Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences | |
Member of the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies |
Research interests
- Automorphic forms
- Number Theory
Esteem Indicators
- 2012: Editor of the Abhandlungen Math. Seminar Hamburg (2012-present):
Chapter in book
- Funke, J., & Millson, J. (2011). Spectacle cycles with coefficients and modular forms of half-integral weight. In J. Cogdell, J. Funke, M. Rapoport, & T. Yang (Eds.), Arithmetic geometry and automorphic forms (91-154). International Press
- Bruinier, J., & Funke, J. (2010). On the injectivity of the Kudla-Millson lift and surjectivity of the Borcherds lift. In J. Lepowsky, J. McKay, & M. Tuite (Eds.), Moonshine : the first quarter century and beyond : proceedings of a workshop on the moonshine conjectures and vertex algebras (12-39). Cambridge University Press.
Conference Paper
- Funke, J. (2008, October). Special cohomology classes for the Weil representation. Presented at Automorphic Representations, Automorphic Forms, L-functions, and Related Topics, Kyoto
- Funke, J. (2007, December). CM points and weight 3/2 modular forms. Presented at Analytic Number Theory. A Tribute to Gauss and Dirichlet, G
Edited book
Journal Article
- Alfes, C., Funke, J., Mertens, M. H., & Rosu, E. (2025). On Jacobi–Weierstrass mock modular forms. Advances in Mathematics, 465, Article 110147.
- Crawford, J., & Funke, J. (2023). The Shimura-Shintani correspondence via singular theta lifts and currents. International Journal of Number Theory, 19(10),
- Funke, J., & Kudla, S. (2023). Indefinite theta series: the case of an N-gon. Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 19 (2023)(1), 191-231.
- Funke, J., & Hofmann, E. (2021). The construction of Green currents and singular theta lifts for unitary groups. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 374(4), 2909-2947.
- Funke, J., & Kudla, S. (2019). On some incomplete theta integrals. Compositio Mathematica, 155(9), 1711-1746.
- Bruinier, J., Funke, J., Imamoḡlu, Ö., & Li, Y. (2018). Modularity of generating series of winding numbers. Research in the Mathematical Sciences, 5(2), Article 23.
- Bruinier, J., Funke, J., & Kudla, S. (2018). Degenerate Whittaker functions for Sp_n(R). International Mathematics Research Notices, 2018(1), 1-56.
- Funke, J., & Kudla, S. S. (2017). Mock modular forms and geometric theta functions for indefinite quadratic forms. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 50(40), Article 404001.
- Bruinier, J., Funke, J., & Imamoglu, O. (2015). Regularized theta liftings and periods of modular functions. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 2015(703), 43-93.
- Funke, J., & Millson, J. (2014). The geometric theta correspondence for Hilbert modular surfaces. Duke Mathematical Journal, 163(1), 65-116.
- Funke, J., & Millson, J. (2013). Boundary behaviour of special cohomology classes arising from the Weil representation. Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu, 12(3), 571-634.
- Funke, J., & Millson, J. (2006). Cycles with local coefficients for orthogonal groups and vector-valued Siegel modular forms. American Journal of Mathematics, 128(4), 899-948.
- Bruinier, J., & Funke, J. (2006). Traces of CM values of modular functions. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 594, 1-33.
- Bruinier, J., & Funke, J. (2004). On two geometric theta lifts. Duke Mathematical Journal, 125(1), 45-90.
- Funke, J. (2002). Heegner divisors and non-holomorphic modular forms. Compositio Mathematica, 133(3), 289-321.
- Funke, J., & Millson, J. (2002). Cycles in hyperbolic manifolds of non-compact type and Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms. manuscripta mathematica, 107(4), 409-449.
- Böcherer, S., Funke, J., & Schulze-Pillot, J. (1999). Trace operator and theta series. Journal of Number Theory, 78(1), 119-139.
Supervision students
Patrick Creagh