Staff profile
Professor Philip Steinberg
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Geography | +44 (0) 191 33 41945 |
NINE DTP Director and Durham Arctic Director in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Health | |
Associate Fellow in the Institute of Advanced Study |
I came to Durham in Autumn 2013 after sixteen years in Florida State University’s Department of Geography, punctuated by one-year interludes at the New York Public Library’s Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers (2002-2003), the University of California, Santa Cruz’ Center for Cultural Studies (2005-2006), and Royal Holloway, University of London’s Department of Geography (2012-2013). Prior to Florida State, I attended Clark University’s Graduate School of Geography (1990-1996), where I received my MA and PhD degrees, as well as teaching briefly in Bucknell University’s Department of Geography (1997).
My research focuses on the historical, ongoing, and, at times, imaginary projection of social power onto spaces whose geophysical and geographic characteristics make them resistant to state territorialization. These spaces include the world-ocean, the Arctic, and the universe of electronic communications. Within these spaces, I study everything from artistic depictions to governance institutions to the lifeways of individuals who inhabit (or cross) their expanses. In addition to these major research themes, I frequently conduct research in complementary areas including urban planning politics; utopianism (especially as projected onto islands); intersections between geography and international law; critical theories of development and nature; and the links between art, cartography, visualisation, and representation.
My present research is primarily in two main areas: Wet Ontologies and Ocean Governance; and Arctic Politics and the Liveliness of Sea Ice. In the first of these areas, I explore how the ocean — in its liquid mobility but also in its other states (sea ice, mist, etc.) and in its depths and volumes — challenges the notion of ‘territory’ as it is typically conceptualised on land and inscribed through legal norms and state practice. While much of my work in this area is highly conceptual, it also engages with issues in the governance of marine resources, particularly on the seabed, as well as encounters with water by coastal peoples. In the second of these areas, I focus on the Arctic, where the presence of sea ice challenges norms of ocean governance inherited from temperate, continental regions. This research is complemented by a wider ranging set of enquiries concerning the place of the frozen, inhabited ocean in a world that is typically understood, outside the polar regions, as divided into solid, bounded land and liquid, unbounded water.
I also have a strong, secondary interest, in cross-disciplinary research and, in particular, cross-disciplinary doctoral and professional training. This is reflected in the three centres that I direct at Durham:
- IBRU: Durham University's Centre for Borders Research. IBRU spans the areas of cartography, diplomacy, and international law to offer a suite of online and offline training courses, as well as supporting research that seeks to facilitate enhanced understanding of border areas, contribute to the peaceful resolution of boundary disputes, and engage with broader geographic questions concerning the changing nature of sovereignty, territory, citizenship, and the political organisation of space.
- The Durham Arctic Research Centre for Training and Interdisciplinary Collaboration (DurhamARCTIC). Following successful completion of a six-year grant to coordinate PhD training for 15 students across seven disciplines in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities, DurhamARCTIC now focuses on facilitating internal and external facing Arctic research collaborations among Durham staff and students.
- The Northern Ireland / Northeast England Doctoral Training Partnership (NINE DTP). NINE DTP is a seven-university partnership funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council to fund training of five cohorts of 50-55 students per year across all social science disciplines and research areas.
Additionally, I have a strong interest in the practices and norms of academic publishing. As former editor-in-chief of the journal Political Geography (2016-2019) as well as through service on a number of other publishing initiatives, I have contributed to debates on the ways in which academic dialogue is framed, limited, and enabled by the institutional, state, and corporate structures that govern the production and circulation of knowledge.
For more on my research, publications, and internal and external leadership activities, as well as a complete c.v., please visit my personal web page.
