Holocene stratigraphy and palynology at Pepper Arden Bottoms, North Yorkshire, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 135(5), 569-588.
- Mo, Q., Hu, Z., Bridgland, D., Li, M., Pan, B., Li, N., Dong, Z., Li, X., Yang, Y., Zhong, M., Pan, R., & Westaway, R. (2024). The coupling between tectonic uplift and climate change recorded by the Yellow River terraces during the Zoige basin excavation in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Geomorphology, 461, Article 109322.
- Bridgland, D. R., Shaw, A. D., Westaway, R., Daoud, M., & Romieh, M. A. (2024). The Quaternary sequence of the Nahr el Kebir, NW Syria: An important repository for evidence of Palaeolithic occupation and landscape evolution in the eastern Mediterranean. Geomorphology, 458, Article 109229.
- Li, M., Hu, Z., Wang, P., Pan, B., Bridgland, D., Mo, Q., Li, X., Dong, Z., Zhong, M., Pan, R., & Li, N. (2024). Plio-Pleistocene drainage reorganization in the middle Yellow River of China, revealed by provenance and paleocurrent analysis of fluvial sediments. Geomorphology, 454, Article 109177.
- White, M., Rawlinson, A., Foulds, F., Dale, L., Davis, R., Bridgland, D., Shipton, C., & Ashton, N. (2024). Making a U-turn on the Purfleet Interchange: Stone Tool Technology in Marine Isotope Stage 9 Britain and the Emergence of the Middle Palaeolithic in Europe. Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, 7(1), Article 13.
- Bridgland, D. (2024). Kaş Bay: Evidence of a 20 km-diameter complex impact structure on the Turkey-Greece frontier. Airbursts and Cratering Impacts, 2(1),
- Bridgland, D. (2024). The contribution of Rob Westaway to the study of fluvial archives. Geomorphology, 451, Article 109098.
- Dale, L., Rawlinson, A., Knowles, P., Foulds, F., Ashton, N., Bridgland, D., & White, M. (2024). Big enough to matter: on the frequency and chronology of giant handaxes in the British Lower Palaeolithic. Antiquity, 98(398), 305-322.
- Dale, L., Rawlinson, A., Bridgland, D., & White, M. (2023). The value of English geoconservation sites in understanding historical collections of lower and middle palaeolithic artefacts. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 134(4), 388-402.
- Cunha, P. P., Bridgland, D. R., Figueiredo, S., Martins, A. A., Allen, P., & White, M. J. (2023). Quaternary Earth-science and Palaeolithic conservation initiatives in the Tejo (Tagus), Portugal: Comparison with the Lower Thames, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 134(4), 476-489.
- Aytac, A., Demir, T., Maddy, D., & Bridgland, D. (2023). The Kula–Salihli UNESCO Geopark: Spectacular records of Quaternary volcanism, fluvial and landscape evolution and Quaternary environmental change. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 134(4), 416-431.
- Gordon, J. E., Brown, E. J., Bridgland, D. R., & Brazier, V. (2023). Valuing the Quaternary – Nature conservation and geoheritage. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 134(4), 375-387.
- White, T. S., Bridgland, D. R., Allen, P., & White, M. J. (2023). The Clacton-on-Sea (Essex, UK) GCR site and SSSI: New data and continuing importance. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 134(4), 490-501.
- Turu, V., Peña-Monné, J. L., Cunha, P. P., Jalut, G., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A. S., Bridgland, D., Faurschou-Knudsen, M., Oliva, M., Carrasco, R. M., Ros, X., Turu-Font, L., & Ventura Roca, J. (2023). Glacial–interglacial cycles in the south-central and southeastern Pyrenees since ~180 ka (NE Spain–Andorra–S France). Quaternary Research, 113, 1-28.
- Pan, B., Li, X., Hu, Z., Bridgland, D., Mo, Q., Dong, Z., Li, M., Yang, Y., Westaway, R., Dong, G., Zhang, S., & Zhong, M. (2023). Channel migration in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau and its implication for fluvial response to the interaction between rapid tectonic activity, climatic fluctuation and human influence. Quaternary Science Reviews, 310, Article 108126.
