Staff profile
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Principal of Josephine Butler College | +44 (0) 191 33 44802 |
Professor, Principal of Josephine Butler College in the School of Education |
Professor Gillian Hampden-Thompson joined Durham University in July 2023 as the new Principal of Josephine Butler College and as a Professor of Education in the School of Education. Gillian is an experienced researcher, teacher and leader having previously served as the Head of the School of Education and Social Work at the University of Sussex (20014-2023) and the Director of Research in the Department of Education at the University of York (2008-2014). Prior to returning to the UK in 2008, she worked as a research analyst and project leader at the American Institutes for Research in Washington, DC. Gillian graduated in 2004 with a PhD in Educational Theory and Policy and Comparative and International Education (dual title) from the Pennsylvania State University, USA.
Working across a broad range of educational projects, her research broadly addresses issues surrounding social justice. Gillian applies a range of methods and approaches in her research including working on projects that involve secondary data analysis and evaluation research. Gillian is currently part of the national evaluation team for A Better Start and holds a visiting Professor position at the University of Sussex.
Authored book
Chapter in book
- Wakeling, P., Hancock, S., Hampden-Thompson, G., & Coxhead, A. (2015). Understanding the student: consortium research on PGT access and motivations. In T. Srike, & J. Toyne (Eds.), Widening Access to Postgraduate Study and Fair Access to the Professions: working together to ensure fair access to postgraduate taught education (56-74). University of Sheffield
- Hampden-Thompson, G. (2009). Single parents. In R. A. Shweder, T. R. Bidell, A. C. Dailey, S. D. Dixon, P. J. Miller, & J. Modell (Eds.), The child: an encyclopaedic companion. University of Chicago Press
- Hampden-Thompson, G., Guzman, L., & Lippman, L. (2008). Cultural capital: what does it offer students? A cross-national analysis. In J. Zajda, K. Biraimah, & W. Gaudelli (Eds.), Education and social inequality in global culture (155--180). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Hampden-Thompson, G. (2003). Asian Americans: contributions to the growth and development of the United States. In E. I. Farmer, J. W. Rojewski, & B. W. Farmer (Eds.), Diversity in American: visions of the future: real Issues of real people. Kendall/Hunt Pubs
Journal Article
- Bokhove, C., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2022). Country and school family composition's effects on mathematics achievement. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 33(2), 280-302.
- Hall, M., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2022). The teacher as street-level bureaucrat: science teacher’s discretionary decision-making in a time of reform. International Journal of Science Education, 44(6), 980-999.
- Humphry, D., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2019). Primary school pupils? emotional experiences of synchronous audio-led online one-to-one tuition. Computers & Education, 135, 100--112.
- Wakeling, P., Hampden-Thompson, G., & Hancock, S. (2017). Is undergraduate debt an impediment to postgraduate enrolment in England?. British Educational Research Journal, 43(6), 1149-1167.
- Hampden-Thompson, G., & Galindo, C. (2017). School-family relationships, school satisfaction and the academic achievement of young people. Educational Review, 69(2), 248-265.
- Hampden-Thompson, G., & Galindo, C. (2015). Family structure instability and the educational persistence of young people in England. British Educational Research Journal, 41(5), 749-766.
- Hampden-Thompson, G., Jeffes, J., Lord, P., Bramley, G., Davies, I., Tsouroufli, M., & Sundaram, V. (2015). Teachers’ views on students’ experiences of community involvement and citizenship education. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 10(1), 67-78.
- Tsouroufli, M., Davies, I., Hampden-Thompson, G., Sundaram, V., Lord, P., & Jeffes, J. (2014). Diversity, difference, and communities in English secondary schools. International Journal of Community Diversity, 13, 1-17
- Hampden-Thompson, G., Davies, I., Calhoun, J., Bramley, G., Tsouroufli, M., Sundaram, V., Lord, P., & Jeffes, J. (2013). Young people?s community engagement: what does research-based and other literature tell us about young people?s perspectives and the impact of schools? contributions?. British Journal of Educational Studies, 61, 327--343.
- Hampden-Thompson, G., Guzman, L., & Lippman, L. (2013). A cross-national analysis of parental involvement and student literacy. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 54, 246--266.
- Bennett, J., Lubben, F., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2013). Schools that make a difference to post-compulsory uptake of physical science subjects: some comparative case studies in England. International Journal of Science Education, 35, 663--689.
- Hampden-Thompson, G. (2013). Family policy, family structure, and children's educational achievement. Social Science Research, 42, 804--817.