Authored book
- Steinberg, P., Tasch, J., & Gerhardt, H. (2015). Contesting the Arctic: Politics and Imaginaries in the Circumpolar North. I.B. Tauris
- McDowell, S. D., Steinberg, P. E., & Tomasello, T. K. (2008). Managing the Infosphere: Governance, Technology, and Cultural Practice in Motion. Temple University Press
- Steinberg, P. E., & Sherman-Morris, K. (2005). People in Places: A Documentary Case Study Workbook to Accompany the 8th Edition of The Cultural Landscape by James Rubenstein. Prentice Hall
- Steinberg, P. E., & Sherman-Morris, K. (2004). People in Places: A Documentary Case Study Workbook to Accompany the 3rd Edition of Places and Regions in Global Context by Paul Knox and Sallie Marston. Prentice Hall
- Steinberg, P. E. (2001). The Social Construction of the Ocean. Cambridge University Press
Book review
- Steinberg, P. (2018). Waves of Knowing: A Seascape Epistemology Karin Animoto Ingersoll. Duke University Press, 2016, pp ix + 216 (ISBN: 978‐0‐8223‐6234‐0). Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 39(3), 472-474.
- Steinberg, P. E. (2010). Book Review: Geographies of Media and Communication, by Paul C. Adams. Aether (Northridge, Calif. ), 6, 113-116
Chapter in book
- Steinberg, P. (in press). Foreword. In Marine Geography: Ocean Space and Sense of Place. Elsevier
- Seddon, L., & Steinberg, P. Sea ice extent and the sea ice index: Freezing Arctic sea ice through measurement and mediation. In J. Alnæs, S. Tollerud Bull, L. Hausken, & S. Østby Sæther (Eds.), Media Seas and the Blue Humanities: Studies of the High North Atlantic. Routledge
- Steinberg, P. (in press). Foreword. In Arctic State Identity: Geography, History, and Geopolitical Relations, by Ingrid A. Medby. Manchester University Press
- Steinberg, P. The political geography of 'gatekeeping' at Political Geography. In Political Geography in Practice. Palgrave Macmillan
- Coutu, C., Ferloni, G., Riquet, J., & Steinberg, P. (2024). Mediating Arctic soundscapes. In J. Riquet (Ed.), . Manchester University Press
- Charier, D., Huttorm, H., Kramvig, B., Kristoffersen, B., Riquet, J., & Steinberg, P. (2024). Decolonial cartographies: Countermapping in the Arctic. In J. Riquet (Ed.), The Mediated Arctic. Manchester University Press
- Steinberg, P., Ferloni, G., Aporta, C., Bridge, G., Chircop, A., Coddington, K., Elden, S., Kane, S. C., Koivurova, T., Shadian, J., & Stammler-Gossmann, A. (2022). Navigating the Structural Coherence of Sea Ice. In I. Braverman (Ed.), Laws of the Sea: Interdisciplinary Currents (164-183). Routledge.
- Steinberg, P. (2022). Introduction: Placing and situating ocean space(s). In K. Peters, J. Anderson, A. Davies, & P. Steinberg (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Ocean Space (3-19). Routledge
- Kristoffersen, B., Bridge, G., & Steinberg, P. (2022). Time for oil: competing petrotemporalities in Norway's Lofote/Vesteralen/Senja Archipelago. In F. Polack, & D. Farquharson (Eds.), Cold Water Oil: Offshore Petroleum Cultures (176-193). Routledge
- Steinberg, P. (2020). Preface. In N. Couling, & C. Hein (Eds.), The Urbanisation of the Sea: From Concepts and Analysis to Design (1-2). nai010 Publishers.
- Steinberg, P., Kristoffersen, B., & Shake, K. (2020). Edges and flows: Exploring legal materialities and biophysical politics of sea ice. In I. Braverman, & E. Johnson (Eds.), Blue legalities : the law and life of the sea. Duke University Press
- Steinberg, P., & Kristoffersen, B. (2018). Building a Blue Economy in the Arctic Ocean: Sustaining the Sea or Sustaining the State?. In U. Gad, & J. Strandsbjerg (Eds.), Politics of sustainability in the Arctic : reconfiguring identity, space, and time (136-148). Routledge.
