Staff profile
Professor Philip Stephens

Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Biosciences | +44 (0) 191 33 49102 |
Director of IAPETUS and Academic Lead at Durham in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Health |
Phil Stephens graduated in Zoology from Bristol, took an MSc. in Conservation Biology at the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology and gained his PhD in population ecology from the University of East Anglia (2002). His principal interests are in how evolved traits shape the fates of individuals and how those fates sum to determine the dynamics of populations. These interests inform research on evolution, behaviour and conservation more broadly.
Research interests
- Animal behaviour
- Biodiversity conservation
- Biodiversity monitoring
- Camera trapping
- Citizen science
- Population dynamics of vertebrates
- Population ecology
- Wildlife management
Esteem Indicators
- 2015: Member, Science Panel to Quality Assure the UK and England Biodiversity Indicators: Member of a small, independent expert panel to review the indicators used to assess UK government progress towards national and international biodiversity targets.
- 2015: Member, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal) review panel: Member of panel that met (in Lisbon) to assess and rank >250 grant applications to the major Portuguese science funding body.
- 2014: Senior Editor, Journal of Applied Ecology:
- 2014: Invited author: Population Viability Analysis: Peer reviewed contribution to the Oxford Bibliographies Online initiative.
- 2012: Member, NERC Peer Review College:
- 2007: Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Ecology:
- 2006: Acting Senior Editor, Journal of Applied Ecology:
- 2005: Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Ecology:
- 2000: Associate Editor, Endangered Species Research:
Chapter in book
- Stephens, P. (2024). MAMMALNET – Citizen Science Data Collection From a One Health Perspective. In S. Cork, & J. Lindenmayer (Eds.), Practical Applications Of The Transdisciplinary Approach (327-336). CABI.
- Stephens, P. (2016). Population Viability Analysis. In D. Gibson (Ed.), Oxford bibliographies. Ecology. Oxford University Press.
- Miquelle, D., Goodrich, J., Smirnov, E., Stephens, P., Zaumyslova, O., Chapron, G., Kerley, L., Murzin, A., Hornocker, M., & Quigley, H. (2010). The Amur tiger: a case study of living on the edge. In D. Macdonald, & A. Loveridge (Eds.), The Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids. Oxford University Press
- Stephens, P., Zaumyslova, O., Myslenkov, A., Hayward, G., & Miquelle, D. (2005). Densities of ungulates in Sikhote-Alin Zapovednik, Russian Far East. In D. Miquelle, E. Smirnov, & J. Goodrich (Eds.), The Tigers of Sikhote-Alin Zapovednik: Ecology and Conservation (97-112). PSP
- Miquelle, D., Stephens, P., Smirnov, E., Goodrich, J., Zaumyslova, O., & Myslenkov, A. (2005). Tigers and Wolves in the Russian Far East: Competitive Exclusion, Functional Redundancy and Conservation Implications. In J. Ray, J. Berger, K. Redford, & R. Steneck (Eds.), Large Carnivores and the Conservation of Biodiversity (179-207). Island Press
- Stephens, P., Zaumyslova, O., Myslenkov, A., Miquelle, D., & Hayward, G. (2005). Temporal dynamics of ungulates in Sikhote-Alin Zapovednik, Russian Far East, 1962 - 2001. In D. Miquelle, E. Smirnov, & J. Goodrich (Eds.), The Tigers of Sikhote-Alin Zapovednik: Ecology and Conservation (113-125). PSP
- Stephens, P., & Sutherland, W. (2000). Vertebrate mating systems, Allee effects and conservation. In M. Apollonio, M. Festa-Bianchet, & D. Mainardi (Eds.), Vertebrate Mating Systems (186-213). World Scientific Publishing
Journal Article
- Fuentes-Allende, N., Stephens, P., MacTavish, L., MacTavish, D., & Willis, S. (online). Remote monitoring of short-term body mass variation in savanna ungulates. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 9(5), 707-723.
