Staff profile

Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor Emeritus in the Department of English Studies | |
Member of the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies |
Research interests
- Durham Medieval Drama Group
- Durham medieval texts
- Old Norse literature (esp. mythological poetry)
- Old and Middle English poetry
- medieval acting style
- records of early English drama
Authored book
- McKinnell, J. (2005). Meeting the Other in Norse Myth and Legend. D.S. Brewer
- McKinnell, J., Simek, R., & Düwel, K. (2004). Runes, Magic and Religion. A Sourcebook. Fassbaender
- McKinnell, J. (1998). The Sequence of the Sacrament at Durham. University of Teeside
- McKinnell, J., & Ruggerini, M. (1994). Both One and Many: Essays on Change and Variety in Late Norse Heathenism. Calamo
Chapter in book
- McKinnell, J. (2011). 'Modern Productions of Medieval English Drama'. In R. Beadle (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre. (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press
- McKinnell, J. (2009). The Fantasy Giantess: Brana in 'Hálfdanar saga Brönufóstra'. In Á. Jakobsson, A. Lassen, & A. Ney (Eds.), Fornaldarsagaerne: Myter og Virkelighed. Museum Tusculanum
- McKinnell, J. (2007). 'Hamðismál'. In A. Faulkes (Ed.), 'A New Introduction to Old Norse. Part II - Reader' (363-382). (4th ed.). Viking Society for Northern Research
- McKinnell, J. (2007). 'The Narrator as Everyone's Voice: A Project to Produce the Ecerinis of Albertino Mussato'. In P. Butterfield (Ed.), The Narrator, the Expositor, and the Prompter in European Medieval Theatre. Brepols Publishers
- McKinnell, J. (2007). 'Why did Christians Continue to Find Pagan Myths Useful?'. In J. P. Schjødt, P. Hermann, & R. T. Kristensen (Eds.), Reflections on Old Norse Myths. Brepols Publishers
- McKinnell, J. (2003). Encounters with Völur. In M. C. Ross (Ed.), Old Norse myths, literature and society (110-131). University Press of Southern Denmark
- McKinnell, J. (2002). ‘Þorgerðr Hölgabrúðr and Hyndluljóð’. In R. Simek, & W. Heizmann (Eds.), Mythological Women. Studies in Memory of Lotte Motz (265-290)
- McKinnell, J. (2001). Eddic Poetry in Anglo-Scandinavian Northern England. In J. Graham-Campbell, R. Hall, J. Jesch, & D. Parsons (Eds.), Vikings and the Danelaw. Select Papers from the Proceedings of the Thirteenth Viking Congress (327-344). Oxbow
- McKinnell, J. (2001). Ögmundar þáttr: Versions, Structure and Ideology. In Á. Egilsdóttir, & R. Simek (Eds.), Sagnaheimur. Studies in Honour of Hermann Pálsson (159-174). (Studia Medievalia Septentrionalia). Fassbaender
- McKinnell, J. (2001). Significant Gestures: Two Medieval Illustrations of Classical Theatre. In S. Carpenter, P. King, & P. Meredith (Eds.), Porci ante margaritam : essays in honour of Meg Twycross (289-320). University of Leicester
Edited book
Journal Article
- McKinnell, J. (2007). Wisdom from the dead : the Ljóðatal section of Hávamál. Medium ævum, 76, 85-115
- McKinnell, J. (2005). Hávamál B: A Poem of Sexual Intrigue. Saga-book, 29(2005), 83-114
- McKinnell, J. (2001). ‘On Heiðr’. Saga-book, 25(4), 394-417
- McKinnell, J. (2000). Myth as Therapy: the Usefulness of Brymskvida. Medium ævum, 69(1), 1-20
- McKinnell, J. (2000). The Medieval pageant waggons at York : their orientation and height. Early Theatre, 3(1), 79-104
- McKinnell, J. (2000). The Medieval Pageant Wagons at York: their Orientation and Height. Early Theatre, 3, 79-104
Other (Digital/Visual Media)