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Juliano Abramovay

Member of the Department of Music


Juliano Abramovay is a researcher and musician from São Paulo, Brazil. After concluding a Bachelor on Classical Guitar at Faculdade Santa Marcelina and a Master on compositional processes at University of Sao Paulo, Juliano began to branch out from traditional guitar technique mastering fretless guitar and oud, as well as researching traditional music from Greece and Turkey. This led him to continue his studies at the Turkish Music Department from Codarts - University for the Arts (Rotterdam, Netherlands), concluding with distinction a second Master under supervision of neyzen master Kudsi Erguner and Michalis Cholevas. During this time, his research was awarded 1st prize and audience prize at research festival Connect and 2nd prize at Fontys research competition. He has been awarded with a grant from Codarts Innovation Fund to conclude material related to his Mastes. He presented papers together with Cholevas at Bangor University, EUROMAC 2017 (Strasburg), AAMW (Thessaloniki) and Guildhall Conservatoire (London). In addition to pursuing his PhD at Durham University, he works as a research supervisor for bachelor students at Codarts.

Research interests

  • Ethnomusicology
  • Improvisation
  • Music Analysis
  • Rhythm theory