- Steinberg, P. (2018). The Power of Water. In M. Coleman, & J. Agnew (Eds.), Handbook on the geographies of power (217-228). Edward Elgar Publishing
- Steinberg, P. (2018). The Lighthouse as Survival. In V. Strang, T. Edensor, & J. Puckering (Eds.), From the lighthouse : interdisciplinary reflections on light (179-183). Routledge
- Steinberg, P. (2018). Environments. In K. Peters, P. Steinberg, & E. Stratford (Eds.), Territory beyond Terra (87-90). Rowman & Littlefield International
- Peters, K., Steinberg, P., & Stratford, E. (2018). Introduction. In K. Peters, P. Steinberg, & E. Stratford (Eds.), Territory beyond Terra (1-15). Rowman & Littlefield International
- Bruun, J., & Steinberg, P. (2018). Placing Territory on Ice: Militarisation, Measurement, and Murder in the High Arctic. In K. A. Peters, P. E. Steinberg, & E. Stratford (Eds.), Territory beyond terra (147-165). Rowman & Littlefield International
- Steinberg, P. (2018). The Ocean and Transport / The Ocean in Transport / The Ocean as Transport; or, Mobilis in Mobili. In S. Hessler (Ed.), Tidalectics : imagining an oceanic worldview through art and science. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press
- Steinberg, P. (2018). Foreword. In M. Brown, & B. Humberstone (Eds.), Shaped by the Sea: Embodied Narratives in Fluid Geographies (xi-xiv). Ashgate
- Steinberg, P. (2017). The Ocean as Forgotten Space of Capitalism. In D. Zyman, & C. Scozzari (Eds.), Alan Sekula – Okeanos. Sternberg Press
- Steinberg, P. E. (2017). Oceans and seas, Human geography. In D. Richardson (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology. Wiley.
- Steinberg, P. E. (2016). Afterword: Tourism, Extraction, and the Postcolonial Arctic. In L. Jensen, & G. Huggan (Eds.), Postcolonial Perspectives on the European High North: Unscrambling the Arctic (143-145). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Steinberg, P. (2016). Chapters on 'Human blood, whole'; 'Flushing cistern of plastics'; 'Human hair, unworked, whether or not washed or scoured', 'Hydraulic fluid power pumps'; 'Waveform measuring and analyzing instruments'; and 'Kazoos'. In M. Zurkow (Ed.), More&More (A Guide to the Harmonized System). Punctum.
- Steinberg, P., & Coddington, K. (2015). From Ice Law to ICE LAW: Constructing an Interdisciplinary Research Project on the Political-Legal Challenges of Polar Environments. In L. Heininen, H. Exner-Pirot, & J. Plouffe (Eds.), 2015 Arctic yearbook (443-449). Northern Research Forum
- Steinberg, P. E. (2015). Maritime Cargomobilities: The Impossibilities of Representation. In T. Birtchnell, S. Savitzky, & J. Urry (Eds.), Cargomobilities: Moving Materials in a Global Age (35-47). Routledge.
- Steinberg, P. E. (2015). Non-linearity in the Ocean Documentary. In R. van Munster, & C. Sylvest (Eds.), Documenting World Politics: A Critical Companion to IR and Non-fiction Film (78-94). Routledge.
- Steinberg, P. (2015). Politics at the Poles. In P. Knox, & S. Marston (Eds.), Human Geography: Places and Regions in Global Context, 7th ed. Pearson
- Steinberg, P. E. (2015). U.S. Arctic Policy: Reproducing Hegemony in a Maritime Region. In R. W. Murray, & A. Dey Nuttall (Eds.), International Relations and the Arctic: Understanding Policy and Governance (165-190). Cambria
- Steinberg, P. (2014). Mediterranean Metaphors: Travel, Translation and Oceanic Imaginaries in the 'New Mediterraneans' of the Arctic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. In J. Anderson, & K. Peters (Eds.), Water Worlds: Human Geographies of the Ocean (23 - 37). Routledge.
- Steinberg, P. E. (2014). On Thalassography. In J. Anderson, & K. Peters (Eds.), Water Worlds: Human Geographies of the Ocean (xiii-xvii). Ashgate Publishing.
