Staff profile
Affiliation |
Emeritus Professor in the Department of Geography |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing |
Research interests
- Political economies of uneven and combined development
- Economic Geographies
- Economic & social regeneration in 'old' industrial regions
- Relationships between capitalist economies and the earth system
- Relationships berween legal and illegal economies and spaces
Authored book
- Hudson, R. (in press). Co-produced Economies: Capital, Collaboration, Competition. Routledge
- Beynon, H., & Hudson, R. (2021). The Shadow of the Mine. Coal and the End of Industrial Britain. Verso
- Hudson, R. (2016). Approaches to Economic Geography: Towards a Geographical Political Economy. Routledge
- Hudson, R. (2005). Economic Geographies: Circuits, Flows and Spaces. SAGE Publications
- Amin, A., Cameron, A., & Hudson, R. (2002). Placing the Social Economy. Routledge
- Hudson, R. (2001). Producing Places. Guilford Press
- Hudson, R., Beynon, H., & Cox, A. (2000). Digging up Trouble: Environment, Protest and Opencast Coal Mining. Rivers Oram
- Hudson, R. (2000). Production, Places and Environment: Changing Perspectives in Economic Geography. Longman
- Hudson, R., & Williams, A. (2000). Divided Britain. (New edition). Mallard Editions
- Bennett, K., Beynon, H., & Hudson, R. (2000). Coalfields Regeneration: Dealing with the Consequences of Industrial Decline. Poilicy Press
- Beynon, H., Hudson, R., & Sadler, D. (1994). A Place Called Teesside: A Locality in a Global Economy. Edinburgh University Press
- Beynon, H., Hudson, R., & Sadler, D. (1991). A Tale of Two Industries: The Contraction of Coal and Steel in North East England. Open University Press
- Hudson, R., & Sadler, D. (1989). The International Steel Industry: Restructuring, state policies and localities. Routledge
- Hudson, R. (1989). Wrecking a Region: State Policies, Party Politics and Regional Change in North East England. Pion
- Rhind, D., & Hudson, R. (1980). Land Use. Methuen
- Pocock, D., & Hudson, R. (1978). Images of the Urban Environment. Macmillan
Chapter in book
- Hudson, R. Economic geographies of the (il)legal and the (il)licit. In T. Hall, & V. Scalia (Eds.), A Research Agenda in Global Crime. Edward Elgar Publishing
- Hudson, R., & Hall, T. The Economic Geographies of Transnational Organised Crime. In F. Allum (Ed.), Handbook of Organised Crime. Wiley
- Beynon, H., & Hudson, R. (2018). The road to Brexit on the British coalfields. In M. Traub-Werner, J. Peck, R. Lave, & B. Christophers (Eds.), Doreen Massey: Critical Dialogues (161-172). Agenda Publishing.
- Hudson, R. (2017). Industrial Conversion. In International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology. John Wiley and Sons.
- Hudson, R. (2015). Uneven development, socio-spatial polarisation and political responses. In T. Lang, S. Henn, W. Sgibnev, & K. Ehrlich (Eds.), Understanding geographies of polarisation and peripheralisation : perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe and beyond (25-39). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hudson, R. (2015). Does illegality enable or undermine the sustainability of the globalising economy?. In M. Redclift, & D. Springett (Eds.), Routledge international handbook of sustainable development (41-54). Routledge
- Hudson, R. (2013). Conclusion: Divided kingdom? Health, the regions and austerity economics. In C. Wood (Ed.), The NHS at 65 is facing a triple-pinch of recession, austerity and demographic change.. (65-72). DEMOS
- Hudson, R., & Robinson, F. (2013). University engagement with socially excluded communities: towards 'the engaged university'. In P. Benneworth (Ed.), University Engagement With Socially Excluded Communities (189-198). Springer Verlag
- Hudson, R. (2011). Spatial circuits of value. In A. Pike, A. Rodriguez-Pose, & J. Tomaney (Eds.), Handbook of Local and Regional Development (109-118). Routledge
- Hudson, R. (2011). Regions, varieties of capitalism and the legacies of neoliberalism. Capitalist Diversity and Diversity within Capitalism. In C. Lane, & G. Wood (Eds.), Capitalist Diversity and Diversity within Capitalism (189-208). Routledge.
