Staff profile
Professor Paul Murray
Professor of Systematic Theology
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor of Systematic Theology in the Department of Theology and Religion | +44 (0) 191 33 43947 |
Member of the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies |
I am a systematic theologian who joined the Department in September 2002. Since 2008 I have also served as the Director of the Centre for Catholic Studies (CCS) within the Department. The CCS is the UK’s first permanent centre devoted to pioneering research and teaching in Catholic theology in the public academy.
Following a Durham BA in Theology (1983-1986) and a Durham M.Litt thesis on the soteriology of Karl Rahner (1987-1988), my Cambridge doctoral research (1993-1996) focused on issues of post-foundationalism as they figure alike in contemporary American pragmatist thought and contemporary theology. This work culminated in the publication of a number of essays and, in 2004, a monograph, Reason, Truth and Theology in Pragmatist Perspective. Although this work starts out with issues in epistemology, rationality and fundamental theology, it ends up touching on ecclesiological issues. The connection lies in the dual fact that: a) the place in which matters of truth, reason, decision-making and discernment are, in practice, handled within the Christian tradition is in the life of the Church; and b) our handling of matters of truth and reason are, as the pragmatist tradition recognises, matters of practice and not just theory. In this way, my earlier work has led me onto my current writing project which I am provisionally entitling Catholicism Transfigured: Conceiving Change in the Church.
This current interest in ecclesiology, ecclesial practice, and the dynamics of ecclesial development is also reflected in my MA module on Conceiving Change in Contemporary Catholicism, which contributes to the specialist pathway in Catholic Studies through the Department’s MA in Theological Research.
Closely related to my current ecclesiological interests is a series of research projects and international conferences in Receptive Ecumenism (a fresh strategy for Christian ecumenism that takes long-term difference seriously), of which I am the initiator and Director.
My wider teaching and research interests – in all of which areas I have supervised and/or co-supervised research students – range from the interface between science and theology, political theology, the doctrine of God, and contemporary Catholic theology. I am very happy to engage in email correspondence with further potential research students interested in pursuing related projects.
As regards broader networks, I am a regular participant in the annual conferences of the Society for the Study of Theology (Treasurer 2003-2005) and the Catholic Theological Association of Great Britain (President 2012-2014) and an occasional participant in the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion. From 2006-2011 I served on the Editorial Board of Concilium International. In 2011 I was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to the third phase of work of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC III) and in 2012 as a Consultor to the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.
Authored book
Chapter in book
- Murray, P. D. Formal Ecumenism, Receptive Ecumenism, and the Diverse Local Churches of the Global Catholic Communion. In W. Cavanaugh (Ed.), Ecumenism in the World Church. Wipf and Stock (Cascade)
- Murray, P. D. (in press). Reforming Ecumenism: Receptive Ecumenism as an Instrument for Ecclesial Transformation. In N. Haupt, O. Kristenson, M. Nausner, & G. A. Ryan (Eds.), Spirit Flowing like Water: Conversations on Receptive Ecumenism. Wipf and Stock
- Murray, P. D. Théologie en Dialogue: la Théologie Catholique au Royaume Uni ('The Challenges and Responsibilities of Contemporary Catholic Theology: A UK Perspective'). In A. B. de Baenst (Ed.), La théologie: Identité et pertinence: Actes du colloque, du 12 au 14 février 2018 (56-77). Institu d’Études Theologiques de Bruxelles
- Murray, P. D. (in press). On Achieving What We Want through Prayer: Thoughts in Conversation with Thomas Aquinas. In G. Thomas, & D. F. Ford (Eds.), Thy Kingdom Come: Walking the Way of Prayer, Witness, and Reconciliation. SCM Press
- Murray, P. D. Exploring the Basis for an Integrated Catholic Theology of Ministry through Ecumenical Learning. In T. Pott (Ed.), Malines Conversations Group V: Cambridge, March 20 – 23, 2017: Papers & Discussions. Monastère de Chevetogne
- Murray, P. D. (2024). Charism, Institution, and Trinity in the Work of Karl Rahner: On Securing the Necessary Pneumatological Ground for an Integrated Theology of Ministry. In E. Regan, & A. J. Kearns (Eds.), Critical Questions in Contemporary Theology: Essays in Honour of Dermot A. Lane (149-161). Peter Lang
- Murray, P. D. (2024). Catholic Theology After Vatican II. In R. Muers, A. Cocksworth, & D. F. Ford (Eds.), Ford's The Modern Theologians: An Introduction to Christian Theology since 1918 (233-250). (4th ed.). Blackwell
- Murray, P. D. (2023). The Reception of Vatican II in Systematic Theology. In C. E. Clifford, & M. Faggioli (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Vatican II (396-417). Oxford University Press
- Murray, P. D. (2022). Growing into the Fullness of Christ: Receptive Ecumenism as a Way of Ecclesial Conversion. In P. D. Murray, G. A. Ryan, & P. Lakeland (Eds.), Receptive Ecumenism as Transformative Ecclesial Learning: Walking the Way to a Church Re-formed (463-480). Oxford University Press.