- Key, A., Lauer, T., Skinner, M., Pope, M., Bridgland, D., Noble, L., & Proffitt, T. (2022). On the earliest Acheulean in Britain: first dates and in-situ artefacts from the MIS 15 site of Fordwich (Kent, UK). Royal Society Open Science, 9(6),
- Rawlinson, A., Dale, L., Ashton, N., Bridgland, D., & White, M. (2022). Flake tools in the European Lower Paleolithic: A case study from MIS 9 Britain. Journal of Human Evolution, 165, Article 103153.
- Allen, P., Bain, D., Bridgland, D., Buisson, P., Buylaert, J.-P., Bynoe, R., George, W., Haggart, B., Horne, D., Littlewood, E.-M., Lord, A., March, A., Mercer, I., Mercer, R., Murray, A., Penkman, K., Preece, R., Ratford, J., Schreve, D., Snelling, A., …White, T. (2022). Mid-Late Quaternary Fluvial Archives near the Margin of the MIS 12 Glaciation in Southern East Anglia, UK: Amalgamation of Multi-Disciplinary and Citizen-Science Data Sources. Quaternary, 5(3),
- Dong, Z., Pan, B., Hu, Z., Mo, Q., Bridgland, D., Li, M., Li, X., Yang, Y., & Chen, D. (2022). Evaluation of the Fluvial Response to Tectonic Uplift From Grain-Size Distribution in Riverbed Gravels at the Northeastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, Article 824368.
- Peña-Monné, J. L., Cunha, P. P., Sampietro-Vattuone, M. M., Bridgland, D., Murray, A., & Buylaert, J.-P. (2022). The connections between river terraces and slope deposits as paleoclimate proxies: the Guadalaviar - Turia sequence (Eastern, Iberia Chain, Spain). Global and Planetary Change, 208, Article 103728.
- Bailiff, I., Bridgland, D., & Cunha, P. P. (2021). Extending the range of optically stimulated luminescence using vein quartz and quartzite sedimentary pebbles. Quaternary Geochronology, 65, Article 101180.
- Innes, J., Mitchell, W., O’Brien, C., Roberts, D., Rutherford, M., & Bridgland, D. (2021). A Detailed Record of Deglacial and Early Post-Glacial Fluvial Evolution: The River Ure in North Yorkshire, UK. Quaternary, 4(1), Article 9.
- Bridgland, D. (2021). The role of geomorphology in the Quaternary. Memoirs, 58,
- Rose, J., Bridgland, D. R., & Westaway, R. (2021). A tribute to Woldstedt (1952): Problems of terrace formation. E&G - Quaternary Science Journal, 70(2), 217-220.
- Bridgland, D. R., Westaway, R., & Hu, Z. (2020). Basin inversion: A worldwide Late Cenozoic phenomenon. Global and Planetary Change, 193, Article 103260.
- Bridgland, D. R., Hu, Z., Vandenberghe, J., & Wang, X. (2020). Late Cenozoic fluvial history worldwide: A context for the Yellow River record. Global and Planetary Change, 193, Article 103274.
- White, M., Ashton, N., & Bridgland, D. (2019). Twisted handaxes in Middle Pleistocene Britain and their implications for regional-scale cultural variation and the deep history of Acheulean hominin groups. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 85, 61-81.
- Wang, J., Hu, Z., Pan, B., Li, M., Dong, Z., Li, X., Li, X., & Bridgland, D. (2019). Spatial distribution pattern of channel steepness index as evidence for differential rock uplift along the eastern Altun Shan on the northern Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 181, Article 102979.
- Hu, Z., Li, M., Dong, Z., Guo, L., Bridgland, D., Pan, B., Li, X., & Liu, X. (2019). Fluvial entrenchment and integration of the Sanmen Gorge, the Lower Yellow River. Global and Planetary Change, 178, 129-138.