- Hudson, R. (2011). Geographies of economic decline. In R. Lee, A. Leyshon, L. McDowell, & P. Sunley (Eds.), A Compendium of Economic Geography (261-272). SAGE Publications
- Hudson, R. (2010). The changing geographies of manufacturing and work: made in the UK?. In N. Coe, & A. Jones (Eds.), The Economic Geography of the UK (139-152). SAGE Publications
- Hudson, R., & Fischbacher-Smith, D. (2010). Exporting Pandora's Box - Exploitation, risk communication and public health problems associated with the export of hazard. In P. Bennett, K. Calman, S. Curtis, & D. Fischbacher-Smith (Eds.), Risk Communication and Public Health, OUP (245-60). Oxford University Press
- Hudson, R. (2009). The costs of globalization: Producing new forms of risk to health and well-being. . Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hudson, R. (2009). Economic Geography: Fordism. In N. Thrift, & R. Kitchin (Eds.), International encyclopaedia of human geography (226-231). Elsevier.
- Hudson, R. (2009). Regional Development: Uneven Regional Development. In N. Thrift, & R. Kitchin (Eds.), International encyclopaedia of human geography (18-23). Elsevier.
- Hudson, R. (2008). The Knowledge-based Economy, Public Policy and Regional Development: Lessons from the North East of England. In Geophilia o sentir os sentidos da Geografia: Homenagem a Jorge Gaspar (475-488). CEG
- Hudson, R. (2006). Firms as political actors in processes of capital accumulation and regional development. In M. Taylor, & P. Oinas (Eds.), Understanding the firm: spatial and organizational dimensions (169-188). Oxford University Press
- Hudson, R. (2006). The production of institutional complemenrarity: the case of North East England. In G. Wood, & P. James (Eds.), Institutions, Production and Working Life (104-122). Oxford University Press
- Hudson, R. (2006). The New Economic Geography?. In H. Lawton-Smith, & S. Bagchi-Sen (Eds.), Past, Present and Future of Economic Geography (47-55). Routledge
- Hudson, R. (2003). Global production systems and European integration. In J. Peck, & H. Yeung (Eds.), Global Connections (216-230). SAGE Publications
- Amin, A., Cameron, A., & Hudson, R. (2003). The alterity of the social economy. In A. Leyshon, R. Lee, & C. Williams (Eds.), Alternative Economic Spaces (27-54). SAGE Publications
- Hudson, R. (2003). Geographers and the Regional Problem. In R. Johnston, & M. Williams (Eds.), A Century of British Geography, British Association for the Advancement of Science (583-602)
- Hudson, R., & Williams, A. (2001). Re-shaping Europe: the Challenge of New Divisions with a Homogenised Political-Economic Space. In J. Fink, G. Lewis, & J. Clarke (Eds.), Re-thinking European Welfare. SAGE Publications
- Hudson, R. (2001). Western Europe Studies: Geography. In N. Smelser, & P. Bates (Eds.), International Encyclopaedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (473-479). Pergamon
- Hudson, R. (2000). Globalization, National State Policies and Regional differentiation: the Case of the UK. In M. Vellinga (Ed.), The Dialectics of Globalization (235-256). Westview
- Hudson, R. (2000). Restructurer la region, restructurer l'Etat: le cas de l'Angleterre du Nord Est. In G. Benko, & A. Lipietz (Eds.), La Richesse de Regions: La Nouvelle Geographie Socio-Economique (391-422). Presses Universitaire de France
- Hudson, R., & Williams, A. (1999). Re-shaping Europe: the Challenge of New Divisions within a Homogenised Political-Economic Space. In R. Hudson, & A. Williams (Eds.), Divided Europe: Society and Territory (1-28). SAGE Publications
- Hudson, R. (1999). The New Economy of the New Europe: Eradicating Divisions or Creating New Forms of Uneven Development. In R. Hudson, & A. Williams (Eds.), Divided Europe: Society and Territory (29-62). SAGE Publications
Conference Paper
Edited book
- Hudson, R., & Schamp, E. (Eds.). Towards a New Map of Automobile Manufacturing in Europe? New Production Concepts and Spatial Restructuring. Springer Verlag
- Carney, J., Hudson, R., & Lewis, J. (Eds.). Regions in Crisis: New Perspectives in European Regional Theory. Croom Helm
- Hudson, R., & Lewis, J. (Eds.). Uneven Development in Southern Europe. Methuen
- Hudson, R., & Lewis, J. (Eds.). Regional Planning in Europe. Pion
- Chiodelli, F., Hall, T., & Hudson, R. (Eds.). (2017). The illicit and illegal in regional and urban governance and development: corrupt places. Routledge
- Hudson, R., & Williams, A. (Eds.). (1999). Divided Europe: Society and Territory. SAGE Publications
- Anderson, J., Hudson, R., & Duncan, S. (Eds.). (1983). Redundant Spaces in Cities and Regions? Studies in Industrial Decline and Social Change. Academic Press
Journal Article
- Hudson, R. (online). Regions Con-Dem’d?. Geography, 44-49
- Hudson, R. (online). Commodity chains and flows of value: exploring the link between corporate strategies, governance processes and regional economic development in Europe
- Beynon, H., & Hudson, R. (2022). Moving to a Green Economy? The Story of an “Unjust” Transition in the UK. International union rights, 29(1), 23-25
- Hudson, R. (2022). ‘Levelling up’ in post-Brexit United Kingdom: Economic realism or political opportunism?. Local Economy, 37(1-2), 50-65.
