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Heather Sanders

Research Postgraduate – Communications and THz Node

Research Postgraduate – Communications and THz Node in the Department of Engineering


In summer of 2020 I graduated from Durham Unversity with a Bachelor's in Engineering BEng (First Class Honours). I chose to do a degree was in General Engineering as I was aware that modern engineering projects rarely require just one speciality, and that having a broad overview would allow me to better liaise with other engineers. In October 2020 I started my PhD in Thin Film Sensor Development at Durham University.

Research Project (PhD)

There is a desire in industry to manufacture sensors rapidly, at low-cost, and with the capability to introduce variations to the design quickly and with good accuracy. In this context, the aim of this PhD is the design, development and testing of low-cost, thinfilm sensor fabrication techniques, particularly focusing on strain and moisture sensing. The research for this PhD is carried out with support from Transmission Dynamics.