- Pereira, T., Cunha, P., Martins, A., Nora, D., Paixão, E., Figueiredo, S., Raposo, L., Henriques, F., Caninas, J., Moura, D., & Bridgland, D. (2019). Geoarchaeology of the Cobrinhos site (Vila Velha de Ródão, Portugal) - a record of the earliest Mousterian in western Iberia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 24, 640-654.
- Krzyszkowski, D., Bridgland, R., Allen, P., Westaway, R., Wachecka-Kotkowska, L., & Czerwonka, J. (2019). Drainage evolution in the Polish Sudeten Foreland in the context of European fluvial archives. Quaternary Research, 91(2), 493-519.
- Cunha, P., Martins, A., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A., Gouveia, M., Font, E., Pereira, T., Figueiredo, S., Ferreira, C., Bridgland, D., Yang, P., Stevaux, J., & Mota, R. (2019). The Lowermost Tejo River Terrace at Foz do Enxarrique, Portugal: A Palaeoenvironmental Archive from c. 60–35 ka and Its Implications for the Last Neanderthals in Westernmost Iberia. Quaternary, 2(1), Article 3.
- Demir, T., Westaway, R., & Bridgland, D. (2018). The Influence of Crustal Properties on Patterns of Quaternary Fluvial Stratigraphy in Eurasia. Quaternary, 1(3), Article 28.
- Vandenberghe, J., Bridgland, D., & Wang, X. (2018). Specific Exogenetic (External) and Endogenetic (Internal) Effects on Fluvial System Evolution. Quaternary, 1(3), Article 27.
- White, M., Bridgland, D., Schreve, D., White, T., & Penkman, K. (2018). Well-dated fluvial sequences as templates for patterns of handaxe distribution: understanding the record of Acheulean activity in the Thames and its correlatives. Quaternary International, 480, 118-131.
- Barlow, N., Long, A., Gehrels, W., Saher, M., Scaife, R., Davies, H., Penkman, K., Bridgland, D., Sparkes, A., Smart, C., & Taylor, S. (2017). Relative sea-level variability during the late Middle Pleistocene: new evidence from eastern England. Quaternary Science Reviews, 173, 20-39.
- Chauhan, P., Bridgland, D., Moncel, M.-H., Antoine, P., Bahain, J.-J., Briant, R., Cunha, P., Despriée, J., Limondin-Lozouet, N., Locht, J.-L., Martins, A., Schreve, D., Shaw, A., Voinchet, P., Westaway, R., White, M., & White, T. (2017). Fluvial deposits as an archive of early human activity: progress during the 20 years of the Fluvial Archives Group. Quaternary Science Reviews, 166, 114-149.
- Bridgland, D., Demir, T., Seyrek, A., Daoud, M., Abou Romieh, M., & Westaway, R. (2017). River terrace development in the NE Mediterranean region (Syria and Turkey): Patterns in relation to crustal type. Quaternary Science Reviews, 166, 307-323.
- Cordier, S., Briant, B., Bridgland, D., Herget, J., Maddy, D., Mather, A., & Vandenberghe, J. (2017). The Fluvial Archives Group: 20 years of research connecting fluvial geomorphology and palaeoenvironments. Quaternary Science Reviews, 166, 1-9.
- Maddy, D., Veldkamp, A., Demir, Y., van Gorp, W., Wijbrans, J., van Hinsbergen, D., Dekkers, M., Schreve, D., Schoorl, J., Scaife, R., Stemerdink, C., van der Schriek, T., Bridgland, D., & Aytaç, A. (2017). The Gediz River fluvial archive: A benchmark for Quaternary research in Western Anatolia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 166, 289-306.
- Hu, Z., Pan, B., Bridgland, D., Vandenberghe, J., Guo, L., Fan, Y., & Westaway, R. (2017). The linking of the upper-middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River as a result of fluvial entrenchment. Quaternary Science Reviews, 166, 324-338.