- Beatham, S., Coats, J., Stephens, P., & Massei, G. (online). Factors affecting bait uptake by the grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) and the future delivery of oral contraceptives. Wildlife Research, 51,
- Heger, T., Elliot‐Graves, A., Kaiser, M. I., Morrow, K. H., Bausman, W., Dietl, G. P., Dormann, C. F., Gibson, D. J., Griesemer, J., Itescu, Y., Jax, K., Latimer, A. M., Liu, C., Starrfelt, J., Stephens, P. A., & Jeschke, J. M. (online). Looking beyond Popper: how philosophy can be relevant to ecology. Oikos, Article e10994.
- Davis, S., Grainger, M., Pfeifer, M., Pattison, Z., Stephens, P., & Sanderson, R. (2025). Restoring riparian habitats for benefits to biodiversity and human livelihoods: a systematic map protocol for riparian restoration approaches in the tropics. Environmental Evidence, 14, Article 2.
- Davis, S., Grainger, M., Pfeifer, M., Pattison, Z., Stephens, P., & Sanderson, R. (2025). Restoring riparian habitats for benefits to biodiversity and human livelihoods: a systematic map protocol for riparian restoration approaches in the tropics. Environmental Evidence, 14(1), Article 2.
- Border, J. A., Pearce-Higgins, J. W., Hewson, C. M., Howard, C., Stephens, P. A., Willis, S. G., Fuller, R. A., Hanson, J. O., Sierdsema, H., Foppen, R. P. B., Brotons, L., Gargallo, G., Fink, D., & Baillie, S. R. (2025). Expanding protected area coverage for migratory birds could improve long-term population trends. Nature Communications, 16(1), Article 1813.
- Beatham, S. E., Stephens, P. A., Goodwin, D., Coats, J., Rochester, I., Thomas, E., Rochester, A., & Massei, G. (2024). An assessment of seasonal bait uptake by individual grey squirrels to develop a delivery system for oral contraceptives. Pest Management Science, 80(11), 5597-5607.
- Stephens, P. (2024). Continent-wide differences in diet breadth of large terrestrial carnivores: the effect of large prey and competitors. Mammal Review, 54(3), 288-298.
- McKaughan, J., Stephens, P., Lucas, C., Guichard-Kruger, N., Guichard-Kruger, F., & Hill, R. (2024). Leopard density and determinants of space use in a farming landscape in South Africa. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 10562.
- Border, J. A., Boersch‐Supan, P. H., Pearce‐Higgins, J. W., Hewson, C. M., Howard, C., Stephens, P. A., Willis, S. G., Houston, A. I., Gargallo, G., & Baillie, S. R. (2024). Spatial variation in spring arrival patterns of Afro‐Palaearctic bird migration across Europe. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 33(7), Article e13850.
- Burton, A. C., Beirne, C., Gaynor, K. M., Sun, C., Granados, A., Allen, M. L., Alston, J. M., Alvarenga, G. C., Calderón, S. Á., Amir, Z., Anhalt-Depies, C., Appel, C., Stephanny, Balme, G., Bar-Massada, A., Barcelos, D., Barr, E., Barthelmess, E. L., Baruzzi, C., Basak, S. M., …Kays, R. (2024). Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 8(5), 924–935.
- Dickinson, E. R., McFarland, C., Toïgo, C., Scantlebury, D. M., Stephens, P. A., Marks, N. J., & Morgan, E. R. (2024). Host movement dominates the predicted effects of climate change on parasite transmission between wild and domestic mountain ungulates. Royal Society Open Science, 11(1), Article 230469.
- Ternyik, B., McKaughan, J. E., Hill, R. A., & Stephens, P. A. (2024). Efficient data collection for camera trap‐based density estimation: A preliminary assessment. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 5(1), Article e12300.
- Smith, G., Roy, D., Stephens, P., Casaer, J., Jansen, P., & Blanco-Aguiar, J. A. (2023). MAMMALNET – Citizen Science Data Collection from a One Health Perspective. One Health Cases, 2023,
- Vada, R., Illanas, S., Acevedo, P., Adriaens, T., Apollonio, M., Belova, O., Blanco-Aguiar, J., Csányi, S., Body, G., G.Fernández-De-Mera, I., Ferroglio, E., A.Jansen, P., M.Jeschke, J., Keuling, O., Palazón, S., Plis, K., Podgórski, T., Rickowski, F., Scandura, M., Shakun, V., …Vicente, J. (2023). Feral American mink (Neogale vison) continues to expand its European range: time to harmonize population monitoring and coordinate control. Mammal Review, 53(3), 158-176.
