Staff profile
Ian Shennan
Emeritus Professor
Affiliation |
Emeritus Professor in the Department of Geography |
Research interests
- earthquake hazards
- impacts of future sea-level rise
- land uplift and subsidence
- late quaternary sea-level and environmental changes
- remote sensing applications in coastal change
Chapter in book
- Shennan, I. (2018). Sea level studies: Overview. In Reference module in Earth systems and environmental sciences. Elsevier.
- Shennan, I. (2015). Handbook of sea-level research: framing research questions. In I. Shennan, A. Long, & B. Horton (Eds.), Handbook of Sea-Level Research (3-25). John Wiley and Sons.
- Shennan, I., & Hamilton, S. (2009). Holocene sea-level changes and earthquakes around Bering Glacier. In Bering Glacier: Interdisciplinary studies of Earth’s largest temperate surging glacier. Geological Society of America
- Shennan, I., Barlow, N., & Combellick, R. (2008). Palaeoseismological records of multiple great earthquakes in south-central Alaska: a 4000 year record at Girdwood. In J. Freymueller, P. Haeussler, R. Wesson, & G. Ekstrom (Eds.), Active tectonics and seismic potential of Alaska (185-199). AGU Geophysical Monograph Series
- Shennan, I., Barlow, N., & Combellick, R. (2008). Palaeoseismological records of multiple great earthquakes in south-central Alaska - a 4000 year record at Girdwood. In Active tectonics and seismic potential of Alaska (185-199). American Geophysical Union
- Shennan, I. (2006). Quaternary Sea Level. In S. Elias (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (2967-2974). Elsevier
- Shennan, I., & Woodroffe, S. (2003). Holocene sea level changes around Loch Duich and Loch Alsh, Northwest Highlands. In R. Tipping (Ed.), The Quaternary of Glen Affric and Kintail (123-124). Quaternary Research Association
- Hamilton, S., & Shennan, I. (2002). Pre-seismic land and sea-level movements and great Holocene earthquakes, Alaska. In Coastal Environmental Change During Sea Level Highstands: A Global Synthesis with Implications for Management of Further Coastal Change. IGCP Project 437 International Meeting
- Shennan, I., Lambeck, K., Flather, R., Wingfield, R., Horton, B., McArthur, J., Innes, J., Lloyd, J., & Rutherford, M. (2000). Modelling western North Sea palaeogeographies and tidal changes during the Holocene. In I. Shennan, & J. Andrews (Eds.), Holocene land ocean interactions and environmental change around the North Sea (299-319). The Geological Society.
- Long, A., Innes, J., Shennan, I., & Tooley, M. (1999). Coastal stratigraphy: a case study from Johns River, Washington. In A. Jones, M. Tucker, & J. Hart (Eds.), The description and analysis of Quaternary stratigraphic field sections (267-286). Quaternary Research Association Technical Guide 7, Quarternary Research Association
Edited book
Journal Article
- Shennan, I. (online). Peat
- Woodroffe, S. A., Hill, J., Bustamante‐Fernandez, E., Lloyd, J. M., Luff, J., Richards, S., & Shennan, I. (online). On the varied impact of the Storegga tsunami in northwest Scotland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 38(8), 1219-1232.
- Best, L., & Shennan, I. (online). Scottish landform example: isolation basins of Arisaig. Scottish Geographical Journal, 1-20.
- Bustamante Fernandez, E., Woodroffe, S., Lloyd, J. M., & Shennan, I. (2023). Stratigraphic evidence of relative sea level changes produced by megathrust earthquakes in the Jalisco subduction zone, Mexico. The signature of the 1995 Colima-Jalisco earthquake (Mw 8) as a modern analogue. Marine Geology, 463, Article 107100.
- Simms, A. R., Best, L., Shennan, I., Bradley, S. L., Small, D., Bustamante, E., Lightowler, A., Osleger, D., & Sefton, J. (2022). Investigating the roles of relative sea-level change and glacio-isostatic adjustment on the retreat of a marine based ice stream in NW Scotland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 277, Article 107366.
