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Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology+44 (0) 191 33 43279


Academic Interests

My main research focus is understanding how children perceive social signals. Primarily I'm interested in exploring the development of emotion recognition from the body, hands and voice using behavioural experiments, fMRI and point-light displays.

My current projects involve exploring the phenomenon of auditory emotional dominance in children (where children can't ignore what they hear), how individuals with autism spectrum disorder recognise emotions from the hands, and investigating the brain areas involved when children and adults recognise emotions from the human body.

Away from developmental work I'm part of an interdisciplinary team working with the Shared Services Forum UK on the 'Digital Voice' project, investigating how the rise of communication technologies during the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted on employee's voice and well-being.

I'm also a co-founder of the Wearable Ideologies (WE-ID) project, an international interdisciplinary research network exploring the ideologies of language on worn objects.

Research interests

  • Auditory dominance in children
  • Importance of the hands in emotion recognition
  • Typical developmental trajectories of emotion recognition
  • Emotion recognition from the body and voice
  • fMRI in children and adolescents


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