- Steinberg, P. (2014). Maintaining Hegemony at a Distance: The U.S. Arctic Region Policy Presidential Directive of 2009. In R. Powell, & K. Dodds (Eds.), Polar Geopolitics? Knowledge, Resources and Legal Regimes (113-130). Edward Elgar Publishing
- McDowell, S., Nensey, Z., & Steinberg, P. (2014). Cooperative International Approaches to Network Security: Understanding and Assessing OECD and ITU Efforts to Promote Shared Cybersecurity. In J.-F. Kremer, & B. Müller (Eds.), Cyberspace and International Relations: Theories, Prospects and Challenges (231-252). Springer Verlag
- Steinberg, P. (2013). Oceans. In B. Warf (Ed.), Oxford Bibliography of Geography. Oxford University Press
- Morgan, J., & Steinberg, P. (2013). Maps for Crime Mapping. In M. Leitner (Ed.), Crime Modeling and Mapping Using Geospatial Techniques (339-366). Springer Verlag
- Steinberg, P. (2013). Island or Continent?. In G. Baldacchino (Ed.), The Political Economy of Divided Islands: Unified Geographies, Multiple Polities. Palgrave Macmillan
- Steinberg, P. (2012). A Middle Route Through the Northwest Passage: Resolving a Controversy in the Context of International Law. In World Geography: Understanding a Changing World. ABC-CLIO
- Steinberg, P. (2011). Free Sea. In S. Legg (Ed.), Sovereignty, Spatiality, and Carl Schmitt: Geographies of the Nomos (268-275). Routledge
- Steinberg, P. (2011). Liquid Urbanity: Re-Engineering the City in a Post-Terrestrial World. In S. Brunn (Ed.), Engineering Earth: The Impacts of Mega-Engineering Projects (2113-2122). Springer Verlag
- Steinberg, P. E. (2010). Entries on "Oceans," "Peet, Richard," and "Portolan Charts". In B. Warf (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geography. SAGE Publications
- Steinberg, P. E., & Purcell, D. (2010). Power and Space in Electronic Communications. In R. A. Denemark (Ed.), The International Studies Encyclopedia (5893-5906). Wiley
- Steinberg, P. E. (2009). Oceans. In R. Kitchin, & N. Thrift (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Human Geography (21-26). Elsevier
- Steinberg, P. E. (2008). What is a City? Katrina's Answers. In P. E. Steinberg, & R. Shields (Eds.), What Is a City? Rethinking the Urban after Hurricane Katrina (3-29). University of Georgia Press
- Steinberg, P. E. (2007). Entries for "Law of the Sea" and "Oceans". In P. Robbins (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Environment and Society. SAGE Publications
- Steinberg, P. E. (2007). Scale in Cyberspace. AP Human Geography 2007-2008 Professional Development Handbook; Special Focus - Scale (28-34). The College Board
- Steinberg, P. E. (2007). Bridging the Florida Keys. In G. Baldacchino (Ed.), Bridging Islands: The Impact of Fixed Links (123-138). Acorn Press
- Psuty, N., Steinberg, P. E., & Dawn, W. (2004). Coastal and Marine Geography. In G. Gaile, & C. Willmott (Eds.), Geography in America at the Dawn of the 21st Century (314-325). Oxford University Press
- Steinberg, P. E. (1998). Transportation Space: A Fourth Spatial Category for the World-Systems Perspective?. In P. Ciccantell, & S. Bunker (Eds.), Space and Transport in the World System (19-35). Greenwood Press
Edited book
- Peters, K., Anderson, J., Davies, A., & Steinberg, P. (Eds.). (2022). The Routledge Handbook of Ocean Space. Routledge
- Peters, K., Steinberg, P., & Stratford, E. (Eds.). (2018). Territory Beyond Terra. Rowman & Littlefield International
- Steinberg, P. E., & Shields, R. (Eds.). (2008). What Is a City? Rethinking the Urban after Hurricane Katrina. University of Georgia Press
Journal Article
- Peters, K., & Steinberg, P. (online). A Wet World: Rethinking Place, Territory, and Time
- Steinberg, P. (online). Film Review: The Forgotten Space by Allan Sekula & Noel Burch. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space,
- Steinberg, P., Baxter, R., Egan, E., Kramvig, B., Lehman, J., Winderen, J., Winterling, S., & Kramvig, B. (in press). Listening to/in the Field: Polyphony in the Exploring Arctic Soundscapes Project. Geohumanities,
- Steinberg, P. (online). ‘It Is Not Down on Any Map’: Sovereignty, Territory, and Jurisdiction on an Arctic Ice Island. Geopolitics,
- Colenbrander, D., Driessen, C., Fisch, M., Mizukawa, J., Steinberg, P., Taddei, R., & Helmreich, S. (2025). Five commentaries on ‘Waves Dangerous, Domesticated and Diagnostic’ plus Stefan Helmreich’s response. Maritime Studies, 24, Article 13.
