Staff profile
David Fuller
Professor Emeritus

Affiliation |
Professor Emeritus in the Department of English Studies |
Member of the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies |
Fellow of the Institute for Medical Humanities |
Research interests
- Blake and poetry of the Romantic period
- Elizabethan drama (Marlowe and Shakespeare)
- modernism, especially Joyce and T.S. Eliot
Authored book
- Fuller, D. (2021). Shakespeare and the Romantics. Oxford University Press
- Fuller, D. (2011). The Life in the Sonnets. Continuum
- Fuller, D. (2000). William Blake: Selected Poetry and Prose. (New ed., 2008). Longman-Pearson
- Fuller, D. (1998). Tamburlaine the Great, Parts 1 and 2, in vol. 5 of The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe. Clarendon Press
- Fuller, D., & Brown, D. (1995). Signs of Grace: Sacraments in Poetry and Prose. Cassell
- Fuller, D. (1992). James Joyce's 'Ulysses'. Harvester
- Fuller, D. (1988). Blake's Heroic Argument. Croom Helm
Chapter in book
- Russell, A. (2021). Eloquence and Oracle’: Tobacco in Eighteenth-Century Life and Literature. In D. Fuller, C. Saunders, & J. Macnaughton (Eds.), The Life of Breath in Literature, Culture and Medicine: Classical to Contemporary (261-281). Palgrave Macmillan
- Fuller, D. (2021). The Sonnet. In D. Malcolm, & W. Gortschacher (Eds.), A Companion to Contemporary British and Irish Poetry, 1960-2015. Wiley
- Fuller, D. (2020). The Music of Narrative Poetry: Spenser, Shakespeare, Milton. In D. da Sousa Correa (Ed.), The Edinburgh Companion to Literature and Music (173-182). Edinburgh University Press
- Fuller, D. (2019). Chaucer, Spenser, and Shakespeare. In S. Haggerty (Ed.), William Blake in Context (173-183). Cambridge University Press.
- Fuller, D. (2018). Rescuing Shakespeare: King Lear and Its Textual Contexts. In C. Caruso (Ed.), The Life of Texts: Evidence in Textual Production, Transmission, and Reception (154-175). Bloomsbury
- Fuller, D. (2018). Sin, Death, and Love: Britten's Holy Sonnets of John Donne. In K. Kennedy (Ed.), Literary Britten: Words and Music in Benjamin Britten's Vocal Works. Boydell & Brewer
- Fuller, D. (2018). Communities in the Theatre and the World: Three Ballets and a Masque. In P. Edmondson, & E. Fernie (Eds.), New Places: Shakespeare and Civic Creativity (65-82). Bloomsbury
- Fuller, D. (2016). Shakespeare and Dance. In P. Holbrook, & P. Edmondson (Eds.), Shakespeare's Creative Legacies: Artists, Writers, Performers, Readers (61-77). Bloomsbury
- Fuller, D. (2015). A Kind of Loving: Hans Castorp as Model Critic. In T. Doering, & E. Fernie (Eds.), Thomas Mann and Shakespeare: Something Rich and Strange (207-228). Bloomsbury
- Fuller, D. (2015). 'There is no method ...'? Contact and Conflict in Interdisciplinary Studies. In S. Coelsch-Foisner, & H. Schendl (Eds.), Contact and Conflict in English Studies (133-150). Peter Lang
- Fuller, D. (2012). "A sensibility for the infinite": Metaphor, Symbol, Form, and the Sublime. In R. C. MacSwain, & T. Worley (Eds.), Theology, Aesthetics and Culture (213-225). Oxford University Press
- Fuller, D. (2012). Discovering Transgression: Reading from the Passions. In W. McKenzie, & T. Papadopolou (Eds.), Shakespeare and I (61-77). Continuum
- Fuller, D. (2011). Music. In J. Harding (Ed.), T. S. Eliot in Context (134-44). Cambridge University Press
- Fuller, D. (2010). Lyrics, Sacred and Secular. In C. Saunders (Ed.), A Companion to Medieval Poetry (258-76). Wiley
- Fuller, D. (2009). Les illustrations de Blake pour 'La Divine Comedie'. In M. Phillips (Ed.), William Blake: Le Genie visionnaire du romantisme anglais (181-87, 245-46). Paris musees
- Fuller, D. (2009). T. S. Eliot. In R. Lemon, E. Mason, J. Roberts, & C. Rowland (Eds.), The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in English Literature (667-80). Wiley
- Fuller, D. (2009). The Erotic and the Sacred Body in Opera: The Venusberg to Monsalvat - and Beyond. In C. Saunders, U. Maude, & J. Macnaughton (Eds.), The Body and the Arts (254-69). Palgrave Macmillan
- Fuller, D. (2006). William Empson: from Verbal Analysis to Cultural Criticism. In P. Waugh (Ed.), Modern Literary Theory and Criticism: an Oxford Guide. Oxford University Press
- Fuller, D. (2006). Reading Chaucer Aloud. In C. Saunders (Ed.), A Concise Companion to Chaucer. Blackwell
- Fuller, D. (2005). ‘“Mad as a refuge from unbelief”: Blake and the Sanity of Dissidence.’. In C. Saunders, & J. Macnaughton (Eds.), Madness and creativity in literature and culture (121-143). Palgrave Macmillan
- Fuller, D. (2005). Passion and Politics: Antony and Cleopatra in Performance. In S. M. Deats (Ed.), Antony and Cleopatra : new critical essays (111-135). Routledge
- Fuller, D. (2004). ‘Shakespeare’s Romances.’. In C. Saunders (Ed.), A companion to romance : from classical to contemporary (160-176). Blackwell
- Fuller, D. (2002). ‘Tamburlaine the Great in Performance.’. In S. M. Deats, & R. A. Logan (Eds.), Marlowe’s Empery : expanding his critical contexts (61-81). University of Delaware Press ; Associated University Presses
- Fuller, D. (2000). Keats and Anti-Romantic Ideology. In A. Christensen (Ed.), The Challenge of Keats: Bicentenary Essays, 1795-1995. Rodopi
- Fuller, D. (1998). William Blake. In M. O'Neill (Ed.), Literature of the Romantic Period: A Bibliogrqaphical Guide. Oxford UP
- Fuller, D. (1996). The World, the Flesh and the Spirit: Love as Sacramental in Spenser and Other Poets. In D. Brown, & A. Loades (Eds.), Christ, the Sacramental Word. SPCK
Edited book
- Fuller, D., Saunders, C., & Macnaughton, J. (Eds.). (2021). The Life of Breath in Literature, Culture and Medicine: Classical to Contemporary. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Saunders, C., Macnaughton, J., & Fuller, D. (Eds.). (2015). The Recovery of Beauty: Arts, Culture, Medicine. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Fuller, D., & Saunders, C. (Eds.). (2005). Pearl. A modernized version by Victor Watts. Enitharmon
- Fuller, D., & Waugh, P. (Eds.). (1999). The Arts and Sciences of Criticism. Oxford UP
Journal Article
- Fuller, D. (2011). Dementia at the Opera: 'The Lion's Face'. The Opera Quarterly, 27(4), 509-521.
- Fuller, D. (2009). Love or Politics: The Man or the King? Edward II in Modern Performance. Shakespeare Bulletin, 27(1), 81-115.
- Fuller, D. (2007). “The Human Form Divine”: Blake and the Body. Essays in Romanticism, 31, 53-73
- Fuller, D. (2005). The Bogdanov Version: The English Shakespeare Company Wars of the Roses
- Fuller, D. (1988). Blake and Dante. Art History, 11(3), 349-73.
Other (Digital/Visual Media)