- Hudson, R. (2021). Capitalism, Contradiction, Crises: Pushing back the limits to capital or breaching the capacity of the planetary ecosystem?. Area Development and Policy, 6(2), 123-142.
- Hudson, R. (2021). Life post-Brexit in the Divided Realm. European Urban and Regional Studies, 28(1), 14-19.
- Hudson, R. (2020). The illegal, the illicit and new geographies of uneven development. Territory, Politics, Governance, 8(2), 161-176.
- Hudson, R. (2017). Facing Forwards, Looking Backwards: Coming to Terms with Continuing Uneven Development in Europe. European Urban and Regional Studies, 24(2), 138-141.
- Hudson, R. (2016). Rising powers and the drivers of uneven global development. Area Development and Policy, 1(3), 279-294.
- Hudson, R. (2014). Thinking through the relationships between legal and illegal activities and economies: Spaces, flows and pathways. Journal of Economic Geography, 14(4), 775-795.
- Hadjimichalis, C., & Hudson, R. (2013). Contemporary crisis across Europe and the crisis of regional development theories. Regional Studies, 48(1), 208-218.
- Hudson, R. (2013). Thatcherism and its geographical legacies: The new map of socio-spatial inequality in the Divided Kingdom. The Geographical Journal, 179(4), 377-381.
- Rees, P., & Hudson, R. (2013). The Impacts of Demographic Change on the Functional Economies of the North of England. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 6(2),
- Hudson, R. (2012). Critical Political Economy and Material Transformation. New Political Economy, 17(4), 373-397.
- Gregson, N., Crang, M., Ahamed, F., Akter, N., Ferdous, R., Foisal, S., & Hudson, R. (2012). Territorial agglomeration and industrial symbiosis: Sitakunda-Bhatiary, Bangladesh, as a secondary processing complex. Economic Geography, 88(1), 37-58.
- Hudson, R., & Swanton, D. (2012). Global Shifts in contemporary times: the changing trajectories of steel towns in China, Germany and the United Kingdom. European Urban and Regional Studies, 19(1),
- Hudson, R. (2011). From knowledge based economy … to knowledge based economy? Reflections on changes in the economy and development policies in the North East of England. Regional Studies, 45(7), 997-1012.
- Hudson, R. (2010). Resilient regions in an uncertain world: wishful thinking or practical reality. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 3(1), 11-25.
- Hudson, R. (2010). Multiplicant els riscs per a la salut I el benestar: els costos inadmissibles de la globalització/Multiplying risks to Health and Wellbeing: the unacknowledged costs of Globalisation. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Geografia, 70, 101-27
- Hudson, R. (2009). Life on the edge: navigating the competitive tensions between the 'social' and the 'economic' in the social economy and in its relations to the mainstream. Journal of Economic Geography, 9(4), 493-510.
- Hudson, R. (2008). Cultural political economy meets global production networks: a productive meeting?. Journal of Economic Geography, 8(3), 421-440.
- Watson, M., Bulkeley, H., & Hudson, R. (2008). Unpicking environmental policy integration with tales from waste management. Environment and planning. C, Government and policy, 26(3), 481-498.
- Hudson, R. (2007). Region and place: rethinking regional development in the context of global environmental change. Progress in Human Geography, 31(6), 827-836.
- Hudson, R. (2007). Regions and Regional Uneven Development Forever? Some Reflective Comments upon Theory and Practice. Regional Studies, 41(9), 1149-1160.
- Hadjimichalis, C., & Hudson, R. (2007). Rethinking Local and Regional Development: Implications for Radical Political Development in Europe. European Urban and Regional Studies, 14(2), 99-113.
- Hudson, R. (2006). Regional devolution and regional economic success: myths and illusions about power. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 88(2), 159-171.
- Hudson, R. (2006). On what's right and keeping left: or Why Geography still needs Marxian political economy. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 38(2), 374-395.
- Hudson, R., & Hadjimichalis, C. (2006). Networks, Regional Development and Democratic Control. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 30, 858-872.
- Hudson, R. (2005). Towards Sustainable Economic Practices, Flows and Spaces: or is the Necessary Impossible and the Impossible Necessary?. Sustainable Development, 13(4), 239-252.