- Steinberg, P. (2023). Oceans, islands, closets and smells: decolonization through spatial metaphors. Postcolonial Studies, 26(2), 323-328.
- Conde, M., Mondré, A., Peters, K., & Steinberg, P. (2022). Mining questions of ‘what’ and ‘who’: deepening discussions of the seabed for future policy and governance. Maritime Studies, 21(3), 327-338.
- Steinberg, P. (2022). Blue Planet, Black Lives: Matter, Memory, and the Temporalities of Political Geography. Political Geography, 96, Article 102524.
- Lehman, J., Steinberg, P., & Johnson, E. (2021). Turbulent waters in three parts. Theory and Event, 24(1), 192-219
- Carver, R., Childs, J., Steinberg, P., Mabon, L., Matsuda, H., Squire, R., McLellan, B., & Esteban, M. (2020). A critical social perspective on deep sea mining: Lessons from the emergent industry in Japan. Ocean & Coastal Management, 193,
- Steinberg, P., & Peters, K. (2019). The ocean in excess: Towards a more-than-wet ontology. Dialogues in Human Geography, 9(3), 293-307.
- Steinberg, P., & Peters, K. (2019). Cross-currents and undertows: A response. Dialogues in Human Geography, 9(3), 333-338.
- Benjaminsen, T. A., Costalli, S., Grove, K., McConnell, F., Menga, F., Steinberg, P. E., & Vradis, A. (2019). Beyond bibliometrics. Political Geography, 68, A1-A2.
- Steinberg, P. (2018). Editorial: The Ocean as Frontier. International Social Science Journal, 68(229-230), 237-240.
- Steinberg, P. (2018). Views. Cultural Anthropology,
- Shake, K., Frey, K., Martin, D., & Steinberg, P. (2018). (Un)frozen spaces: Exploring the role of sea ice in the marine socio-legal spaces of the Bering and Beaufort Seas. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 33(2), 239-253.
- Van Dover, C., Arnaud-Haond, S., Gianni, M., Helmreich, S., Huber, J., Jaecke, A., Metaxas, A., Pendleton, L., Petersen, S., Ramirez-Llodra, E., Steinberg, P., Tunnicliffe, V., & Yamamoto, H. (2018). Scientific rationale and international obligations for protection of active hydrothermal vent ecosystems from deep-sea mining. Marine Policy, 90, 20-28.
- Benjaminsen, T., Buhaug, H., Grove, K., McConnell, F., & Steinberg, P. (2018). Political geography in the impasse. Political Geography, 62, A1-A2.
- Steinberg, P., Page, S., Ditmer, J., Gökariksel, B., Smith, S., Ingram, A., & Koch, N. (2018). Reassessing the Trump presidency, one year on. Political Geography, 62, 207-215.
- Steinberg, P., & Kristoffersen, B. (2017). ‘The ice edge is lost … nature moved it’: mapping ice as state practice in the Canadian and Norwegian North. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 42(4), 625-641.
- Steinberg, P. (2017). Governing the Global Commons: Antarctica, the Arctic, and Outer Space
- Benjaminsen, T., Buhaug, H., McConnell, F., Sharp, J., & Steinberg, P. (2017). Political Geography and the Environment. Political Geography, 56(1), A1-A2.
- Steinberg, P. (2016). Europe's ‘Others’ in the Polar Mediterranean. Journal of Economic and Human Geography, 107(2), 177-188.
- Buhaug, H., McConnell, F., Sharp, J., Sidaway, J., & Steinberg, P. (2016). Changes at Political Geography. Political Geography, 50(1), A1-A2.
- Steinberg, P. (2015). Reclaiming Society Publishing. Publications, 3(3), 150-154.
