Staff profile
David Rollason
Professor Emeritus (Early Medieval History)

Affiliation |
Professor Emeritus (Early Medieval History) in the Department of History |
Member of the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies |
Research interests
- Anglo-Saxon Northumbria
- Palace-Cities in Japan, Europe, and the Middle East
- Royal and Imperial Sites in Europe
- Symeon of Durham's historical writing
Authored book
- Rollason, D. (2016). The Power of Place: Rulers and their Palaces, Landscapes, Cities, and Holy Places. Princeton University Press
- Rollason, D. (2012). Early Medieval Europe 300-1050: The Birth of Western Society?. Pearson
- Rollason, D. (2003). Northumbria 500-1100: Creation and Destruction of a Kingdom. Cambridge University Press
- Rollason, D. (2002). Bede and Germany. St Paul's Church Jarrow
- Rollason, D., Gore, D., & Fellows-Jensen, G. (1998). Sources for York History to AD1100. York Archaeological Trust
- Rollason, D. (1989). Saints and Relics in Anglo-Saxon England. Blackwell
- Rollason, D. (1982). Mildrith Legend: A Study in Early Medieval Hagiography in England. Leicester University Press
Chapter in book
- Rollason, D. (2010). Levison in Exile. In M. Becher, & Y. Hen (Eds.), Wilhelm Levison (1876-1947) - Ein jüdisches Forscherleben zwischen wissenschaftlicher Anerkennung und politischem Exil (319-32). Siegburg: Franz Schmitt
- Rollason, D. (2010). The Cult of Bede. In S. De Gregorio (Ed.), Companion to the Venerable Bede (193-200). Cambridge University Press
- Rollason, D., & Lambert, T. (2009). Protection and the Mead-Hall. In T. Lambert, & D. Rollason (Eds.), Peace and Protection in the Middle Ages (19-35). Durham Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies/Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies
- Rollason, D. (2004). Anglo-Scandinavian York: the evidence of historical sources. In R. A. Hall, D. Rollason, M. Blackburn, D. Parsons, G. Fellows-Jensen, A. Hall, H. Kenward, T. O'Connor, D. Tweddle, A. Mainmain, & N. Rogers (Eds.), Aspects of Anglo-Scandinavian York (305-324). Council for British Archaeology
- Rollason, D. (1999). Monasteries and society in early medieval Northumbria. In B. Thompson (Ed.), Monasteries and Society in Medieval Britain: Proceedings of the 1994 Harlaxton Symposium (59-74). Paul Watkins Publishing
- Rollason, D. (1999). Le corps incorruptible de saint Cuthbert et l'église de Durham vers l'an 1100'. In E. Bozóky, & A.-M. Helvétius (Eds.), Les reliques: objets, cultes, symboles (313-20). Brepols Publishers.
- Rollason, D. (1999). Historical evidence for Anglian York. In D. Tweddle, J. Moulden, & E. Logan (Eds.), Anglian York: A Survey of the Evidence (117-40). York Archaeological Trust
- Rollason, D. (1998). English Book Collections in the Late Eleventh and Early Twelfth Centuries: Symeon's Durham and its Context. In D. Rollason (Ed.), Symeon of Durham: historian of Durham and the North (230-253). Shaun Tyas
- Rollason, D. (1998). Symeon's contribution to historical writing in Northern England' and 'The making of the Libellus de exordio: the evidence of erasures and alterations in the two earliest manuscripts. In D. Rollason (Ed.), Symeon of Durham: Historian of Durham and the North (1-13, 140-56). Shaun Tyas
- Rollason, D. (1996). Hagiography and politics in early Northumbria. In P. Szarmach (Ed.), Holy Men and Holy Women: Old English Prose Saints’ Lives and their Contexts (95-114). State University of New York Press
- Rollason, D. (1995). The cult of St Oswald in post-conquest England. In C. Stancliffe, & E. Cambridge (Eds.), Oswald, King and Martyr (164-77). Paul Watkins Publishing
- Rollason, D. (1993). Durham Cathedral 1093-1193: bishops, monks, and kings. In P. Isaac, & M. Jackson (Eds.), Engineering a Cathedral (1-15). ICE Publishing.