- Chalmers, C., Fergus, P., Wich, S., Longmore, S., Walsh, N., Stephens, P., Sutherland, C., Matthews, N., Mudde, J., & Nuseibeh, A. (2023). Removing Human Bottlenecks in Bird Classification Using Camera Trap Images and Deep Learning. Remote Sensing, 15(10), Article 2638.
- McKaughan, J., Stephens, P., & Hill, R. (2023). Estimating mesocarnivore abundance on commercial farmland using distance sampling with camera traps. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 4(2), Article e12229.
- Green, S. E., Stephens, P. A., Whittingham, M. J., & Hill, R. A. (2023). Camera trapping with photos and videos: implications for ecology and citizen science. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 9(2), 268-283.
- Stewart, P. S., Stephens, P. A., Hill, R. A., Whittingham, M. J., & Dawson, W. (2023). Model Selection in Occupancy Models: Inference versus Prediction. Ecology, 104(3), Article e3942.
- Zenni, R., Barlow, J., Pettorelli, N., Stephens, P., Rader, R., Siqueira, T., Gordon, R., Pinfield, T., & Nuñez, M. (2023). Multi-lingual literature searches are needed to unveil global knowledge. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60(3), 380-383.
- Gregory, R., Eaton, M. A., Burfield, I., Grice, P. V., Howard, C., Klvaňová, A., Stephens, P., Willis, S., Woodward, I. D., & Burns, F. (2023). Drivers of the changing abundance of European birds at two spatial scales. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 378(1881), Article 20220198.
- Howard, C., Mason, T. H. E., Baillie, S. R., Border, J., Hewson, C. M., Houston, A. I., Pearce‐Higgins, J. W., Bauer, S., Willis, S. G., & Stephens, P. A. (2023). Explaining and predicting animal migration under global change. Diversity and Distributions, 30(2), Article e13797.
- Beatham, S., Stephens, P., Coats, J., Phillips, J., & Massei, G. (2023). A camera trap method for estimating target densities of grey squirrels to inform wildlife management applications. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11, Article 1096321.
- Hsing, P.-Y., Hill, R., Smith, G., Bradley, S., Green, S., Kent, V., Mason, S., Rees, J., Whittingham, M., Cokill, J., scientists, M. C., & Stephens, P. (2022). Large-scale mammal monitoring: the potential of a citizen science camera-trapping project in the United Kingdom. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3(4), Article e12180.
- Mason, S., Hill, R., Whittingham, M., Cokill, J., Smith, G., & Stephens, P. (2022). Camera trap distance sampling for terrestrial mammal population monitoring: lessons learnt from a UK case study. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 8(5), 717-730.
- Marion, S., Demšar, U., Davies, A., Stephens, P., Irvine, R., & Long, J. (2022). Red deer behavioural response to hiking activity: a study using camera traps. Journal of Zoology, 317(4), 249-261.
- Marion, S., Demšar, U., Davies, A., Stephens, P., Irvine, R., & Long, J. (2022). Spatial and temporal variation in interspecific interaction: impact of a recreational landscape. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 68(3), Article 36.
- O'Neill, H., Twiss, S., Stephens, P., Mason, T., Ryrholm, N., & Burman, J. (2022). The Importance of Direct and Indirect Trophic Interactions in Determining the Presence of a Locally Rare Day-Flying Moth. Oecologia, 198(2), 531-542.
- Gibson, M. R., Runge, C. A., Stephens, P. A., Fuller, R. A., & Willis, S. G. (2022). Where nothing stands still: quantifying nomadism in Australian arid-zone birds. Landscape Ecology, 37(1), 191-208.