- Best, L., Simms, A., Brader, M., Lloyd, J., Sefton, J., & Shennan, I. (2022). Local and Regional Constraints on Relative Sea-Level Changes in Southern Isle of Skye, Scotland, since the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Quaternary Science, 37(1), 59-70.
- Brader, M., Garrett, E., Melnick, D., & Shennan, I. (2021). Sensitivity of tidal marshes as recorders of major megathrust earthquakes: constraints from the 25 December 2016 Mw 7.6 Chiloé earthquake, Chile. Journal of Quaternary Science, 36(6), 991-1002.
- Lin, Y., Hibbert, F., Whitehouse, P., Woodroffe, S., Purcell, A., Shennan, I., & Bradley, S. (2021). A reconciled solution of Meltwater Pulse 1A sources using sea-level fingerprinting. Nature Communications, 12, Article 2015.
- Khan, N. S., Horton, B. P., Engelhart, S., Rovere, A., Vacchi, M., Ashe, E. L., Törnqvist, T. E., Dutton, A., Hijma, M. P., & Shennan, I. (2019). Inception of a global atlas of sea levels since the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, 220, 359-371.
- Shennan, I., Brader, M. D., Barlow, N. L., Davies, F. P., Longley, C., & Tunstall, N. (2018). Late Holocene paleoseismology of Shuyak Island, Alaska. Quaternary Science Reviews, 201, 380-395.
- Horton, B., Shennan, I., Bradley, S., Cahill, N., Kirwan, M., Kopp, R., & Shaw, T. (2018). Predicting marsh vulnerability to sea-level rise using Holocene relative sea-level data. Nature Communications, 9, Article 2687.
- Shennan, I., Bradley, S., & Edwards, R. (2018). Relative sea‐level changes and crustal movements in Britain and Ireland since the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, 188, 143-159.
- Shennan, I., Garrett, E., & Barlow, N. (2016). Detection limits of tidal-wetland sequences to identify variable rupture modes of megathrust earthquakes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 150, 1-30.
- Liu, J., Milne, G., Kopp, R., Clark, P., & Shennan, I. (2016). Sea-level constraints on the amplitude and source distribution of Meltwater Pulse 1A. Nature Geoscience, 9(2), 130-134.
- Garrett, E., Shennan, I., Woodroffe, S., Cisternas, M., Hocking, E., & Gulliver, P. (2015). Reconstructing paleoseismic deformation, 2: 1000 years of great earthquakes at Chucalén, south central Chile. Quaternary Science Reviews, 113, 112-122.
- Garrett, E., Barlow, N., Cool, H., Kaufman, D., Shennan, I., & Zander, P. (2015). Constraints on regional drivers of relative sea-level change around Cordova, Alaska. Quaternary Science Reviews, 113, 48-59.
- Brew, D. S., Horton, B. P., Evans, G., Innes, J. B., & Shennan, I. (2015). Holocene sea-level history and coastal evolution of the north-western Fenland, eastern England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 126(1), 72-85.
- Shennan, I., Barlow, N., Carver, G., Davies, F., Garrett, E., & Hocking, E. (2014). Great tsunamigenic earthquakes during the last 1000 years on the Alaska megathrust. Geology, 42(8), 687-690.
- Shennan, I., Barlow, N., Combellick, R., Pierre, K., & Stuart-Taylor, O. (2014). Late Holocene paleoseismology of a site in the region of maximum submergence during the 1964 Mw 9.2 Alaska earthquake. Journal of Quaternary Science, 29(4), 343-350.
- Shennan, I., Bruhn, R., Barlow, N., Good, K., & Hocking, E. (2014). Late Holocene great earthquakes in the eastern part of the Aleutian megathrust. Quaternary Science Reviews, 84, 86-97.