- Rollason, D. (1992). Symeon of Durham and the community of St Cuthbert in the eleventh century. In C. Hicks (Ed.), England in the Eleventh Century (183-98). Boydell & Brewer
- Rollason, D. (1992). The concept of sanctity in Dunstan’s England. In N. Ramsay, M. Sparks, & T. Tatton-Brown (Eds.), in St Dunstan his Life, Times and Cult (261-72). Boydell & Brewer
- Rollason, D. (1992). The ecclesiastical context. In H. Fox (Ed.), The Origins of the Midland Village (73-90). Economic History Society/University of Leicester
- Rollason, D. (1989). St. Cuthbert and Wessex: the evidence of Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 183. In G. Bonner, D. Rollason, & C. Stancliffe (Eds.), St Cuthbert, His Cult and His Community to AD 1200 (413-24). Boydell & Brewer
- Rollason, D. (1986). The shrines of saints in later Anglo-Saxon England: distribution and significance. In L. Butler, & R. Morris (Eds.), The Anglo-Saxon Church: Papers on History, Architecture and Archaeology in Honour of Dr H.M. Taylor (32-43). Council for British Archaeology
- Rollason, D. (1985). The miracles of St Benedict: a window on early medieval France. In H. Mayr-Harting, & R. Moore (Eds.), Studies in Medieval History Presented to R.H.C. Davis (73-90). Hambledon Press
Edited book
- Rollason, D., Leyser, C., & Williams, H. (Eds.). (2011). England and the Continent in the Tenth Century: Studies in Memory of Wilhelm Levison. Brepols: Turnhout
- Lambert, T., & Rollason, D. (Eds.). (2009). Peace and Protection in the Middle Ages. Durham Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies/ Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies: Toronto
- Rollason, D., & Prestwich, M. (Eds.). (1998). The Battle of Neville’s Cross 1346. Paul Watkins Publishing
- Rollason, D., Harvey, M., & Prestwich, M. (Eds.). (1998). Anglo-Norman Durham 1093-1193. Boydell & Brewer
- Rollason, D. (Ed.). (1998). Symeon of Durham: Historian of Durham and the North. Paul Watkins Publishing
- Bonner, G., Rollason, D., & Stancliffe, C. (Eds.). (1989). St Cuthbert, His Cult and His Community to AD 1200. Boydell & Brewer
- Rollason, D. (Ed.). (1987). Cuthbert: Saint and Patron. Dean and Chapter of Durham
Journal Article
- Rollason, D. (2012). Forests, parks, palaces and the power of place in early medieval kingship. Early Medieval Europe, 20(4), 428-429.
- Rollason, D. (2012). From Tintagel to Aachen: Richard of Cornwall and the Power of Place. Reading medieval studies, 38, 1-23
- Rollason, D. (2009). The Royal Palace in the Early Middle Ages: Representation and Reality of Power
- Rollason, D. (2008). St Aethelberht of Hereford and the cults of European royal saints
- Rollason, D. (1995). Hexham after the Vikings
- Rollason, D. (1993). The origins of parishes: a debate’, with John Blair and Eric Cambridge. Early Medieval Europe, 2,
- Rollason, D. (1986). Relic-cults as an instrument of royal policy c.900-c.1050. Anglo-Saxon England, 15, 91-103
- Rollason, D. (1986). Goscelin of Canterbury's Account of the Translation and Miracles of St. Mildrith (BHL 5961/4): An Edition with Notes. Mediaeval studies, 48, 139-210.
- Rollason, D. (1983). The cults of murdered royal saints in Anglo-Saxon England. Anglo-Saxon England, 11, 1-22
- Rollason, D. (1979). The date of the parish boundary of Minster-in-Thanet (Kent)
- Rollason, D. (1978). Lists of saints’ resting-places in Anglo-Saxon England. Anglo-Saxon England, 7, 61-93
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