- Mason, T. H., Stephens, P. A., Gilbert, G., Green, R. E., Wilson, J. D., Jennings, K., Allen, J. R., Huntley, B., Howard, C., & Willis, S. G. (2021). Using indices of species’ potential range to inform conservation status. Ecological Indicators, 123,
- Chirichella, R., Stephens, P., Mason, T., & Apollonio, M. (2021). Contrasting Effects of Climate Change on Alpine chamois. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 85(1), 109-120.
- Baker, E., Drury, J., Judge, J., Roy, D., Smith, G., & Stephens, P. (2021). The Verification of Ecological Citizen Science Data: Current Approaches and Future Possibilities. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 6(1), 1-14.
- Dickinson, E., Twining, J., Wilson, R., Stephens, P., Westander, J., Marks, N., & Scantlebury, D. (2021). Limitations of using surrogates for behaviour classification of accelerometer data: refining methods using random forest models in Caprids. Movement Ecology, 9, Article 28.
- Beatham, S., Goodwin, D., Coats, J., Stephens, P., & Massei, G. (2021). A PIT-tag based method for measuring individual bait uptake in small mammals. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 2(2), Article e12081.
- Pettorelli, N., Barlow, J., Nuñez, M. A., Rader, R., Stephens, P. A., Pinfield, T., & Newton, E. (2021). How international journals can support ecology from the Global South. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58(1),
- Dickinson, E., Stephens, P., Marks, N., Wilson, R., & Scantlebury, D. (2021). Behaviour, temperature and terrain slope impact estimates of energy expenditure using oxygen and dynamic body acceleration. Animal Biotelemetry, 9,
- Stewart, P., Hill, R., Stephens, P., Whittingham, M., & Dawson, W. (2021). Impacts of invasive plants on animal behaviour. Ecology Letters, 24, 891-907.
- Marion, S., Demšar, U., Davies, A., Stephens, P., Irvine, R., & Long, J. (2021). Red deer exhibit spatial and temporal responses to hiking activity. Wildlife Biology: A journal for wildlife science, 2021(3),
- Howard, C., Stephens, P., Pearce-Higgins, J., Gregory, R., Butchart, S., & Willis, S. (2020). Disentangling the relative roles of climate and land cover change in driving the long-term population trends of European migratory birds. Diversity and Distributions, 26(11), 1442-1455.
- Brooker, S. A., Stephens, P. A., Whittingham, M. J., & Willis, S. G. (2020). Automated detection and classification of birdsong: An ensemble approach. Ecological Indicators, 117, Article 106609.
- Ferretti, F., Lovari, S., Lucherini, M., Hayward, M., & Stephens, P. (2020). Only the largest terrestrial Carnivores increase their dietary breadth with increasing prey richness. Mammal Review, 50(3), 291-303.
- Docherty, T., Hethcoat, M., MacTavish, L., MacTavish, D., Dell, S., Stephens, P., & Willis, S. (2020). Burning savanna for avian species richness and functional diversity. Ecological Applications, 30(4), Article e02091.
- Marion, S., Davies, A., Demšar, U., Irvine, R. J., Stephens, P. A., & Long, J. (2020). A systematic review of methods for studying the impacts of outdoor recreation on terrestrial wildlife. Global Ecology and Conservation, 22, Article e00917.
- Hsing, P.-Y., Coghill, L., Ryder, J., Austin, M., Dooley, S., Ellison, A., Fenwick, C., Garland, M., Humphrey, P., Proudlock, H., Robson, A., Steer, C., Turnbull, L., Kent, V., Bradley, S., Hill, R., Ascroft, R., & Stephens, P. (2020). Citizen scientists: school students conducting, contributing to and communicating ecological research – experiences of a school–university partnership. School science review, 101(376), 67-74
- Green, S., Rees, J., Stephens, P., Hill, R., & Giordano, A. (2020). Innovations in Camera Trapping Technology and Approaches: The Integration of Citizen Science and Artificial Intelligence. Animals, 10(1), Article 132.
- Apollonio, M., Merli, E., Chirichella, R., Pokorny, B., Alagic, A., Flajsman, K., & Stephens, P. (2020). Capital and Income Breeding in Male Ungulates: Causes and Consequences of Strategy Differences Among Species. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, Article 521767.