- Steinberg, P., & Peters, K. (2015). Wet Ontologies, Fluid Spaces: Giving Depth to Volume through Oceanic Thinking. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 33(2), 247-264.
- Steinberg, P. (2015). The Condition of Premodernity. Dialogues in Human Geography, 5(1), 95-97.
- O'Loughlin, J., Raento, P., Sharp, J., Sidaway, J., & Steinberg, P. (2015). Data ethics: Pluralism, replication, conflicts of interest, and standards in Political Geography. Political Geography, 44, A1-A3.
- Steinberg, P. E., & Dodds, K. (2015). The Arctic Council after Kiruna. Polar Record, 51(01), 108-110.
- Steinberg, P., Bruun, J., & Medby, I. (2014). Covering Kiruna: a natural experiment in Arctic awareness. Polar Geography, 37(4), 273-297.
- Steinberg, P. (2014). Steering between Scylla and Charybdis: The Northwest Passage as Territorial Sea. Ocean Development and International Law, 45(1), 84-106.
- Steinberg, P., & Peters, K. (2014). Volume and Vision: Toward a Wet Ontology. Harvard design magazine, 39, 124-129
- O'Loughlin, J., Raento, P., Sharp, J., Sidaway, J., & Steinberg, P. (2014). Predators, Sanctions and Political Geography. Political Geography, 38, A1-A3.
- Steinberg, P. (2013). Of Other Seas: Metaphors and Materialities in Maritime Regions. Atlantic Studies, 10(2), 156-169.
- Steinberg, P. (2013). Kansainvälinen näkökulma tieteellisten seurojen julkaisutoimintaan = An International Perspective on Society Publishing. Terra, 125(2), 73-75
- O'Loughlin, J., Raento, P., Sidaway, J., Sharp, J., & Steinberg, P. (2013). Political Geography in the Age of Electronic Information. Political Geography, 32(1), 1-2.
- Steinberg, P., Nyman, E., & Caraccioli, M. (2012). Atlas Swam: Freedom, Capital, and Floating Sovereignties in the Seasteading Vision. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 44(4), 1532-1550.
- Steinberg, P., Gerhardt, H., & Tasch, J. (2012). The Arctic Model: Collaborative Governance in a Rapidly Changing Region
- O’Loughlin, J., Raento, P., Sidaway, J., & Steinberg, P. (2012). Celebrating Thirty Years of Political Geography. Political Geography, 31(1), 1-2.
- Steinberg, P. (2012). Openness, Accessibility, and the Political Geography of Academic Communication. Political Geography, 31(5),
- Steinberg, P. (2012). Book Review: The Sea, a Cultural History, by John Mack. Journal of Historical Geography, 38(3), 349-350.
- O’Loughlin, J., Raento, P., Sidaway, J., & Steinberg, P. (2011). Academic Re-Territorializations: Gate-Keeping, Power, and Responsibility. Political Geography, 30(1), 1-2.
- Steinberg, P. (2011). Book Review: Cosmopolitanism and the Geographies of Freedom, by David Harvey. Dialogues in Human Geography, 1(1), 114-116.
- Fiorito, J., Tope, D., Steinberg, P., Padavic, I., & Murphy, C. (2011). Lay Activism and Activist Intentions in a Faculty Union: An Exploratory Study. Labor Studies Journal, 36(4), 483-507.
- Steinberg, P. E. (2010). Professional Ethics and the Politics of Geographic Knowledge: The Bowman Expeditions. Political Geography, 29(8), 413-413.
- Steinberg, P. E. (2010). The Deepwater Horizon, The Mavi Marmara, and the Dynamic Zonation of Ocean-Space. The Geographical Journal, 177(1), 12-16.
- Gerhardt, H., Steinberg, P. E., Tasch, J., Fabiano, S. J., & Shields, R. (2010). Contested Sovereignty in a Changing Arctic. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 100(4), 992-1002.
- Steinberg, P. E. (2010). You Are (Not) Here: On the Ambiguity of Flag Planting and Finger Pointing. Political Geography, 29(2), 81-84.
- O'Loughlin, J., Raento, P., Sidaway, J. D., & Steinberg, P. E. (2010). Re-Presenting Information: Reviews, Interventions, and Guest Editorials. Political Geography, 29(1), 1-2.
