Staff profile
Affiliation |
Director of Research, Associate Professor in the Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing |
Iain joined Durham University in August 2014 having previously been employed as a researcher, lecturer and researcher at Loughborough, Southampton and Edge Hill Universities. He has a BSc in Mathematics from University of Edinburgh, an MA in Sports Development from Cheltenham & Gloucester College of Higher Education and a PhD in Sport Policy from Loughborough University.
Iain’s research has primarily examines sport policy and development, and has spanned global and national levels as well as a variety of local and community contexts. In doing so, Iain's research has made significant contributions to understanding of youth and community sport policy in the UK and international use of sport for development in countries of the global South. Iain's research has also drawn on and made theoretical contributions in the fields of political science and international development.
Iain has published widely in sport, development and politics journals. He has co-authored two mongraphs: Sport Policy in Britain (with Professor Barrie Houlihan, Loughborough University) and Localizing Global Sport for Development (with Tess Kay, Ruth Jeanes and Davies Banda), and co-edited Implementing Sport Policy: Organisational Perspectives on the UK Sport System (with Marc Keech and John Hayton). His research has been supported by grants and consultancy from the Leverhulme Trust, Commonwealth Secretariat, Sport and Recreation Alliance, Sport England and UK Sport.
Google Scholar
PhD Supervision
I welcome enquries and applications from potential PhD students who share any of my research interests listed below
Research interests
- Youth Sport Policy and Implementation
- International Sport-for-Development
- Governance and Partnership in Sport
- Sport and Sustainable Development
- Evidence-based Policy in Sport
Esteem Indicators
- 2014: Research Advisor: Research advisor on Strategic Advisory Group, Beckwith International Leadership Development Programme, UK Sport
- 2014: External Examiner:
- External Examiner, MA Applied Professional Studies, University of St Mark and St John, Plymouth
- External Examiner, MSc Sports Development and Coaching, Ulster University
- 2009: Editor: Co-Editor and Book Reviews Editor, International Journal of Sport Policy and Policy (2009 – Present)
Authored book
- Development Goals. Commonwealth Secretariat
- Lindsey, I., Kay, T., Jeanes, R., & Banda, D. (2017). Localizing global sport for development. Manchester University Press
- Lindsey, I., & Houlihan, B. (2013). Sport Policy in Britain. Routledge
Chapter in book
- Lindsey, I. (in press). Policy analysis – Macro- and meso-level analyses of sport and international development. In Handbook of sport and international development (35-46). Edward Elgar
- Lindsey, I. (2019). Ownership of Sport for Development and Peace. In A. Adams, & L. Robinson (Eds.), Who Owns Sport?. Routledge.
- Lindsey, I., & Bitugu, B. B. (2018). Partnerships in and around SDP. In H. Collison, S. C. Darnell, R. Giulianotti, & P. D. Howe (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Sport for Development and Peace. Routledge
- Lindsey, I., Jeanes, R., & Lihaya, H. (2016). Sport Development Policy. In E. Sherry, N. Schulenkorf, & P. Phillips (Eds.), Managing sport development : an international approach (45-60). Routledge
- Lindsey, I., Zakariah, A., Owusu-Ansah, E., Ndee, H., & Jeanes, R. (2015). Researching ‘Sustainable Development in African Sport’: A case study of a North-South academic collaboration. In L. Hayhurst, T. Kay, & M. Chawansky (Eds.), Beyond sport for development and peace : transnational perspectives on theory, policy and practice (196-209). Routledge
- Jeanes, R., & Lindsey, I. (2014). Where’s the ‘Evidence’? Reflecting on Monitoring and Evaluation within Sport-for-Development. In K. Young, & C. Okada (Eds.), Sport, social development and peace (197-218). Emerald.
- Lindsey, I., & Adams, A. (2013). Sport Development and Community Development. In L. Henry, & L. Ko (Eds.), Routledge handbook of sport policy (264-274). Routledge
- Lindsey, I., & Jeanes, R. (2011). Youth Sport Policy. In K. Armour (Ed.), Introduction to Sport Pedagogy for Teachers and Coaches
- Lindsey, I. (2011). Partnership Working and Sport Development. In B. Houlihan, & M. Green (Eds.), Handbook of Sport Development. Routledge
- Houlihan, B., & Lindsey, I. (2008). Networks and partnerships in sports development. In V. Girginov (Ed.), Management of Sports Development. Elsevier
Edited book
Journal Article
- Mori, K., Morgan, H., Parker, A., & Lindsey, I. (online). Placing community at the heart of community sport development: introducing the community sport development framework (CSDF). Sport in Society,
- Lindsey, I., Wigham, S., & Keech, M. (online). Analysing the content of sport policies: Disciplinary approaches and new directions. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics,
- Lindsey, I., Namukanga, A., Kakomwe, G., & Grattan, A. (online). ‘Adventures in Research’: Enabling Community Impact through Sport for Development Research
- Lindsey, I., Strittmatter, A.-M., Hayton, J., & O'Gorman, J. (2024). Two decades of youth sport policy research: A augmented scoping review and synthesis. European Sport Management Quarterly, 24(5), 1001-1025.