- Dickinson, E., Stephens, P., Marks, N., Wilson, R., & Scantlebury, D. (2020). Best practice for collar deployment of tri-axial accelerometers on a terrestrial quadruped to provide accurate measurement of body acceleration. Animal Biotelemetry, 8, Article 9.
- Howard, C., Flather, C., & Stephens, P. (2020). A global assessment of the drivers of threatened terrestrial species richness. Nature Communications, 11, Article 993.
- Mason, L. R., Green, R. E., Howard, C., Stephens, P. A., Willis, S. G., Aunins, A., Brotons, L., Chodkiewicz, T., Chylarecki, P., Escandell, V., Foppen, R. P., Herrando, S., Husby, M., Jiguet, F., Kålås, J. A., Lindström, Å., Massimino, D., Moshøj, C., Nellis, R., Paquet, J.-Y., …Gregory, R. D. (2019). Population responses of bird populations to climate change on two continents vary with species’ ecological traits but not with direction of change in climate suitability. Climatic Change, 157(3-4), 337-354.
- Ferretti, F., Lovari, S., & Stephens, P. (2019). Joint effects of weather and interspecific competition on foraging behaviour and survival of a mountain herbivore. Current Zoology, 65(2), 165-175.
- Howard, C., Flather, C., & Stephens, P. (2019). What drives at-risk species richness? Environmental factors are more influential than anthropogenic factors or biological traits. Conservation Letters, 12(2), Article e12624.
- Nuñez, M. A., Barlow, J., Cadotte, M., Lucas, K., Newton, E., Pettorelli, N., & Stephens, P. A. (2019). Assessing the uneven global distribution of readership, submissions and publications in applied ecology: Obvious problems without obvious solutions. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56(1), 4-9.
- Stephens, P., Vieira, M., Willis, S., & Carbone, C. (2019). The limits to population density in birds and mammals. Ecology Letters, 22(4), 654-663.
- Hsing, P.-Y., Bradley, S., Kent, V., Hill, R., Smith, G., Whittingham, M., Cokill, J., Crawley, D., Volunteers, M., & Stephens, P. (2018). Economical crowdsourcing for camera trap image classification. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 4(4), 361-374.
- Stephens, P. (2018). Ecology: Luck, Scarcity and the Fate of Populations. Current Biology, 28(24), R1384-R1386.
- Pettorelli, N., Barlow, J., Stephens, P. A., Durant, S. M., Connor, B., Schulte to Bühne, H., Sandom, C. J., Wentworth, J., & du Toit, J. T. (2018). Making rewilding fit for policy. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(3), 1114-1125.
- Howard, C., Stephens, P., Tobias, J., Sheard, C., Butchart, S., & Willis, S. (2018). Flight range, fuel load, and the impact of climate change on the journeys of migrant birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285(1873), Article 20172329.
- Barlow, J., Stephens, P. A., Bode, M., Cadotte, M. W., Lucas, K., Newton, E., Nuñez, M. A., & Pettorelli, N. (2018). On the extinction of the single-authored paper: The causes and consequences of increasingly collaborative applied ecological research. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(1), 1-4.
- Mason, T. H., Brivio, F., Stephens, P. A., Apollonio, M., & Grignolio, S. (2017). The behavioral trade-off between thermoregulation and foraging in a heat-sensitive species. Behavioral Ecology, 28(3), 908-918.
- Voskamp, A., Baker, D., Stephens, P., Valdes, P., & Willis, S. (2017). Global patterns in the divergence between phylogenetic diversity and species richness in terrestrial birds. Journal of Biogeography, 44(4), 709-721.
- Cadotte, M., Barlow, J., Nunez, M., Pettorelli, N., & Stephens, P. (2017). Solving environmental problems in the Anthropocene: the need to bring novel theoretical advances into the applied ecology fold. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54(1), 1-6.
- Sanderson, F., Pople, R., Leronymidou, C., Burfield, I., Gregory, R., Willis, S., Howard, C., Stephens, P., Beresford, A., & Donald, P. (2016). Assessing the performance of EU nature legislation in protecting target bird species in an era of climate change. Conservation Letters, 9(3), 172-180.