- White, T., Bridgland, D., Limondin-Lozouet, N., & Schreve, D. (2017). Fossils from Quaternary fluvial archives: sources of biostratigraphical, biogeographical and palaeoclimatic evidence. Quaternary Science Reviews, 166, 150-176.
- White, T. S., Bridgland, D. R., Westaway, R., & Straw, A. (2017). Evidence for late Middle Pleistocene glaciation of the British margin of the southern North Sea. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32(2), 261-275.
- Westaway, R., Bridgland, D., White, T., Howard, A., & White, M. (2015). The use of uplift modelling in the reconstruction of drainage development and landscape evolution in the repeatedly glaciated Trent catchment, English Midlands, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 126(4-5), 480-521.
- Schreve, D., Moncel, M.-H., & Bridgland, D. (2015). Editorial: Chronology, palaeoenvironments and subsistence in the Acheulean of western Europe. Journal of Quaternary Science, 30(7), 585-592.
- Bridgland, D., Howard, A., White, M., White, T., & Westaway, R. (2015). New insight into the Quaternary evolution of the River Trent, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 126(4-5), 466-479.
- Bridgland, D., & White, M. (2015). Chronological variations in handaxes: patterns detected from fluvial archives in north-west Europe. Journal of Quaternary Science, 30(7), 623-638.
- Bridgland, D., & Westaway, R. (2014). Quaternary fluvial archives and landscape evolution: a global synthesis. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125(5-6), 600-629.
- Bridgland, D., Bennett, J., McVicar-Wright, S., & Scrivener, R. (2014). Rivers through geological time: the fluvial contribution to understanding of our planet. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125(5-6), 503-510.
- Bridgland, D., & White, M. (2014). Fluvial archives as a framework for the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic: patterns of British artefact distribution and potential chronological implications. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 43(2), 543-555.
- Westaway, R., & Bridgland, D. (2014). Relation between alternations of uplift and subsidence revealed by Late Cenozoic fluvial sequences and physical properties of the continental crust. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 43(2), 505-527.
- Seyrek, A., Demir, T., Westaway, R., Guillou, H., Scaillet, S., White, T., & Bridgland, D. (2014). The kinematics of central-southern Turkey and northwest Syria revisited. Tectonophysics, 618, 35-66.
- Seyrek, A., Demir, T., Westaway, R., Guillou, H., Scaillet, S., White, T., & Bridgland, D. (2014). Corrigendum to “The kinematics of central-southern Turkey and northwest Syria revisited” [Tectonophysics 618 (2014) 35–66]. Tectonophysics, 630, 319-320.
- Bridgland, D., Harding, P., Allen, P., Candy, I., Cherry, C., George, W., Horne, D., Keen, D., Penkman, K., Preece, R., Rhodes, E., Scaife, R., Schreve, D., Schwenninger, J., Slipper, I., Ward, G., White, M., White, T., & Whittaker, J. (2013). An enhanced record of MIS 9 environments, geochronology and geoarchaeology: data from construction of the High Speed 1 (London–Channel Tunnel) rail-link and other recent investigations at Purfleet, Essex, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 124(3), 417-476.
- Penkman, K., Preece, R., Bridgland, D., Keen, D., Meijer, T., Parfitt, S., White, T., & Collins, M. (2013). An aminostratigraphy for the British Quaternary based on Bithynia opercula. Quaternary Science Reviews, 61, 111-134.
- Bridgland, D., Westaway, R., Romieh, M., Candy, I., Daoud, M., Demir, T., Galiatsatos, N., Schreve, D., Seyrek, A., Shaw, A., White, T., & Whittaker, J. (2012). The River Orontes in Syria and Turkey: downstream variation of fluvial archives in different crustal blocks. Geomorphology, 165-166, 25-49.
- Davies, B., Roberts, D., Bridgland, D., Ó Cofaigh, C., Riding, J., Demarchi, B., Penkman, K., & Pawley, S. (2012). Timing and depositional environments of a Middle Pleistocene glaciation of northeast England: New evidence from Warren House Gill, County Durham. Quaternary Science Reviews, 44, 180-212.