- Steinberg, P. E. (2009). Internationalism, Hegemony, Community, and the Megaconference: A Response to Lawrence Berg. ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 8(3), 552-558
- Steinberg, P. E. (2009). Book Review: The Tropics of Empire: Why Columbus Sailed South to the Indies, by Nicolas Wey Gómez. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 30(3), 404-405.
- Steinberg, P. E. (2009). Sovereignty, Territory, and the Mapping of Mobility: A View from the Outside. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 99(3), 467-495.
- Steinberg, P. E., & Chapman, T. E. (2009). Key West's Conch Republic: Building Sovereignties of Connection. Political Geography, 28(5), 283-295.
- Vannini, P., Baldacchino, G., Guay, L., Royle, S., & Steinberg, P. E. (2009). Reterritorializing Canada: Arctic Ice's Liquid Modernity and the Imagining of a Canadian Archipelago
- Steinberg, P. E. (2008). It's So Easy Being Green: Overuse, Underexposure, and the Marine Environmentalist Consensus. Geography Compass, 2(6), 2080-2096.
- Steinberg, P. E. (2007). Book Review: Islands of the Mind: How the Human Imagination Created the Atlantic World, by John R. Gillis. Geographical Review, 97(2), 302-304
- Steinberg, P. E. (2006). Book Review: Atlantic History: Concept and Contours, by Bernard Bailyn. Journal of Historical Geography, 32(3), 655-657.
- Steinberg, P. E. (2006). Book Review: Longitude and Empire: How Captain Cook's Voyages Changed the World, by Brian W. Richardson
- Steinberg, P. E. (2006). Geopolitical Seduction. Geopolitics, 11(3), 529-534.
- Steinberg, P. E. (2006). Calculating Similitude and Difference: John Seller and the 'Placing' of English Subjects in the Global Community of Nations. Social and Cultural Geography, 7(5), 687-707.
- Steinberg, P. E. (2005). Insularity, Sovereignty, and Statehood: The Representation of Islands on Portolan Charts and the Construction of the Territorial State. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 87(4), 253-265.
- Steinberg, P. E. (2004). Book Review: The Sea Knows No Boundaries: A Century of Marine Science under ICES, by Helen M. Rozwadowski. Area, 36(3), 329-330.
- Steinberg, P. E., & McDowell, S. D. (2003). Mutiny on the Bandwidth: The Semiotics of Statehood in the Internet Domain Name Registries of Pitcairn Island and Niue. New Media and Society, 5(1), 47-67.
- Steinberg, P. E. (2003). Hegemony, Identity, the Particular, and the Universal. Geopolitics, 8(2), 166-174.
- Steinberg, P. E., & McDowell, S. D. (2003). Global Communication and the Post-Statism of Cyberspace: A Spatial Constructivist View. Review of International Political Economy, 10(2), 196-221.
- Steinberg, P. E., Walter, A., & Sherman-Morris, K. (2002). Using the Internet to Integrate Thematic and Regional Approaches to Geographic Education. Professional Geographer, 54(3), 332-348.
- Steinberg, P. E. (2002). Book Review: Manufacturing Time: Global Competition in the Watch Industry, 1795-2000, by Amy K. Glasmeier. Historical geography, 30, 221-223
- Steinberg, P. E. (2001). Book Review: Global Communications Since 1844: Geopolitics and Technology, by Peter Hugill. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 91(1), 219-220.
- McDowell, S. D., & Steinberg, P. E. (2001). Non-State Governance and the Internet: Civil Society and the ICANN. Info (Cambridge. Print), 3(4), 279-298
- Steinberg, P. E. (2000). Place, Power, and Paternalism: Imagined Histories and Welfare Capitalism in Burrillville, Rhode Island, 1912-1951. Urban Geography, 21(3), 237-260.
- Steinberg, P. E. (2000). Review Essay: Fish Business: Salmon, Biology, and the Social Construction of Nature, by Rik Scarce, and Making Salmon: An Environmental History of the Northwest Fisheries Crisis, by Joseph Taylor. Environment and Planning A, 32(10), 1889-1890.