- Stephens, P., Mason, L., Green, R., Gregory, R., Sauer, J., Alison, J., Aunins, A., Brotons, L., Butchart, S., Campedelli, T., Chodkiewicz, T., Chylarecki, P., Crowe, O., Elts, J., Escandell, V., Foppen, R., Heldbjerg, H., Herrando, S., Husby, M., Jiguet, F., …Willis, S. (2016). Consistent response of bird populations to climate change on two continents. Science, 352(6281), 84-87.
- Davis, M., Stephens, P., & Kjellander, P. (2016). Beyond climate envelope projections: Roe deer survival and environmental change. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 80(3), 452-464.
- Barlow, J., Cadotte, M., Newton, E., Pettorelli, N., Plane, A., Stephens, P., & Whittingham, M. (2016). Achieving and communicating globally relevant applied ecological research. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53(1), 1-4.
- Stephens, P. (2015). Land sparing, land sharing, and the fate of Africa's lions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(48), 14753-14754.
- Howard, C., Stephens, P., Pearce-Higgins, J., Gregory, R., & Willis, S. (2015). The drivers of avian abundance: patterns in the relative importance of climate and land use. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24(11), 1249-1260.
- Palmer, G., Stephens, P., Ward, A., & Willis, S. (2015). Nationwide trophic cascades: changes in avian community structure driven by ungulates. Scientific Reports, 5, Article 15601.
- Stephens, P., Pettorelli, N., Barlow, J., Whittingham, M., & Cadotte, M. (2015). Management by proxy? The use of indices in applied ecology. Journal of Applied Ecology, 52(1), 1-6.
- Mason, T., Stephens, P., Apollonio, M., & Willis, S. (2014). Predicting potential responses to future climate in an alpine ungulate: interspecific interactions exceed climate effects. Global Change Biology, 20(12), 3872-3882.
- Devenish-Nelson, E., Richards, S., Harris, S., Soulsbury, C., & Stephens, P. (2014). Demonstrating frequency-dependent transmission of sarcoptic mange in red foxes. Biology Letters, 10(10), Article 20140524.
- Mason, T., Apollonio, M., Chirichella, R., Willis, S., & Stephens, P. (2014). Environmental change and long-term body mass declines in an alpine mammal. Frontiers in Zoology, 11, Article 69.
- Howard, C., Stephens, P. A., Pearce-Higgins, J. W., Gregory, R. D., & Willis, S. G. (2014). Improving species distribution models: the value of data on abundance. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5(6), 506-513.
- Stephens, P., Houston, A., Harding, K., Boyd, I., & McNamara, J. (2014). Capital and income breeding: the role of food supply. Ecology, 95(4), 882-896.
- Larson, G., Stephens, P., Tehrani, J., & Layton, R. (2013). Exapting exaptation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 28(9), 497-498.
- Devenish-Nelson, E., Harris, S., Soulsbury, C., Richards, S., & Stephens, P. (2013). Demography of a carnivore, the red fox, Vulpes vulpes,: what have we learnt from 70 years of published studies?. Oikos, 122(5), 705-716.
- Devenish-Nelson, E., Stephens, P., Harris, S., Soulsbury, C., & Richards, S. (2013). Does litter size variation affect models of terrestrial carnivore extinction risk and management?. PLoS ONE, 8(2),
- Davis, M., Stephens, P., Willis, S., Bassi, E., Marcon, A., Donaggio, E., Capitani, C., & Apollonio, M. (2012). Prey Selection by an Apex Predator: The Importance of Sampling Uncertainty. PLoS ONE, 7(10), Article e47894.
- Mason, T., Stephens, P., Willis, S., Chirichella, R., Apollonio, M., & Richards, S. (2012). Intraseasonal variation in reproductive effort: young males finish last. The American Naturalist, 180(6), 823-830.
- Flather, C. H., Hayward, G. D., Beissinger, S. R., & Stephens, P. A. (2011). A general target for MVPs: unsupported and unnecessary. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 26(12), 620-622.
