Staff profile
Michael Prestwich
Professor Emeritus (Medieval History)

Affiliation |
Professor Emeritus (Medieval History) in the Department of History |
Member of the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies |
Research interests
- English medieval military history
- English political and constitutional history in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries
- The Hundred Years War
Authored book
- Prestwich, M. (2017). A Short History of the Hundred Years War. I. B. Tauris
- Prestwich, M. (2014). Medieval People. Thames & Hudson
- Prestwich, M. (2005). Plantagenet England 1225-1360. Oxford University Press
- Prestwich, M. (1996). Armies and Warfare in the Middle Ages. The English Experience. Yale University Press
- Prestwich, M. (1990). English Politics in the Thirteenth Century. Macmillan
- Prestwich, M. (1988). Edward I. Methuen
- Prestwich, M. (1980). The Three Edwards. War and State in England 1272-1377. Weidenfeld and Nicolson
- Prestwich, M. (1972). War, Politics and Finance under Edward I. Faber & Faber
Chapter in book
- Prestwich, M. (2006). The Enterprise of War. In R. Horrox, & W. M. Ormrod (Eds.), A Social History of England 1200-1500 (74-90). Cambridge University Press
- Prestwich, M. (2006). Transcultural warfare: the later middle ages. In H.-H. Kortuem (Ed.), Transcultural Wars from the Middle Ages to the 21st Century (43-56). Akadmie Verlag
- Prestwich, M. (2006). The Court of Edward II. In G. Dodd, & A. Musson (Eds.), The reign of Edward II : new perspectives (61-75). Boydell & Brewer
- Prestwich, M. (2005). The Battle of Crécy. In A. Ayton, & P. Preston (Eds.), The Battle of Crécy, 1346 (139-157). Boydell & Brewer
- Prestwich, M. (2003). The unreliability of household knights in the early fourteenth century. In C. Given-Wilson (Ed.), Fourteenth century England II (1-11). Boydell & Brewer
- Prestwich, M. (2001). The garrisoning of English medieval castles. In R. Abels, & B. Bachrach (Eds.), The Normans and their adversaries at war : essays in memory of C. Warren Hollister (185-200). Boydell & Brewer
- Prestwich, M. (1998). The English at the battle of Neville's Cross. In D. Rollason, & M. Prestwich (Eds.), The Battle of Neville's Cross 1346 (1-14). Sean Tyas
- Prestwich, M. (1990). The Ordinances of 1311 and the politics of the early fourteenth century. In J. Taylor, & W. Childs (Eds.), Politics and Crisis in Fourteenth-Century England (1-18). Alan Sutton
- Prestwich, M. (1989). England and Scotland during the Wars of Independence. In M. Jones, & M. Vale (Eds.), England and her Neighbours 1066-1453: Essays in honour of Pierre Chaplais
- Prestwich, M. (1987). War and Taxation in England in the XIIth and XIVth Centuries. In J. Ph. Genet, & M. Le Mené (Eds.), Genèse de l’état moderne: Prélévement et Redistribution (181-192)
- Prestwich, M. (1986). Royal Patronage under Edward I. In M. Prestwich, R. Frame, & R. Britnell (Eds.), Thirteenth Century England I (41-52). Boydell & Brewer
- Prestwich, M. (1985). The Piety of Edward I. In W. Ormrod (Ed.), England in the Thirteenth Century: Proceedings of the Harlaxton Conference, 1984
- Prestwich, M. (1984). Cavalry Service in early fourteenth century England. In J. Gillingham, & J. Holt (Eds.), War and Government in the Middle Ages (147-158). Boydell Press
- Prestwich, M. (1983). Parliament and the community of the realm in fourteenth-century England. In A. Cosgrove, & J. McGuire (Eds.), Parliament and Community (Historical Studies XVI) (5-24)
- Prestwich, M. (1979). Italian Merchants in late thirteenth- and early fourteenth-century England. The Dawn of Modern Banking (77-104). Yale University Press
Edited book
Journal Article
- Prestwich, M. (1990). Miles in armis strenuus: The Knight at War. Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 6th series, 5, 201-20
- Prestwich, M. (1990). Edward I and the Maid of Norway
- Prestwich, M. (1984). A new version of the Ordinances of 1311. Historical Research, 57, 189-203.
- Prestwich, M. (1983). English Armies in the Early Stages of the Hundred Years War: a scheme in 1341. Historical Research, 56(133), 102-113.
- Prestwich, M. (1982). The Modus Tenendi Parliamentum. Parliamentary History, 1(1), 221-5.
- Prestwich, M. (1982). English Castles in the Reign of Edward II. Journal of Medieval History, 8, 159-178
- Prestwich, M. (1979). Early fourteenth-century exchange rates. The Economic History Review, 2nd series 32, 470-482
- Prestwich, M. (1973). Exchequer and Wardrobe in the later years of Edward I. Historical Research, 46, 1-10
- Prestwich, M. (1971). Isabella de Vescy and the custody of Bamburgh Castle. Historical Research, 44, 148-152.
- Prestwich, M. (1969). Edward I's monetary policies and their consequences. The Economic History Review, 2nd series, 12, 406-416
- Prestwich, M. (1967). Victualling estimates for English garrisons in Scotland in the early fourteenth century. The English Historical Review, 82, 536-453
Scholarly Edition