- Shennan, I. (2013). Relative land/sea level change is not the same as vertical land motion: Comment on Rennie, A.F. and Hansom, J.D. (2011) "Sea level trend reversal: land uplift outpaced by sea level rise on Scotland's coast" Geomorphology 125: 193-202. Geomorphology, 197(1), 187.
- Barlow, N., Shennan, I., Long, A., Gehrels, W., Saher, M., Woodroffe, S., & Hillier, C. (2013). Salt marshes as late Holocene tide gauges. Global and Planetary Change, 106, 90-110.
- Watcham, E., Shennan, I., & Barlow, N. (2013). Scale considerations in using diatoms as indicators of sea-level change: lessons from Alaska. Journal of Quaternary Science, 28(2), 165-179.
- Barlow, N., Shennan, I., & Long, A. (2012). Relative sea-level response to Little Ice Age ice mass change in south central Alaska: Reconciling model predictions and geological evidence. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 315-316, 62-75.
- Kuchar, J., Milne, G., Hubbard, A., Patton, H., Bradley, S., Shennan, I., & Edwards, R. (2012). Evaluation of a numerical model of the British–Irish ice sheet using relative sea-level data: implications for the interpretation of trimline observations. Journal of Quaternary Science, 27(6), 597-605.
- Shennan, I., Milne, G., & Bradley, S. (2012). Late Holocene vertical land motion and relative sea-level changes: lessons from the British Isles. Journal of Quaternary Science, 27(1), 64-70.
- Bradley, S., Milne, G., Shennan, I., & Edwards, R. (2011). An improved Glacial Isostatic Adjustment model for the British Isles. Journal of Quaternary Science, 26(5), 541-552.
- Shennan, I. (2011). Palaeoclimate: Sea level from global to local. Nature Geoscience, 4(5),
- Shennan, I., Milne, G., & Bradley, S. (2009). Late Holocene relative land - and sea-level changes: providing information for stakeholders. GSA Today, 19(9), 52-53.
- Shennan, I. (2009). Late Quaternary sea-level changes and palaeoseismology of the Bering Glacier region, Alaska. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(17-18), 1762-1773.
- Teferle, F., Bingley, R., Orliac, E., Williams, S., Woodworth, P., McLaughlin, D., Baker, T., Shennan, I., Milne, G., Bradley, S., & Hansen, D. (2009). Crustal motions in Great Britain: evidence from continuous GPS, absolute gravity and Holocene sea level data. Geophysical Journal International, 178(1), 23-46.
- Woodworth, P., Teferle, F., Bingley, R., Shennan, I., & Williams, S. (2009). Trends in UK mean sea level revisited. Geophysical Journal International, 176, 19-30
- Shennan, I., Bruhn, R., & Plafker, G. (2009). Multi-segment earthquakes and tsunami potential of the Aleutian megathrust. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28(1-2), 7-13.
- Horton, B., & Shennan, I. (2009). Compaction of Holocene strata and the implications for relative sea-level change on the east coast of England. Geology, 37(12), 1083-1086.
- Shennan, I., Brooks, A., Bradley, S., Edwards, R., Milne, G., & Horton, B. (2008). Postglacial relative sea-level observations from Ireland and their role in glacial rebound modelling. Journal of Quaternary Science, 23, 175-192
- Edwards, R., Brooks, A., Shennan, I., Milne, G., & Bradley, S. (2008). Reply: Postglacial relative sea-level observations from Ireland and their role in glacial rebound modelling. Journal of Quaternary Science, 23, 821-825
- Shennan, I., Bradley, S., Milne, G., Brooks, A., Bassett, S., & Hamilton, S. (2006). Relative sea-level changes, glacial isostatic modelling and ice-sheet reconstructions from the British Isles since the Last Glacial Maximum. Journal of Quaternary Science, 21, 585-599
- Shennan, I., Hamilton, S., Hillier, C., Hunter, A., Woodall, R., Bradley, S., Milne, G., Brooks, A., & Bassett, S. (2006). Relative sea-level observations in western Scotland since the Last Glacial Maximum for testing models of glacial isostatic land movements and ice-sheet reconstructions. Journal of Quaternary Science, 21, 601-613
- Shennan, I., & Hamilton, S. (2006). Coseismic and pre-seismic subsidence associated with great earthquakes in Alaska. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(1-2), 1-8.
