Staff profile
Richard Maber
Emeritus Professor
Affiliation |
Emeritus Professor in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures |
Member of the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies |
Research interests
- 17th-century French literature and intellectual history
- International learned correspondences in the 17th century
- Interdisciplinary 17th-century studies
- Medieval travel literature
- Francis Kilvert's diary
- Celtic languages and literatures (middle and late Cornish)
Esteem Indicators
- 2008: General Editor of the journal The Seventeenth Century since 1985:
- 2008: Committee Member: since 1985, of the Thomas Harriot Seminar: early modern science and intellectual history.
- 2007: Fellow of the Royal Historical Society:
- 2007: Visiting Professor at the University of Kansas, Lawrence:
- 2007: Member of the Editorial Board of the North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature (NASSCFL):
- 2006: Honorary Secretary of the Society for 17th-Century French Studies:
- 1990: Founding Member: of the Conseil d'administration, and founding Vice-Président, Centre International de Rencontres sur le 17e Siècle. 2012: Director of the CIR 17 Colloque International, 'La France et l'Europe du nord au XVIIe siècle', Durham Castle
Authored book
Chapter in book
- Maber, R. (2020). ‘La correspondance d’Antoine Galland dans le contexte des réseaux d’information internationaux’. In F. Bauden, & R. Waller (Eds.), Antoine Galland, 1646-1715, Mémoires de l’Association pour la Promotion de l’Histoire et de l’Archéologie Orientales. Peeters Publishers
- Maber, R. (2019). ‘« Les hommes inspirés ont droit d’aller par tout » : esthétique de la « poésie morale » chez Pierre Le Moyne’. In A. Génetiot (Ed.), Morales du poème à l’âge classique (231-248). Classiques Garnier.
- Maber, R. (2019). ‘« Sans estre bien malheureux, on ne peut estre qu’un Héros [ou : une Héroïne] fort médiocre »: les femmes fortes du Père Le Moyne et l’idéal de l’héroïsme dans la souffrance’. In G. Schrenk, A.-É. Spica, & P. Thouvenin (Eds.), Héroïsme féminin, héroïnes et femmes illustres, XVIe et XVIIe siècles : Une représentation sans fiction (193-203). Classiques Garnier.
- Maber, R. (2018). ‘Guiding Light: the early modern lighthouse as image and emblem’. In V. Strang, T. Edensor, & J. Puckering (Eds.), From the Lighthouse: Interdisciplinary Reflections on Light (54-58). Routledge
- Maber, R. (2017). ‘Les érudits français et l’Allemagne au XVIIe siècle’. In R. Maber (Ed.), La France et l’Europe du nord au XVIIe siècle (77-86). Gunter Narr
- Maber, R. G. (2017). Time: for amendment of life, or gathering rosebuds? A Jesuit moralist and the paradoxes of mortality. In R. G. Maber, & J. Barker (Eds.), Managing Time: Literature and Devotion in Early Modern France (207-226). Peter Lang.
- Maber, R. G. (2017). Friendship and Rivalry in Science and Scholarship: Pierre-Daniel Huet and the Académies de Caen. In N. Kenny (Ed.), Text, Knowledge and Wonder in Early Modern France: Studies in Hoour of Stephen Bamforth, Special Issue of Nottingham French Studies (323-335)
- Maber, R. (2012). ‘No Miracles Please, We’re English’ [on 16-17c accounts of Thomas More’s death]. In N. Hammond, & M. Moriarty (Eds.), Evocations of Eloquence: rhetoric, literature and religion in early modern France. Essays in honour of Peter Bayley (147-160). Peter Lang
- Maber, R. G. (2011). The Sun King and his subjects: reciprocity in a commonplace of power. In K. Banks, & P. Bossier (Eds.), Authority & Persuasion: The Role of Commonplaces in Western Europe (c1450-c1800), II: Consolidation of Godgiven Power. (Groningen Studies in Cultural Change). Peeters Publishers
- Maber, R. G. (2010). Texts, Travel and Flying Machines: The Lost World of 17th-Century Scholarship. In P. Scott (Ed.), Collaboration and Interdisciplinarity in the Republic of Letters: Essays in Honour of Richard G. Maber (227-248). Manchester University Press
- Maber, R. G., & Tregoning, A. (2008). Conveying the Unimaginable: Odoric of Pordenone's Travels and their Vernacular Translations. In J.-F. Kosta-Théfaine (Ed.), Travels and Travelogues in the Middle Ages (95-134). AMS Press
- Maber, R. G. (2008). The Fruits of Exile: Anglican Scholars and their French Books. In T. Carr, & R. Ganim (Eds.), NASSCFL Acta, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2007 (141-151). Gunter Narr
- Maber, R. G. (2007). 'Il faut écrire à la moderne...': practical criticism and literary controversy after the death of Malherbe. In W. Brooks, & R. Zaiser (Eds.), Theatre, fiction, and poetry in the French long seventeenth century / Le théâtre, le roman, et la poésie à l'âge classique (199-214). Peter Lang
- Maber, R. G. (2007). Kilvert's Diary. In R. Gameson (Ed.), Treasures of Durham University Library (132-133). Third Millennium Publishing
- Maber, R. G. (2007). John Cosin's French Library. In R. Gameson (Ed.), Treasures of Durham University Library (108-109). Third Millennium Publishing
Edited book
- Maber, R. G., & Barker, J. (Eds.). (2017). Managing Time: Literature and Devotion in Early Modern France. Peter Lang
- Maber, R. (Ed.). (2016). La France et l'Europe du nord au XVIIe siècle. Gunter Narr
- Maber, R. (Ed.). (2012). Pierre Le Moyne, Entretiens et lettres poétiques, édition critique par Richard Maber. Classiques Garnier
- Maber, R. G. (Ed.). (2009). Malherbe, Théophile de Viau, & Saint-Amant : a selection. Manchester University Press
Journal Article
- Maber, R. (online). Metalinguistic Strategies in Early Modern Language Controversies. Early Modern French Studies, 1-14.
- Maber, R. (2023). ‘I have become all things to all men [and women] that I might by all means save some’ (I Corinthians 9:22, KJV). Theatricality and conversion in the poetry of Pierre Le Moyne. Early Modern French Studies, 45(1), 54-62.
- Maber, R. (2015). ‘Les réseaux de communication érudits et les pouvoirs de l’État en France au XVIIe siècle: indépendance et interpénétration’. XVIIe siècle, 67:1(266), 17-29
- Maber, R. (2015). ‘La correspondance de Gilles Ménage: une ressource révélatrice et méconnue’
- Maber, R. G. (2010). Re-Gendering Intellectual Life: Gilles Ménage and his Histoire des femmes philosophes. Seventeenth-century French studies, 32(1), 45-60.
- Maber, R. G. (2010). Les Entretiens et lettres poétiques, point culminant de l'évolution poétique du Père Le Moyne. Oeuvres et critiques, 35(2), 55-68
- Maber, R. G. (2007). La ballade de Vadius. Nouveau Moliériste, 6, 103-113
- Maber, R. G. (2006). Knowledge as Commodity in the Republic of Letters, 1675-1700. Seventeenth-century French studies, 27, 197-208