- Murray, P. D. (2019). Living Sacrifice: Is there a Non-pathological Way of Living Suffering as Sacrifice?. In K. E. Kilby, & R. Davies (Eds.), Suffering and the Christian life (189-206). Bloomsbury
- Murray, P. D. (2019). Discerning the Call of the Spirit to Theological-Ecclesial Renewal: Notes on Being Reasonable and Responsible in Receptive Ecumenical Learning. In V. Miller, D. Moxon, & S. Pickard (Eds.), Leaning into the Spirit: Ecumenical Perspectives on Discernment and Decision-making in the Church (217-234). Palgrave Macmillan (Springer Nature)
- Murray, P. D. (2018). Roman Catholicism and Ecumenism. In L. Ayres, & M.-A. Volpe (Eds.), The Oxford Companion to Catholicism. Oxford University Press.
- Murray, P. D. (2018). Receiving of Christ in the Spirit: The Pneumatic-Christic Depths of Receptive Ecumenism. In V. Balabanski, & G. Hawkes (Eds.), Receptive Ecumenism: Listening, Learning, and Loving in the Way of Christ (157-170). ATF
- Murray, P. D. (2018). Living Catholicity Differently: On Growing into the Plenitudinous Plurality of Catholic Communion in God. In S. Hellemans, & P. Jonkers (Eds.), Envisioning futures for the Catholic Church (109-158). Council for Research in Values and Philosophy
- Murray, P. D. (2018). Charisma, Institution und Trinität im Werk Karl Rahners: Zur Sicherung einer notwendigen pneumatologische Basis für eine ganzheitliche Theologie des Dienstamts. In G. Werner (Ed.), Gerettet durch Begeisterung: Reform der katholischen Kirche durch pfingstlich-charismatische Religiosität? (145-163). Verlag Herder
- Murray, P. D. (2018). Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice: On Delivering on the Ecclesiological Implications of Evangelii Gaudium. In A. Harris, & D. Dormor (Eds.), Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudum, and the Renewal of the Church (85-111). Paulist
- Murray, P. D. (2018). Receptive Ecumenism as a Leaning-in to the Spirit of Loving Transformation. In V. Balabanksi, & G. Hawkes (Eds.), Receptive Ecumenism: Listening, Learning, and Loving in the Way of Christ (xv-xxiii). ATF
- Murray, P. D. (2017). In Search of a Way. In G. Wainwright, & P. McPartlan (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of Ecumenical studies. Oxford University Press.
- Murray, P. D. (2016). World Catholicism Today: Challenges and Possibilities. In J. Hegarty (Ed.), The Global History of Roman Catholicism (208-215). Rowan Press
- Murray, P. D. (2016). Receptive Ecumenism: Eine Einführung. In C. Böttigheimer, & R. Dausner (Eds.), Vaticanum 21. Die bleibenden Aufgaben des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils im 21. Jahrhundert: Dokumentationsband zum Münchner Kongress "Das Konzil 'eröffnen'" (235-248). Herder
- Murray, P. D. (2015). Engaging with the Contemporary Church. In M. Higton, & J. Fodor (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to the Practice of Christian Theology (278-293). Routledge
- Murray, P. D. (2015). Ecumenism, Evangelization and the Conflicting Narratives of Vatican II: Reading Unitatis Redintegratio with His Holiness Benedict XVI Roman Pontiff Emeritus. In K. Kim, & P. Grogan (Eds.), The New Evangelization: Faith, People, Context and Practice (99-120). Bloomsbury
- Murray, P. D. (2015). Discerning the Catholic Moment: Challenges, Opportunities, and Responsibilities. In T. Potts (Ed.), Malines Conversations Group II: Canterbury, London, March 30 – April 3, 2014: Papers & Discussions (125-141). Monastère de Chevetogne
- Murray, P. D. (2013). The Shaping of Catholic Theology in the UK Public Academy. In T. Greggs, & R. Muers (Eds.), Theology, Academy, Church and Society: Essays in Honour of David Ford (330-342). Cascade Books
- Murray, P. D. (2013). On Celebrating Vatican II as Catholic and Ecumenical. In G. D’Costa, & E. Harris (Eds.), The Second Vatican Council: Celebrating Its Achievements and the Future (85-103). Bloomsbury
- Murray, P. D. (2013). Redeeming Catholicity for a Globalising Age: The Sacramentality of the Church. In P. DeMey, P. DeWitte, & G. Mannion (Eds.), Believing in Community: Ecumenical Reflections on the Church (229-240). Peeters Publishers
- Murray, P. D. (2012). ‘Discerning the Dynamics of Doctrinal Development: a Post-foundationalist Perspective’. In S. Oliver, K. Kilby, & T. O’Loughlin (Eds.), Faithful Reading: New Essays in Theology in Honour of Fergus Kerr, OP (193-220). T&T Clark