- Misener, K., Babiak, K., Jones, G., & Lindsey, I. (2022). Great Expectations: A Critical Review of Interorganizational Relationships in Amateur Sport. Journal of Sport Management, 36(3), 277-288.
- Lindsey, I., & Wiltshire, G. (2022). Sport for development and transformative social change: The potential of Margaret Archer’s Morphogenetic Approach to reconceptualise a longstanding problem. Sociology of Sport Journal, 39(1), 78-87.
- Lindsey, I., Metcalfe, S., Gemar, A., Armstrong, J., & Alderman, J. (2021). Simplistic policy, skewed consequences: Taking stock of English physical education, school sport and physical activity policy since 2013. European Physical Education Review, 27(2), 278-296.
- Metcalfe, S. N., & Lindsey, I. (2020). Gendered trends in young people’s participation in active lifestyles: The need for a gender-neutral narrative. European Physical Education Review, 26(2), 535-551.
- Chapman, P., Lindsey, I., Dodd-Reynolds, C., Oliver, E., & Summerbell, C. (2020). Targeting childhood obesity through primary schools: reviewing alignment amongst English policies for physical activity and healthy eating. Child and Adolescent Obesity, 3(1), 20-41.
- Lindsey, I. (2020). Analysing policy change and continuity: Physical education and school sport policy in England since 2010. Sport, Education and Society, 25(1), 27-42.
- Lindsey, I., Chapman, T., & Dudfield, O. (2020). Configuring relationships between state and non-state actors: A new conceptual approach for sport and development. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 12(1), 127-146.
- Lindsey, I., & Darby, P. (2019). Sport and the Sustainable Development Goals: Where is the policy coherence?. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 54(7), 793-812.
- Lindsey, I., & Bitugu, B. (2018). Distinctive policy diffusion patterns, processes and actors: Drawing implications from the case of sport in international development. Policy Studies, 39(4), 444-464.
- Adams, A., Harris, K., & Lindsey, I. (2018). Examining the capacity of a sport for development programme to create social capital. Sport in Society, 21(3), 558-573.
- Lindsey, I. (2017). Governance in sport-for-development: Problems and possibilities of (not) learning from international development. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 52(7), 801-818.
- Oliver, E., Hanson, C., Lindsey, I., & Dodd-Reynolds, C. (2016). Exercise on referral: Evidence and complexity at the nexus of public health and sport policy. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 8(4), 731-736.
- Lindsey, I., & Bacon, D. (2016). In pursuit of evidence-based policy and practice: A realist synthesis-inspired examination of youth sport and physical activity initiatives in England (2002-2010). International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 8(1), 67-90.
- Lindsey, I., & O'Gorman, J. (2015). Not just playing the game: Possibilities of empowerment through an alternative type of engagement with sport in international development. Sociology of Sport Journal, 32(1), 49-67.
- Lindsey, I. (2013). Prospects for local collaboration into an uncertain future: Learning from practice within Labour’s partnership paradigm. Local Government Studies, 40(2), 312-330.
- Lindsey, I. (2013). Community Collaboration in Development Work with Young People: Perspectives from Zambian Communities. Development in Practice, 23(4), 481-495.
- Lindsey, I., & Grattan, A. (2012). An ‘international movement'? Decentering sport-for-development within Zambian communities. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 4(1), 91-110
- Lindsey, I., & Banda, D. (2011). Sport and the fight against HIV / AIDS in Zambia: A ‘partnership’ approach?. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 46(1), 90-107
- Lindsey, I. (2010). Governance of Lottery Sport Programmes: national direction of local partnerships in the new opportunities for PE and Sport Programme
- Lindsey, I. (2009). Collaboration in local sport services in England: issues emerging from case studies of two local authority areas
- Lindsey, I. (2008). Conceptualising sustainability in sports development. Leisure Studies, 27(3), 279-294.
- Lindsey, I. (2006). Local Partnerships in the United Kingdom for the New Opportunities for PE and Sport Programme: A Policy Network Analysis. European Sport Management Quarterly, 6(2), 167-184