- developer-funded investigations at Dunbridge, Hampshire, southern England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 123(4), 584-607.
- Bridgland, D., & Westaway, R. (2012). The use of fluvial archives in reconstructing landscape evolution : the value of sedimentary and morphostratigraphical evidence. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 91(1-2), 5-24.
- Penkman, K., Preece, R., Bridgland, D., Keen, D., Meijer, T., Parfitt, S., White, T., & Collins, M. (2011). A chronological framework for the British Quaternary based on Bithynia opercula. Nature, 476(7361), 446-449.
- Davies, B., Roberts, D., Bridgland, D., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2011). Dynamic Devensian ice flow in NE England: a sedimentological reconstruction. Boreas: An International Journal of Quaternary Research, 41,
- Prosser, C., Bridgland, D., Brown, E., & Larwood, J. (2011). Geoconservation for science and society: challenges and opportunities. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 122(3), 337-342.
- Stemerdink, C., Maddy, D., Bridgland, D., & Veldkamp, A. (2010). The construction of a palaeodischarge time series for use in a study of fluvial system development of the Middle to Late Pleistocene Upper Thames. Journal of Quaternary Science, 25(4),
- Boreham, S., White, T., Bridgland, D., Howard, A., & White, M. (2010). The Quaternary history of the Wash fluvial network, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 121(4), 393-409.
- Mitchell, W., Bridgland, D., & Innes, J. (2010). Late Quaternary evolution of the Tees–Swale interfluve east of the Pennines: the role of glaciation in the development of river systems in northern England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 121, 410-422
- White, T., Bridgland, D., Westaway, R., Howard, A., & White, M. (2010). Evidence from the Trent terrace archive, Lincolnshire, UK, for lowland glaciation of Britain during the Middle and Late Pleistocene. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 121(2), 141-153.
- Bridgland, D. (2010). The record from British Quaternary river systems within the context of global fluvial archives. Journal of Quaternary Science, 25(4),
- Vandenberghe, J., Cordier, S., & Bridgland, D. (2010). Extrinsic and intrinsic forcing of fluvial development : understanding natural and anthropogenic influences. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 121(2), 107-112.
- Bridgland, D., & Golledge, N. (2010). The Quaternary geology of the British Isles. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 121(4), 364-368.
- Westaway, R., & Bridgland, D. (2010). Causes, consequences and chronology of large-magnitude palaeoflows in Middle and Late Pleistocene river systems of northwest Europe. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 35(9), 1071-1094.
- Bridgland, D., Westaway, R., Howard, A., Innes, J., Long, A., Mitchell, W., White, M., & White, T. (2010). The role of glacio-isostasy in the formation of post-glacial river terraces in relation to the MIS 2 ice limit: evidence from northern England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 121(2), 113-127.
- Davies, B., Bridgland, D., Roberts, D., O´Cofaigh, C., Pawley, S., Candy, I., Demarchi, B., Penkman, K., & Austin, W. (2009). The age and stratigraphic context of the Easington Raised Beach, County Durham, UK. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 120(4), 183-198.
- Bridgland, D., & Schreve, D. (2009). Implications of new Quaternary uplift models for correlation between the Middle and Upper Thames terrace sequences, UK. Global and Planetary Change, 68(4),
- Ait Hssaine, A., & Bridgland, D. (2009). Pliocene–Quaternary fluvial and aeolian records in the Souss Basin, southwest Morocco : a geomorphological model. Global and Planetary Change, 68(4),
- Westaway, R., Bridgland, D., Sinha, R., & Demir, T. (2009). Fluvial sequences as evidence for landscape and climatic evolution in the Late Cenozoic : a synthesis of data from IGCP 518. Global and Planetary Change, 68(4),
- Westaway, R., Cordier, S., & Bridgland, D. (2009). Étude du soulèvement pléistocene dans le nord-est de la France et le sud-ouest de l’Allemagne d’après les terrasses du bassin de la Moselle: relation avec les propriétés crustales.=Study of Pleistocene uplift in NE France and SW Germany from the terraces of the River Moselle: relation to crustal properties. Quaternaire, 20(1), 49-61.
