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Professor Nadin Beckmann

Professor, Director of Education

Dr. rer. nat. CPsychol FHEA

Professor, Director of Education in the School of Education+44 (0) 191 33 48337
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing


Affiliate of the Durham University Evidence Centre for Education

Completed Supervisions

The Traveller Has Many a Tale to Tell: Personal Change and Language Development as a Result of a Year Abroad.

The Power of the Situation: Variability and Stability in Chinese University Students’ Willingness to Communicate in English Classrooms.

An Investigation into the Effects of Electronic Storybooks on Language and Literacy Outcomes.

Comparative Multiple Case Study into the Teaching of Problem-Solving Competence in Lebanese Middle Schools.

‘Normal People’? An Autistic Analysis into Neurodiverse Communication and Innovation Through Diversity.

Understanding the ‘Pull’ of Peer-Led Sex Education: A Model for the Production and Evaluation of Programme Theory.

Introducing Dynamic Testing to Teachers in Malaysia: An Experimental Investigation of Its Effects on Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices about Assessment.

Exploring the Role of Psychological Capital and Academic Hope in High School Students.

I am a psychologist and professor at the School of Education, Durham University. In my research I adopt a dynamic view on psychological constructs, such as ability and personality. A dynamic view builds upon the premise of change and malleability, which can be understood in terms of responses to interventions (feedback and training) as well as development and maturation.

My current research projects focus on the dynamic, process-oriented approaches to personality and individual differences in work and educational contexts. Within this broader framework, I am interested in how our daily experiences shape who we are at a given moment in time and who we become in the future. Fundamentally, in my work I conceptualise the person as an adaptable and flexible being with a potential to change and grow. Studying change and development allows going beyond selection, e.g. based on current personality and other traits. For example, a person may choose a particular job or be selected into a particular role based on their personality traits, e.g. extraversion may be conducive to a leadership position. In the role, they may then have extra opportunities to further develop their trait extraversion; such that they ultimately change and become more extraverted over time. I am interested in both, the short-term underpinning dynamics and the longer-term person changes associated with such trajectory. There are many interesting questions to be answered, such as: How promptly does personality change happen; is it sustained; how does it relate to outcomes of interest at school, work and beyond; How do people differ in their readiness to change and why; How can short-term fluctuations and dynamics be best conceptualised and measured; Do short-term dynamics predict longer-term change; amongst other questions. Related Special Issues that I have edited and co-edited for 

Frontiers in Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology ( and 

Personality and Individual Differences ( can be found here. Other research interests of mine include psychometric assessment, feedback processing, and technology-based learning.

I have received a doctoral degree in natural sciences (Dr. rer. nat.) from the Institute of Experimental Psychology at Heinrich-Heine-University of Duesseldorf, Germany, and am an Alumna of the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes,

I have completed a 4.5-year degree programme in psychology (Dipl-Psych., equivalent to BSc/MSc Psychology) at Leipzig University, Germany, majoring in educational psychology and clinical psychology, with a minor in work and organizational psychology. Prior to my position at the School of Education I held an Australian Research Council Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the Accelerated Learning Laboratory at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia. I also worked in research positions at the Center for the Psychology of Abilities, Competencies, and Expertise (PACE Center), Yale University, USA, and the Institute of Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment at Leipzig University, Germany. 

Fellowships, Awards & Grants

  • Australian Research Council Discovery Project (DP160103335, International Partner Investigator): Task Contingent Units of Personality and Adaptive Performance
  • Australian Research Council Discovery Project (DP0987584): Integrating Between-Person and Within-Person Approaches to Personality in the Workplace 
  • Australian Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship (Australian Research Council Linkage Project, LP0669552): Flexible Expertise in Senior Executives
  • Best paper award at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois
  • Dissertation Scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)
  • Dissertation Scholarship of the Saxonian Government, Germany
Information for prospective doctoral research student supervisions

I welcome postgraduate research supervision proposals that are broadly concerned with the cognitive and non-cognitive determinants, correlates and/or outcomes of learning and development in both educational and work contexts. Areas of interest include: personality and individual differences & learning and performance, personality change and malleability, personality dynamics, psychometric assessment of cognitive and non-cognitive attributes, and technology-based communication & learning. 

Research interests

  • Personality and Individual Differences
  • Personality Dynamics
  • Trait Change and Malleability
  • Experience Sampling Methods
  • Learning Processes and Outcomes
  • Psychometric Assessment
  • Technology-based Learning

Esteem Indicators

  • 2000: Partner Investigator on an Australian Research Council funded project administered by The University of Melbourne: (AUS$423,456)
  • 2000: Invited Assessor for Research Councils: Australian Research Council (ARC); Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC); Medical Research Council (RCUK MRC); Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)
  • 2000: Invited talks and keynotes: e.g., Dynamic Personality – How does it work at work? Keynote presented at the European Association of Work and Organisational Psychology (EAWOP) SGM “Personality Dynamics at Work” at the Universität zu Lübeck, Germany. Personality Dynamics as Individual Differences: Conceptual Considerations, Methodological Approaches, and Predictive Utility. Invited Talk presented at the Pre-Conference on Idiographics and Nomothetics in Personality Science, 20th European Conference on Personality, Madrid, Spain.
  • 2000: Reviewer for various journals: e.g., Learning and Individual Differences; Personality and Individual Differences; European Journal of Personality; British Educational Research Journal; International Journal of Educational Research; British Journal of Educational Psychology; Computers in Human Behavior; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; Journal of Business Research; System-An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics; Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching
  • 2000: Associate Editor: Frontiers in Psychology / Personality and Social Psychology
  • 2000: Fellow: Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • 2000: Member of Editorial Board: International Journal of Educational Research


Chapter in book

Conference Paper

Edited book

Journal Article



Supervision students