- Milne, G., Shennan, I., Youngs, B., Waugh, A., Teferle, F., Bingley, R., Bassett, S., Cuthbert-Brown, C., & Bradley, S. (2006). Modelling the glacial isostatic adjustment of the UK region. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 364, 931-948.
- Hamilton, S., & Shennan, I. (2005). Late Holocene relative sea-level changes and the earthquake deformation cycle around upper Cook Inlet, Alaska. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24(12-13), 1479-1498.
- Shennan, I., Hamilton, S., Hillier, C., & Woodroffe, S. (2005). A 16 000-year record of near-field relative sea-level changes, northwest Scotland, United Kingdom. Quaternary International, 133-134, 95-106
- Mastronuzzi, G., Sanso, P., & Shennan, I. (2005). Quaternary coastal morphology and sea-level changes - an introduction. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24(18-19), 1963-1968
- Hamilton, S., & Shennan, I. (2005). Late Holocene great earthquakes and relative sea-level change at Kenai, southern Alaska
- Hamilton, S., & Shennan, I. (2005). Evidence for two great earthquakes at Anchorage, Alaska and implications for multiple great earthquakes through the Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24(18-19), 2050-2068
- Horton, B., Innes, J., Shennan, I., Lloyd, J., & McArthur, J. (2004). Holocene coastal change in east Norfolk, UK: palaeoenvironmental data from Somerton and Winteron Holmes, near Horsey. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 115, 209-220.
- Shennan, I., & Milne, G. (2003). Sea-level observations around the Last Glacial Maximum from the Bonaparte Gulf, NW Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 22(14), 1543-1547
- Shennan, I., Coulthard, T., Flather, R., Horton, B., Macklin, M., Rees, J., & Wright, M. (2003). Integration of shelf evolution and river basin models to simulate Holocene sediment dynamics of the Humber Estuary during periods of sea-level change and variations in catchment sediment supply. Science of the Total Environment, 314-316, 737-754
- Zong, Y., Shennan, I., Combellick, R., Hamilton, S., & Rutherford, M. (2003). Microfossil evidence for land movements associated with the AD 1964 Alaska earthquake. Holocene, 13(1), 7-20.
- Shennan, I., & Horton, B. (2002). Relative sea-level changes and crustal movements of the UK. Journal of Quaternary Science, 16(5-6), 511-526
- Shennan, I., & Horton, B. (2002). Holocene land- and sea-level changes in Great Britain. Journal of Quaternary Science, 17(5-6), 511-526.
- Peltier, W., Shennan, I., Drummond, R., & Horton, B. (2002). On the postglacial isostatic adjustment of the British Isles and the shallow viscoelastic structure of the Earth. Geophysical Journal International, 148(3), 443-475
- Shennan, I., Peltier, W., Drummond, R., & Horton, B. (2002). Global to local scale parameters determining relative sea-level changes and the post-glacial isostatic adjustment of Great Britain. Quaternary Science Reviews, 21(1-3), 397-408.
- Shennan, I., Lambeck, K., Horton, B., Innes, J., Lloyd, J., McArthur, J., Purcell, A., & Rutherford, M. (2000). Late Devensian and Holocene records of relative sea-level changes in northwest Scotland and their implications for glacio-hydro-isostatic modelling. Quaternary Science Reviews, 19, 1103-1136.