- Abou Romieh, M., Westaway, R., Daoud, M., Radwan, Y., Yassminh, R., Khalil, A., Al-Ashkar, A., Loughlin, S., Arrell, K., & Bridgland, D. (2009). Active crustal shortening in NE Syria revealed by deformed terraces of the River Euphrates. Terra Nova, 21(6),
- Innes, J., Bridgland, D., Mitchell, W., Rutherford, M., O'Brien, C., & Long, A. (2009). Late Devensian environments in the Vale of Mowbray, North Yorkshire, UK: evidence from palynology. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 120(4), 199-208.
- Bridgland, D., Westaway, R., & Cordier, S. (2009). Les causes de l’étagement des terrasses alluviales à travers le monde. = Causes of river terrace formation worldwide. Quaternaire, 20(1), 5-23.
- White, T., White, M., Bridgland, D., & Howard, A. (2009). Palaeolithic and Quaternary research in the Trent Valley (UK) : contributions by early collectors. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 120(4),
- Demir, T., Seyrek, A., Guillou, H., Scaillet, S., Westaway, R., & Bridgland, D. (2009). Preservation by basalt of a staircase of latest Pliocene terraces of the River Murat in eastern Turkey : evidence for rapid uplift of the eastern Anatolian Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 68(4),
- Maddy, D., Demir, T., Bridgland, D., Veldkamp, A., Stemerdink, C., van der Schriek, T., & Westaway, R. (2008). The Early Pleistocene development of the Gediz River, Western Turkey: An uplift-driven, climate-controlled system?. Quaternary International, 189(1), 115-128.
- Demir, T., Seyrek, A., Westaway, R., Bridgland, D., & Beck, A. (2008). A. Late Cenozoic surface uplift revealed by incision by the River Euphrates at Birecik, southeast Turkey. Quaternary International, 186(1), 132-163.
- Seyrek, A., Demir, T., Pringle, M., Yurtmen, S., Westaway, R., Bridgland, D., Beck, A., & Rowbotham, G. (2008). Late Cenozoic uplift of the Amanos Mountains and incision of the Middle Ceyhan river gorge, southern Turkey ; Ar–Ar dating of the Düziçi basalt. Geomorphology, 97(3-4), 321-355.
- Bridgland, D., Keen, D., & Westaway, R. (2007). Global correlation of Late Cenozoic fluvial deposits: a synthesis of data from IGCP 449. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(22-24), 2694-2700.
- Mishra, S., White, M., Beaumont, P., Antoine, P., Bridgland, D., Limondin-Lozouet, N., Santisteban, J., Schreve, D., Shaw, A., Wenban-Smith, F., Westaway, R., & White, T. (2007). Fluvial deposits as an archive of early human activity. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(22-24), 2996-3016.
- Howard, A., Bridgland, D., Knight, D., McNabb, J., Rose, J., Schreve, D., Westaway, R., White, M., & White, T. (2007). The British Pleistocene fluvial archive: East Midlands drainage evolution and human occupation in the context of the British and NW European record. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(22-24), 2724-2737.
- Demir, T., Westaway, R., Bridgland, D., & Seyrek, A. (2007). Terrace staircases of the River Euphrates in southeast Turkey, northern Syria and western Iraq: evidence for regional surface uplift. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(22-24), 2833-2863.
- Demir, T., Westaway, R., Bridgland, D., Pringle, M., Yurtmen, S., Beck, A., & Rowbotham, G. (2007). Ar-Ar dating of late Cenozoic basaltic Euphrates and uplift of the northern Arabian Platform. Tectonics, 26(3), Article TC3012.
- Bridgland, D., & Westaway, R. (2007). Climatically controlled river terrace staircases: a worldwide Quaternary phenomenon. Geomorphology, 98(3-4), 285-315.
- Bridgland, D., & Westaway, R. (2007). Preservation patterns of Late Cenozoic fluvial deposits and their implications: results from IGCP 449. Quaternary International, 189(1), 5-38.