- Murray, P. D. (2012). ‘The Ups and Downs, Highs and Lows, and Practicalities of Ecclesiological Analysis with Edward Schillebeeckx’. In E. Borgman, P. D. Murray, & A. T. Queiruga (Eds.), Sacramentalizing Human History: In Honour of Edward Schillebeeckx (1917-2009) (70-91). SCM Press
- Murray, P. D., & Murray, A. L. (2012). The Roots, Range and Reach of Receptive Ecumenism. In C. Barrett (Ed.), Unity in Process: Reflections on Ecumenism (79-94). DLT
- Murray, P. D. (2012). Expanding Catholicity through Ecumenicity in the Work of Yves Congar: Ressourcement, Receptive Ecumenism, and Catholic Reform. In G. Flynn, & P. D. Murray (Eds.), Ressourcement: A Movement for Renewal in Twentieth Century Catholic Theology (457-481). OUP
- Murray, P. D., & Guest, M. (2012). On Discerning the Living Truth of the Church: Theological and Sociological Perspectives on Receptive Ecumenism and the Local Church – A Regional Comparative Research Project. In C. Scharen (Ed.), Ecclesiology and Ethnography (138-164). Eerdmans
- Murray, P. D. (2011). Dominum et Vivificantem Read Today. In D. Irarrázaval, P. D. Murray, & M. C. Bingemer (Eds.), Lord and Life-Giver: Spirit Today (142-147). (2011/4). SCM Press
- Murray, P. D. (2010). Towards an Integrated Theology of Ministry within Contemporary Catholicism. In S. Ross, P. D. Murray, & M. C. Bingemer (Eds.), Theologies of Ministry North and South (43-54). (2010/2). SCM Press
- Murray, P. D. (2008). Preface. In P. D. Murray (Ed.), Receptive Ecumenism and the Call to Catholic Learning: Exploring a Way for Contemporary Ecumenism (ix-xv). Oxford University Press
- Murray, P. D. (2008). Receptive Ecumenism and Catholic Learning: Establishing the Agenda. In P. D. Murray (Ed.), Receptive Ecumenism and the Call to Catholic Learning: Exploring a Way for Contemporary Ecumenism (5-25). OUP
- Murray, P. D. (2008). Redeeming Catholicity for a Globalising Age: The Sacramentality of the Church. In N. Watson, & S. Burns (Eds.), Exchanges of Grace: Essays in Honour of Ann Loades (149-169). SCM
- Murray, P. D. (2007). On valuing truth in practice: Rome's postmodern challenge. In L. P. Hemming, & S. F. Parsons (Eds.), Redeeming Truth: Considering Faith in Reason (184-206). SCM Press
- Murray, P. D. (2007). Theology 'under the lash’ : theology as idolatry critique in the work of Nicholas Lash. In S. C. Barton (Ed.), Idolatry: false worship in the Bible, early Judaism, and Christianity (246-266). T&T Clark
- Murray, P. D. (2007). Catholicism and Ecumenism. In A. Hession, & P. Kieran (Eds.), Exploring Theology: Making Sense of the Catholic Tradition (305-316). Dublin: Veritas
- Murray, P. D. (2005). Roman Catholic theology after Vatican II. In D. F. Ford, & R. Muers (Eds.), The modern theologians : an introduction to Christian theology since 1918 (265-286). (3rd ed.). Blackwell
- Murray, P. D. (2005). Truth and Reason in Science and Theology: Points of Tension, Correlation and Compatibility. In C. Southgate (Ed.), God, Humanity and the Cosmos: A Companion to Science and Religion (82-115). Edinburgh: T & T Clark
- Murray, P. D., & Wilkinson, D. (2005). The Significance of the Theology of Creation within Christian Tradition: Systematic Considerations. In C. Southgate (Ed.), God, Humanity and the Cosmos: A Companion to Science and Religion (39-62). Edinburgh: T & T Clark
- Murray, P. D. (2002). A Liberal Helping of Postliberalism Please. In M. D. Chapman (Ed.), The Future of Christian Theology (208-218). Ashgate Publishing
Conference Paper
- Murray, P. D. (2013, December). Growing into the Fullness of Christ: Receptive Ecumenism as an Instrument of Ecclesial Conversion. Presented at The 68th Annual Convention of the Catholic Theological Society of America, Miami, Florida
- Murray, P. D. (2012, December). On Attending to the Authority of the Concrete Church: An Issue for Systematic Ecclesiology and a Vital Site for Ecumenical Learning. Presented at American Academy of Religion, Chicago, Illinois
Edited book
- Murray, P. D., Ryan, G. A., & Lakeland, P. (Eds.). (2022). Receptive Ecumenism as Transformative Ecclesial Learning: Walking the Way to a Church Re-formed. Oxford University Press.