- Hudson, R. (2005). Region and Place: Devolved Regional Government and Regional Economic Success?. Progress in Human Geography, 29(5), 618-625.
- Hudson, R. (2005). Rethinking change in old industrial regions: reflecting on the experiences of North East England. Environment and Planning A, 37(4), 581-596.
- Bulkeley, H., Watson, M., Hudson, R., & Weaver, P. (2005). Governing Municipal Waste: Towards a New Analytical Framework. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 7(1), 1-23
- Hudson, R. (2004). Conceptualizing economies and their geographies: spaces, flows and circuits. Progress in Human Geography, 28(4), 447-471.
- Hudson, R. (2004). Reflecting on The Limits to Capital, twenty years on. Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography, 36, 414-419.
- Hudson, R., & Hadjimichalis, C. (2004). Reti, sviluppo regionale e controllo democratico
- Hudson, R. (2004). Thinking through the geographies of the New Europe in the New Millennium: dialectics of circuits, flows and spaces. European Urban and Regional Studies, 11, 99-102
- Hudson, R. (2003). European integration: new forms of uneven development and the end of territorially distinctive capitalism in Europe?. European Urban and Regional Studies, 10(1), 49-67.
- Hudson, R. (2003). The changing geography of the British coal industry: nationalization, privatisation and the political economy of energy supply, 1947-97. Transactions - Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. Section A. Mining industry, 111, 180-187
- Hudson, R. (2003). European integration and new forms of uneven development - But not the end of territorially distinctive capitalisms in Europe. European Urban and Regional Studies, 10(1), 49-67
- Hudson, R. (2003). Fuzzy concepts and sloppy thinking: Reflections on recent developments in critical regional studies. Regional Studies, 37(6-7), 741-746
- Hadjimichalis, C., & Hudson, R. (2003). Geographical imaginations, post-modern imperialism and the project of European political integration. Soundings, 23, 37-53
- Hudson, R. (2002). The Globalization of Business. British Journal of Management, 13( 4), 362-366.
- Hudson, R. (2002). The changing geography of the British coal industry: nationalization, privatization and the political economy of energy supply 1947-97. Mining Technology, 111((3)), 180-186.
- Hudson, R. (2002). Changing industrial production systems and regional development in the New Europe. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 27(3), 262-281.
- Smith, A., Rainnie, A., Dunford, M., Hardy, J., Hudson, R., & Sadler, D. (2002). Networks of value, commodities and regions: reworking divisions of labour in macro-regional economies. Progress in Human Geography, 26(1), 41-63
- Hudson, R. (2002). The Oxford handbook of economic geography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 27(1), 123-127
- Hudson, R. (2002). Re-drawing the line between the employed and unemployed: new forms of work, unemployed and public policies in Europe. Journal of Economic and Human Geography, 93(3), 316-315
- Cuthbertson, M., Hudson, R., & McKeever, L. (2001). r center.cade - The resource centre for access to data on Europe. Creating a resource on Europe for UK academic researchers. European Urban and Regional Studies, 8(4), 371-382
- Hudson, R. (2000). One Europe or Many? Reflections on becoming European. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 25(4), 409-426
- Hudson, R. (1999). 'The learning economy, the learning firm and the learning region': a sympathetic critique of the limits to learning. European Urban and Regional Studies, 6(1), 59-72
- Amin, A., Cameron, A., & Hudson, R. (1999). Welfare at work? The potential of the UK social economy. Environment and Planning A, 31, 2033-2051.
- Hudson, R., & Lei, S. (1999). Towards sustainable mining cities: what policies should be sought and experiences could be learnt for China?
Other (Print)
- Hudson, R., Buckner, L., Cannon, T., Harding, A., Rees, P., & Kurowska, K. (2013). The impacts of demographic change on the functional; economies of the North of England
- Hudson, R. (1999). The Costs of Globalisation: Producing New Forms of Risk to Health and Well-Being
- Hudson, R., & Townsend, A. (2005). Coalfield regeneration, 1981-2003: Employment and Travel to work, Parts I and II. [No known commissioning body]
- Hudson, R., Miles, N., Robinson, J., & Tully, J. (2004). Social Capital and Economic Development in North East England: Promoting Economic and Social Inclusion. [No known commissioning body]
- Hudson, R., & Townsend, A. (2003). The Steel Industry in the Tees Valley; the supply chain in the Tees Valley and its vulnerability to further reductions in the Steel Industry. [No known commissioning body]
- Hudson, R., & Townsend, A. (2003). Updating Coalfield Areas. [No known commissioning body]