- Schreve, D., Keen, D., Limondin-Lozouet, N., Auguste, P., Santisteban, J., Ubilla, M., Matoshko, A., Bridgland, D., & Westaway, R. (2007). Progress in faunal correlation of Late Cenozoic fluvial sequences 2000-4: the report of the IGCP 449 biostratigraphy subgroup. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26, 2970-2995.
- Bridgland, D., Demir, T., Seyrek, A., Pringle, M., Westaway, R., Beck, A., Rowbotham, G., & Yurtmen, S. (2007). Dating Quaternary volcanism and incision by the River Tigris at Diyarbakr, SE Turkey. Journal of Quaternary Science, 22, 387-393
- Bridgland, D., Rose, J., & Westaway, R. (2007). David Keen - a dedication. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26(22-24),
- Westaway, R., & Bridgland, D. (2007). Late Cenozoic uplift of southern Italy deduced from fluvial and marine sediments: Coupling between surface processes and lower-crustal flow. Quaternary International, 175, 86-124.
- Maddy, D., Demir, T., Bridgland, D., Veldkamp, A., Stemerdink, C., van der Schriek, T., & Schreve, D. (2007). The Pliocene initiation and Early Pleistocene volcanic disruption of the palaeo-Gediz fluvial system, Western Turkey. Quaternary Science Reviews, 26, 2864-2882.
- Westaway, R., Bridgland, D., & White, M. (2006). The Quaternary uplift history of central southern England: evidence from the terraces of the Solent River system and nearby raised beaches. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(17-18), 2212-2250.
- Bridgland, D., Antoine, P., Limondin-Lozouet, N., Santisteban, J., Westaway, R., & White, M. (2006). The Palaeolithic occupation of Europe as revealed by evidence from the rivers: data from IGCP 449. Journal of Quaternary Science, 21(5), 437-455.
- Bridgland, D. (2006). The Middle and Upper Pleistocene sequence in the Lower Thames: a record of Milankovitch climatic fluctuation and early human occupation of southern Britian. Henry Stopes Memorial Lecture. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 117(3), 281-305.
- Westaway, R., Guillou, H., Yurtment, S., Beck, A., Bridgland, D., Demir, T., Scaillet, S., & Rowbotham, G. (2006). Late Cenozoic uplift of western Turkey: Improved dating of the Kula Quaternary volcanic field and numerical modelling of the Gediz river terrace staircase. Global and Planetary Change, 51, 131-171.
- Preece, R., Gowlett, J., Parfitt, S., Bridgland, D., & Lewis, S. (2006). Humans in the Hoxnian: habitat, context and fire use at Beeches Pit, West Stow, Suffolk, UK
- Maddy, D., Long, A., & Bridgland, D. (2005). Quaternary land-ocean correlation: a tribute to Professor D. Q. Bowen. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24(14-15), 1543-1755
- Maddy, D., Demir, T., Bridgland, D., Veldkamp, A., Stemerdink, C., Van Der Schriek, T., & Westaway, R. (2005). An obliquity-controlled Early Pleistocene river terrace record from Western Turkey?. Quaternary Research, 63, 339-346
- Bridgland, D., Maddy, D., & Bates, M. (2004). River terrace sequences: templates for Quaternary geochronology and marine-terrestrial correlation. Journal of Quaternary Science, 19(2), 203-218.