- Hampden-Thompson, G., & Sundaram, V. (2013). Developing quantitative research skills and conceptualising an integrated approach to teaching research methods to education students. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 5, 901--924
- Hampden-Thompson, G., & Bennet, J. (2013). Science teaching and learning activities and students' engagement in science. International Journal of Science Education, 35, 1325--1343.
- Hampden-Thompson, G. (2012). Under the same roof: an international comparison of multigenerational families and children's mathematics achievement. International Journal of Sociology of the Family, 38, 39--43
- Hampden-Thompson, G., & Xu, J. (2012). Cultural reproduction, cultural mobility, cultural resource, or trivial effect?: a comparative approach to cultural capital and educational performance. Comparative Education Review, 56, 98--124.
- Hampden-Thompson, G. (2012). Single-mother families, maternal employment and children's literacy achievement: a study of 10 countries. Education and Society, 30, 23--42.
- Hampden-Thompson, G., Davies, I., Sundraram, V., Breslin, T., Bramley, G., & Thorpe, T. (2012). Creating citizenship communities. Journal of social science education (Internet), 11, 108--119.
- Hampden-Thompson, G., Lubben, F., & Bennett, J. (2011). Post 16 physics and chemistry uptake: combining large-scale secondary analysis with in-depth qualitative methods. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 34, 289--307.
- Hampden-Thompson, G., Davies, I., & Mizuyama, M. (2010). Citizenship education in Japan. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 9, 170--178.
- Hampden-Thompson, G. (2009). Are two better than one?: a comparative study of achievement gaps and family structure. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 39, 517-537.
- Hampden-Thompson, G., & Pong, S.-L. (2005). Does family policy environment moderate the effect of single-parenthood on children's academic achievement? A study of 14 European countries. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 36, 227--248
- Pong, S.-L., Dronkers, J., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2003). Family policies and children's school achievement in single- versus two-parent families. Journal of Marriage and Family, 65, 681.
- McKaskill, M., Phillips, N., Bessant, C., Wadsworth, K., Benny, L., Duysak, E., Schei, T., Boddy, J., Hampden-Thompson, G., Lacey, A., Young, B., O'Reilly, H., Hoffman, M., Geraghty, T., & Bowyer, S. (2024). The second annual report for the national evaluation of A Better Start. The National Lottery Community Fund
- Boddy, J., Munro, G., Woodbridge, H., Basharat, M., Scott, M., McKaskill, M., Fugard, A., MacNaboe, L., Hammelsbeck, R., Garwood, E., Dey, M., Young, B., Hoffmann, M., Hampden-Thompson, G., & Lacey, A. (2023). The first annual report for the national evaluation of A Better Start. The National Lottery Community Fund
- Luckock, B., Sims, L., Whiting, R., Meleyal, L., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2017). Cornerstone Adoption Support Programme: evaluation report. Department for Education
- Harold, G., Hampden-Thompson, G., Bjedov, M. R., & Sellers, R. (2017). An evaluation of the AdOPt parenting programme. Department For Education
- Luckock, B., Hickle, K., Hampden-Thompson, G., & Dickens, R. (2017). Islington ‘Doing What Counts: Measuring What Matters’ evaluation. Department for Education
- Luckock, B., Whiting, R., Meleyal, L., Sims, L., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2017). Coram’s 'permanence improvement' project. Department For Education
- Torgerson, C., Ainsworth, H., Buckley, H., Hampden-Thompson, G., Hewitt, C., Humphry, D., Jefferson, L., Mitchell, N., & Torgerson, D. (2016). Affordable online maths tuition: evaluation report and executive summary. Education Endowment Foundation
- Hancock, S., Wakeling, P., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2015). Technical supplement to the understanding the Student Strand Report. The University of Sheffield
- Wakeling, P., Hancock, S., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2015). Widening access to postgraduate study and the professions: understanding the student - University of Sheffield: Strand report. University of York
- Wakeling, P., Hancock, S., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2015). Widening access to postgraduate study and the professions: understanding the student - Consortium Strand Report. University of York
- Wakeling, P., Hancock, S., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2015). Widening access to postgraduate study and the professions: understanding the student - Newcastle University: Strand report. University of Sheffield
- Wakeling, P., Hancock, S., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2015). Widening access to postgraduate study and the professions: understanding the student - University of York: Strand report. University of Sheffield
- Wakeling, P., Hancock, S., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2015). Widening access to postgraduate study and the professions: understanding the student - University of Warwick: Strand report. University of Sheffield
- Wakeling, P., Hancock, S., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2015). Widening access to postgraduate study and the professions: understanding the student - University of Leeds: Strand Report. University of Sheffield