- Shennan, I., Horton, B., Innes, J., Gehrels, R., Lloyd, J., McArthur, J., & Rutherford, M. (2000). Late Quaternary sea-level changes, crustal movements and coastal evolution in Northumberland, UK. Journal of Quaternary Science, 15(3), 215-237
- Shennan, I., Scott, D., Rutherford, M., & Zong, Y. (1999). Microfossil analysis of sediments representing the 1964 earthquake, exposed at Girdwood Flats, Alaska. Quaternary International, 60, 55-73
- Lloyd, J., Shennan, I., Green, F., Kirby, J., & Rutherford, M. (1999). Holocene relative sea-level changes in the inner Solway Firth. Quaternary International, 60, 83 - 105
- Shennan, I., Tooley, M., Green, F., Innes, J., Kennington, K., Lloyd, J., & Rutherford, M. (1999). Sea level, climate change and coastal evolution in Morar, northwest Scotland. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 77, 274-262
- Shennan, I., Long, A., & Metcalfe, S. (1998). Editorial: IGCP Project 367 'Late Quaternary records of rapid coastal change: application to present and future conditions' and twenty-five years of progress in research. Holocene, 8, 125-128
- Long, A., & Shennan, I. (1998). Models of rapid relative sea-level change in Washington and Oregon, USA. Holocene, 8, 129-142.
- Shennan, I., Long, A., & Metcalfe, S. (1998). Sea-level changes: IGCP Project 367
- Shennan, I., Long, A., & Metcalfe, S. (1998). Late Quaternary records of rapid coastal change: application to present and future conditions' and twenty-five years of progress in research. Holocene, 8, 125-128
- Shennan, I., Long, A., Rutherford, M., Kirby, J., Green, F., Innes, J., & Walker, K. (1998). Tidal marsh stratigraphy, sea-level change and large earthquakes, II: Events during the last 3500 years at Netarts Bay, Oregon, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews, 17, 365-393
- Shennan, I., Long, A., Rutherford, M., Green, F., Innes, J., Lloyd, J., Zong, Y., & Walker, K. (1996). Tidal marsh stratigraphy, sea-level change and large earthquakes, 1; a 5000 year record in Washington, U.S.A. Quaternary Science Reviews, 15, 1-37.
- Nelson, A., Shennan, I., & Long, A. (1996). Identifying coseismic sea-level change in tidal wetland stratigraphic sequences in the Cascadia subduction zone of western North America. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 6115-6135
- Shennan, I., Innes, J., Long, A., & Zong, Y. (1995). Late Devensian and Holocene relative sea-level changes in northwestern Scotland: New data to test existing models. Quaternary International, 26(97-123),
- Shennan, I., Innes, J., Long, A., & Zong, Y. (1995). Holocene relative sea-level changes at Kentra Moss, Argyll, Northwestern Scotland. Marine Geology, 124, 43-59.
- Shennan, I., Innes, J., Long, A., & Zong, Y. (1994). Late Devensian and Holocene relative sea-level changes at Loch nan Eala, near Arisaig, Northwest Scotland. Journal of Quaternary Science, 9, 261-283
- Long, A., & Shennan, I. (1994). Sea-level changes in Washington and Oregon and the 'Earthquake deformation cycle'. Journal of coastal research, 10, 825-838
- Shennan, I., Innes, J., Long, A., & Zong, Y. (1993). Late and post glacial sea-level movements in northwest Scotland, UK. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 73, 161-174
- Shennan, I., Innes, J., Long, A., & Zong, Y. (1993). Late-Glacial and Holocene sea-level changes at Rumach, northwest Scotland. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 73, 161-174
- Long, A., & Shennan, I. (1993). Holocene sea-level and crustal movements in southeast and northeast England, UK
Other (Digital/Visual Media)
- Shennan, I., Long, A., & Barlow, N. (2007). Recurrent Holocene paleoseismicity and associated land/sea-Level changes in south central Alaska. [No known commissioning body]
- Shennan, I., Hamilton, S., & Long, A. (2004). Late Holocene paleoseismicity and associated land/sea level change in the greater Anchorage area. [No known commissioning body]
- Shennan, I., & Hamilton, S. (2003). Late Holocene paleoseismicity and associated land/sea level change in the greater Anchorage area. [No known commissioning body]