- Bridgland, D., Tandon, S., & Westaway, R. (2004). Global Correlation of Late Cenozoic fluvial deposits (IGCP 449): Proceedings of the Inaugural Meeting, Prague, April 21-24, 2001. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 115(2-4), 97-99
- Bridgland, D., Westaway, R., & Tandon, S. (2004). Special Issue arising from the inaugural meeting in Prague of IGCP 449 'Global Correlation of Late Cenozoic fluvial deposits'. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 115,
- Tyrᨥk, J., Westaway, R., & Bridgland, D. (2004). River terraces of the Vltava and Labe (Elbe) system, Czech Republic, and their implications for the uplift history of the Bohemian Massif. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 115, 101-124
- Bridgland, D., Schreve, D., Keen, D., Meyrick, R., & Westaway, R. (2004). Biostratigraphical correlation between the late Quaternary sequence of the Thames and key fluvial localities in Central Germany. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 115, 125-140
- Bridgland, D., & Schreve, D. (2004). Quaternary lithostratigraphy and mammalian biostratigraphy of the Lower Thames terrace system, south-east England. Quaternaire, 15, 29-40
- Bridgland, D., Philip, G., Westaway, R., & White, M. (2003). A long Quaternary terrace sequence in the Orontes River Valley, Syria: a record of uplift and of human occupation. Current Science, 84(8), 1080-1089
- Bridgland, D. (2003). The evolution of the River Medway, S.E. England, in the context of Quaternary palaeoclimate and the Palaeolithic occupation of NW Europe. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 114, 23-48
- Westaway, R., Pringle, M., Yurtmen, S., Demir, T., Bridgland, D., Rowbotham, G., & Maddy, D. (2003). Pliocene and Quaternary surface uplift of western Turkey: the Gediz River terrace staircase and the volcanism at Kula. Tectonophysics, 391, 121-169
- Westaway, R., Bridgland, D., & Mishra, S. (2003). Rheological differences between Archaean and younger crust can determine rates of Quaternary vertical motions revealed by fluvial geomorphology. Terra Nova, 15, 287-298
- Bridgland, D., Schreve, D., Allen, P., & Keen, D. (2003). Key Middle Pleistocene localities of the Lower Thames: site conservation issues, recent research and report of a Geologists' Association excursion, 8 July, 2000. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 114, 211-225
- Schreve, D., Bridgland, D., Allen, P., Blackford, J., Gleed-Owen, C., Griffiths, H., Keen, D., & White, M. (2002). Sedimentology, palaeontology and archaeology of late Middle Pleistocene River Thames terrace deposits at Purfleet, Essex, UK. Quaternary Science Reviews, 21(12-13), 1423-1464.
- Bridgland, D. (2002). Global correlation of late cenzoic fluvial deposits
- Bridgland, D., & Maddy, D. (2002). Global correlation of long Quaternary fluvial sequences: a review of baseline knowledge and possible methods and criteria for establishing a database. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 81(3-4), 265-281
- Schreve, D., & Bridgland, D. (2002). Correlation of English and German Middle Pleistocene fluvial sequences based on mammalian biostratigraphy
- Bridgland, D., & Sirocko, F. (2002). Preface: Special issue arising from the meeting in Mainz, Germany, of the Fluvial Archive Group. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 81(3-4), 263-264
- Westaway, R., Maddy, D., & Bridgland, D. (2002). Flow in the lower continental crust as a mechanism for the Quaternary uplift of south-east England: constraints from the Thames terrace record. Quaternary Science Reviews, 21, 559-603
- Bridgland, D. (2002). Fluvial deposition on periodically emergent shelves in the Quaternary: example records from the shelf around Britain. Quaternary International, 92, 25-34
- Bridgland, D., Preece, R., Roe, H., Tipping, R., Coope, G., Field, M., Robinson, J., Schreve, D., & Crowe, K. (2001). Middle Pleistocene interglacial deposits at Barling, Essex, England: evidence for a longer chronology for the Thames terrace sequence. Journal of Quaternary Science, 16(8), 813-840.
- Wenban-Smith, F., & Bridgland, D. (2001). Palaeolithic archaeology at the Swan Valley Community School, Swanscombe, Kent. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 67, 219-259
- Bridgland, D. (2001). Global correlation of Late Cenozoic fluvial deposits
- Bridgland, D. (2001). The Eemian - local sequences, global perspectives. Quaternary Science Reviews, 20, 1955-1961
- Maddy, D., Bridgland, D., & Westaway, R. (2001). Uplift-driven valley incision and climate-controlled river terrace development in the Thames Valley, UK. Quaternary International, 79, 23-26