- Steinberg, P. E. (1999). Navigating to Multiple Horizons: Toward a Geography of Ocean-Space. Professional Geographer, 51(3), 366-375.
- Steinberg, P. E., & Clark, G. E. (1999). Troubled Water: Acquiescence, Conflict, and the Politics of Place in Watershed Management. Political Geography, 18(4), 477-508.
- Steinberg, P. E. (1999). Lines of Division, Lines of Connection: Stewardship in the World-Ocean. Geographical Review, 89(2), 254-264.
- Steinberg, P. E. (1999). The Maritime Mystique: Sustainable Development, Capital Mobility, and Nostalgia in the World-Ocean. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 17(4), 403-426.
- Steinberg, P. E. (1999). Book Review: A World of Difference: Society, Nature, Development, by Philip Porter and Eric Sheppard. Economic Geography, 75(3), 302-304.
- Steinberg, P. E. (1997). Book Review: Power and Development, by Jonathan Crush. Professional Geographer, 49(2), 258-259.
- Steinberg, P. E. (1997). Political Geography and the Environment. Journal of Geography, 96(2), 113-118.
- Steinberg, P. E. (1997). Book Review: The Way the Modern World Works: World Hegemony to World Impasse, by Peter Taylor. Economic Geography, 73(4), 453-455.
- Steinberg, P. E. (1997). Book Review: The True Costs of Road Transport, by David Maddison et al. Local Environment, 2(1), 99-100.
- Steinberg, P. E. (1997). And are the Anti-Statist Movements our Friends?. Political Geography, 16(1), 13-19.
- Steinberg, P. E. (1996). Three Historical Systems of Ocean Governance: A Framework for Analyzing the Law of the Sea
- Rocheleau, D. E., Steinberg, P. E., & Benjamin, P. A. (1995). Environment, Development, Crisis, and Crusade: The Imprint of Single Geographies on Separate Realities in Ukambani, Kenya, 1890-1990. World Development, 23(6), 1037-1051.
- Steinberg, P. E. (1994). Territorial Formation on the Margin: Urban Anti-Planning in Brooklyn. Political Geography, 13(5), 461-476.
- Steinberg, P. E. (1994). Book Review: Political Geography of the 20th Century: A Global Analysis. Economic Geography, 70(1), 88-91
- Steinberg, P. E. (1994). Territory, Territoriality, and the New Industrial Geography. Political Geography, 13(1), 3-5.
Newspaper/Magazine Article
Other (Digital/Visual Media)
Other (Print)
- Steinberg, P., & Kristoffersen, B. (2019). Cartomanzie polari
- Steinberg, P. (2017). Canadian Sovereignty in the High Arctic
- Steinberg, P. E., & Cohen, R. (1990). Back to Basics in Brooklyn
- Siegert, M., Bacon, S., Brooks, I., Burgess, H., Cottier, F., Depledge, D., Dodds, K., Edwards, M., Essery, R., Heywood, K., Hendry, K., Jones, V., Lea, J., Medby, I., Meredith, M., Screen, J., Steinberg, P., Tarling, G., Warner ., J., & Young, G. (2020). The Arctic and the UK: Climate, research and engagement. Grantham Institute, Imperial College London
- Arpan, L., Lu, J., Opel, A., & Steinberg, P. E. (2010). Home Energy Conservation and Efficiency in Florida. [No known commissioning body]
- Steinberg, P. E., & Clark, G. E. (1996). Wachusett Reservoir Recreation Survey: Report of Findings. [No known commissioning body]
- Bridge, G., & Steinberg, P. E. (1996). Trends in Environmental Issues and Regulations Affecting Telecommunications: The United States, with a Special Focus on California. [No known commissioning body]
- Johnson, D., Beard, C., Bridge, G., Steinberg, P. E., & Bowden, M. (1995). Blackstone Heritage Corridor Boundary Adjustment Study. [No known commissioning body]
- Rocheleau, D. E., Steinberg, P. E., & Benjamin, P. A. (1994). A Hundred Years of Crisis? Environment and Development Narratives in Ukambani, Kenya. [No known commissioning body]