- Wakeling, P., Hancock, S., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2015). Widening access to postgraduate study and the professions: understanding the student - University of Manchester: Strand report. University of Sheffield
- Wakeling, P., Hancock, S., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2014). Widening access to postgraduate study and the professions: University of Manchester pathways beyond graduation survey (first look report). University of York
- Torgerson, D. J., Torgerson, C., Hampden-Thompson, G., Mitchell, N., Buckley, H. L., Heaps, C., Jefferson, L. A., Hewitt, C. E., & Ainsworth, H. R. (2014). Online maths tuition: trial protocol. Education Endowment Foundation
- Wakeling, P., Hancock, S., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2014). Widening access to postgraduate study and the professions: University of Sheffield pathways beyond graduation survey (first look report). University of York
- Wakeling, P., Hancock, S., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2014). Widening access to postgraduate study and the professions: Newcastle University pathways beyond graduation survey (first look report). University of York
- Wakeling, P., Hancock, S., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2014). Widening access to postgraduate study and the professions: University of Leeds pathways beyond graduation survey (first look report). University of York
- Wakeling, P., Hancock, S., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2014). Widening access to postgraduate study and the professions: University of Warwick pathways beyond graduation survey (first look report). University of York
- Wakeling, P., Hancock, S., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2014). Widening access to postgraduate study and the professions: University of York pathways beyond graduation survey (first look report). University of York
- Braund, M., Bennett, J., Hampden-Thompson, G., & Main, G. (2013). Teaching approach and success in A-level biology: comparing student attainment in context-based, concept-based and mixed approaches to teaching A-level biology. Report to the Nuffield Foundation. York: Department of Education, University of York. University of York
- Davies, I., Hampden-Thompson, G., Jeffes, J., Lord, P., Sundaram, V., & Tsouroufli, M. (2013). Creating citizenship communities project report. University of York
- Wakeling, P., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2013). Transition to higher degrees across the UK: an analysis of national, international and individual differences. Higher Education Academy
- Hampden-Thompson, G. (2013). UNRWA school dropout: an agency wide study. United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
- Catterall, J. S., Dumais, S. A., & Hampden-Thompson, G. (2012). The arts and achievement in at-risk youth: findings from four longitudinal studies. National Endowment for the Arts
- Jeffes, J., Lord, P., Bramley, G., Davies, I., Hampden-Thompson, G., Tsouroufli, M., & Sundaram, V. (2012). Creating citizenship communities through new approaches to learning survey of school coordinators and leaders on community cohesion and citizenship. University of York
- Bennett, J., Hampden-Thompson, G., & Lubben, F. (2011). Schools that make a difference to post-compulsory uptake of science: final project report to the Astra Zeneca Science Teaching Trust. University of York
- Hampden-Thompson, G., Warkentien, S., & Bruce, D. (2009). Course credit accrual and dropping out of high school, by student characteristics. US Department of Education
- Hampden-Thompson, G., Mulligan, G., Kinukawa, A., & Halle, T. (2008). Mathematics achievement of language-minority students during the elementary years. U.S. Department of Education. Institute of Education Sciences
- Hampden-Thompson, G., Herring, W. L., & Kienzl, G. (2008). Attrition of mathematics and science teachers. US Department of Education
- Warkentien, S., Fenster, M., Hampden-Thompson, G., & Walston, J. (2008). Expectations and reports of homework for public school students in the first, third and fifth grades. US Department of Education
- Hogarth, S., Bennett, J., Davies, I., Hampden-Thompson, G., & McGuinn, N. (2008). Assessment Feedback Learning Project: survey of percieved experiences and best practice. University of York
- Hampden-Thompson, G., Diehl, J., & Kinukawa, A. (2007). Description and employment criteria of instructional paraprofessionals. US Department of Education
- Hampden-Thompson, G., Planty, M., Provasnik, S., Hussar, W., Synder, T., Kena, G., Dinkes, R., & Choy, S. (2007). The condition of education, 2007. US Department of Education
- Hampden-Thompson, G., Enyeart, C., Diehl, J., & Scotchmer, M. (2006). School and parent interaction by household language and poverty status: 2002-03. US Department of Education
- Hampden-Thompson, G., & Johnston, J. (2006). Variation in the relationship between non school factors and student achievement on international assessments. US Department of Education
- Hampden-Thompson, G., Wirt, J., Choy, S., Rooney, P., Hussar, W., & Provasnik, S. (2005). The condition of education, 2005. U.S. Government Printing Office