- Carbone, C., Pettorelli, N., & Stephens, P. (2011). The bigger they come, the harder they fall: body size and prey abundance influence predator-prey ratios. Biology Letters, 7(2), 312-315.
- Richards, S., Whittingham, M., & Stephens, P. (2011). Model selection and model averaging in behavioural ecology: the utility of the IT-AIC framework. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 65(1), 77-89.
- Flather, C., Hayward, G., Beissinger, S., & Stephens, P. (2011). Minimum viable populations: is there a 'magic number' for conservation practitioners?. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 26(6), 307-316
- Mason, T., Chirichella, R., Richards, S., Stephens, P., Willis, S., & Apollonio, M. (2011). Contrasting life histories in neighbouring populations of a large mammal. PLoS ONE, 6(11), Article e28002.
- Beissinger, S., Flather, C., Hayward, G., & Stephens, P. (2011). No safety in numbers. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 9(9), 486-486
- White, T., Fotherby, H., Stephens, P., & Hoelzel, A. (2011). Genetic panmixia and demographic dependence across the North Atlantic in the deep-sea fish, blue hake (Antimora rostrata). Heredity, 106(4), 690-699.
- Lee, T., Speed, M., & Stephens, P. (2011). Honest Signaling and the Uses of Prey Coloration. The American Naturalist, 178(1), 1-9.
- Devenish-Nelson, E., Harris, S., Soulsbury, C., Richards, S., & Stephens, P. (2010). Uncertainty in Population Growth Rates: Determining Confidence Intervals from Point Estimates of Parameters. PLoS ONE, 5(10), Article e13628.
- Bywater, K., Apollonio, M., Cappai, N., & Stephens, P. (2010). Litter size and latitude in a large mammal: the wild boar Sus scrofa. Mammal Review, 40(3), 212-220
- Speed, M., Ruxton, G., Blount, J., & Stephens, P. (2010). Diversification of honest signals in a predator-prey system. Ecology Letters, 13(6), 744-753.
- Stephens, P., Boyd, I., McNamara, J., & Houston, A. (2009). Capital breeding and income breeding: their meaning, measurement, and worth. Ecology, 90(8), 2057-2067.
- McNamara, J., Stephens, P., Dall, S., & Houston, A. (2009). Evolution of trust and trustworthiness: social awareness favours personality differences. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276(1657), 605-613
- Freckleton, R., & Stephens, P. (2009). Predictive models of weed population dynamics. Weed Research: An International Journal of Weed Biology, Ecology and Vegetation Management, 49(3), 225-232
- Blount, J., Speed, M., Ruxton, G., & Stephens, P. (2009). Warning displays may function as honest signals of toxicity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276(1658), 871-877.
- Stephens, P., Carbone, C., Boyd, I., McNamara, J., Harding, K., & Houston, A. (2008). The scaling of diving time budgets: Insights from an optimality approach. The American Naturalist, 171(3), 305-314.
- Freckleton, R., Sutherland, W., Watkinson, A., & Stephens, P. (2008). Modelling the effects of management on population dynamics: some lessons from annual weeds. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45(4), 1050-1058
- Fero, O., Stephens, P., Barta, Z., McNamara, J., & Houston, A. (2008). Optimal annual routines: New tools for conservation biology?. Ecological Applications, 18(6), 1563-1577
- Stephens, P., Buskirk, S., Hayward, G., & Del Rio, C. (2007). A call for statistical pluralism answered. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44(2), 461-463
- Houston, A., Stephens, P., Boyd, I., Harding, K., & McNamara, J. (2007). Capital or income breeding? A theoretical model of female reproductive strategies. Behavioral Ecology, 18(1), 241-250
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Supervision students
Afthab Katakath
Demonstrator (Ptt)
Alice Oswald
Research Postgraduate (PhD)
Cameron Goodhead
Research Postgraduate (PhD)
Charlotte Sharpe
Eilidh Smith
Research Postgraduate (PhD)
Millie Robson
Research Postgraduate (MSc)
Emma Hill
Research Postgraduate (PhD)
Mr Keiron Young
Research Postgraduate (PhD)
Sarah Beatham
Research Postgraduate (PhD)