- Flynn, G., & Murray, P. D. (Eds.). (2012). Ressourcement: A Movement for Renewal in Twentieth Century Catholic Theology. OUP
- Borgman, E., & Murray, P. D. (Eds.). (2012). Sacramentalizing Human History: Essays in Honour of Edward Schillebeechx (1914-2009). SCM Press
- Irarrázaval, D., Murray, P. D., & Bingemer, M. C. (Eds.). (2011). Lord and Life-Giver: Spirit Today. SCM Press
- Ross, S., Murray, P. D., & Bingemer, M. C. (Eds.). (2010). Theologies of Ministry North and South. SCM Press
- Murray, P. D. (Ed.). (2008). Receptive Ecumensim and the Call to Catholic Learning: Exploring a Way for Contemporary Ecumenism. Oxford University Press
- Murray, P. D., & Bradshaw, A. (Eds.). (2002). Global Capitalism and the Gospel of Justice: Politics, Economics and the UK Churches. CSM
Journal Article
- Murray, P. D. (2020). Thomas Aquinas and the Potential Catholic Integration of a Dynamic Occasionalist Understanding of Grace. International Journal of Systematic Theology, 22(1), 83-112.
- Murray, P. D. (2019). Ecclesiology as Political Theology: On Delivering on a Transformative Strategic Orientation in Ecclesiology. Theological Studies, 80(4), 822-844.
- Murray, P. D. (2017). Receptive Ecumenism and the Quincentennial Anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation. Centro Pro unione, 92(Fall 2017), 8-17
- Murray, P. D. (2016). Ecclesia et Pontifice: On Delivering on the Ecclesiological Implications of Evangelii Gaudium. Ecclesiology: The Journal for Ministry, Mission and Unity, 12(1), 13-33.
- Murray, P. D. (2016). Receptive Ecumenism; Eine Einfuhrung. Theologische Quartalschrift (München), 196, 235-247.
- Murray, P. D. (2015). The Reception of ARCIC I and II in Europe and Discerning the Strategy and Agenda for ARCIC III. Ecclesiology: The Journal for Ministry, Mission and Unity, 11(2), 199-218.
- Murray, P. D. (2014). Searching the Living Truth of the Church in Practice: On the Transformative Task of Systematic Ecclesiology. Modern Theology, 30(2), 251-281.
- Murray, P. D. (2014). Introducing Receptive Ecumenism
- Murray, P. D. (2013). Families of Receptive Theological Learning: Scriptural Reasoning, Comparative Theology and Receptive Ecumenism. Modern Theology, 29(4), 76-92.
- Murray, P. D. (2011). ‘Expanding Catholicity through Ecumenicity in the Work of Yves Congar: Ressourcement, Receptive Ecumenism, and Catholic Reform’. International Journal of Systematic Theology, 13(3), 272-302.
- Murray, P. D. (2011). ARCIC III: Recognising the Need for an Ecumenical Gear-Change
- Murray, P. D. (2010). 'St. Paul and Ecumenism: Justification and All That’. New Blackfriars, 91(1032), 142-170.
- Murray, P. D. (2008). Developments in Receptive Ecumenism at Durham University
- Murray, P. D. (2008). Whole Church Catholicism and Local Ecclesial Commitment. Contemporary Catholic Theology in the UK Context
- Murray, P. D. (2008). Receptive Ecumenism and Ecclesial Learning: Receiving Gifts for Our Needs. Louvain Studies, 33, 30-45
- Murray, P. D. (2007). Theology 'Under the Lash' : Theology as Idolatry Critique in the Work of Nicholas Lash. New Blackfriars, 88(1013), 4-24.
- Murray, P. D. (2007). Receptive Ecumenism and Catholic Learning: Establishing the Agenda.
- Murray, P. D. (2006). On Valuing Truth in Practice : Rome's Postmodern Challenge. International Journal of Systematic Theology, 8(2), 163-183.
- Murray, P. D. (2004). “The Lasting Significance of Karl Rahner for Contemporary Catholic Theology”. Louvain Studies, 29(1-2), 8-27.
- Murray, P. D. (2004). Fallibilism, Faith and Theology: Putting Rescher’s Philosophy to Theological Work. Modern Theology, 20, 339-362.
- Murray, P. D. (1998). Theology After the Demise of Foundationalism
- Murray, P. D. (1998). Theology in the Borderlands: Donald MacKinnon and Contemporary Theology. Modern Theology, 14, 355-376.
Other (Print)
- The Tablet, 1 Jan 2011