Staff profile
Professor Robert Baxter
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Biosciences | +44 (0) 191 33 41261 |
Associate Fellow in the Institute of Advanced Study |
Prof. Baxter studied Botany at the University of Manchester (1982-85). Thereafter he undertook a PhD (1985-88)in Manchester ("Responses of the moss Sphagnum cuspidatum to acid deposition")under the supervision of JA Lee and MJ Emes.
Following his PhD training, Prof. Baxter spent 18 months working as a regional coordinator within the ACME (Applications of Computing to Manufacturing Engineering) Directorate of the then Science and Engineering Research Council.
In 1990 Dr Baxter joined the research groups of Prof. John Farrar (University of Wales, Bangor)and Prof. Trevor Ashenden (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Bangor Research Unit)as one of two postdoctoral fellowships awarded to the newly established joint University/CEH partnership in Bangor. Here Prof. Baxter studied the impacts of altered concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide and soil nutrient conditions upon photosynthetic metabolism and post-photosynthetic carbon partitioning in native upland and montane grassland species. During this period Prof. Baxter also worked in collaboration with CEH upon an EU-funded Framework 3 project ("An investigation of the effects of increasing concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide and changing climate on natural and managed grassland communities in Europe using open-top and closed chambers"; Contract: EPOC-CT90-0022), coordinated by Prof. MB Jones, School of Botany, Trinity College, Dublin, Eire.
In 1993 Dr Baxter contininued his work in this field as a postdoctoral fellow at Trinity College, Dublin.
In 1994 Prof. Baxter was appointed as lecturer in Ecology in the then Department of Biological Sciences (now School of Biological and Biomedical Sciences)at the University of Durham. In 2002 he was promoted to a Senior Lectureship in Ecology, to Reader in 2015 and to Full Professor in 2021; a post he holds at the present time.
Research interests
- Alpine plant ecology
- Arctic Plant Ecology
- Arctic climate change
- Carbon sequestration
- Fire ecology
- Land-Atmosphere interactions
- Landscape ecology
- Montane plant ecology
- Snow-vegetation-atmosphere interactions
- carbon partitioning in plants
- climate change and plant ecophysiology
- pollution ecology
- stress physiology in plants
Esteem Indicators
- 2020: Invited contribution: 'Arctic Ablaze' for the Word Wildlife Fund UK supporters magazine.:
- 2020: Invited co-authorship of a chapter in the book: 'The Natural History of Upper Weardale':
- 2020: Elected to a Fellowship of the Royal Society of Biology:
- 2020: Awarded Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy:
- 2019: Invitation to Science community reception: Ambassador's Residence, Moscow, Russia:
- 2019: Invited panel member: Debate on exploration of the Arctic; Royal Institution, London.:
- 2019: Scientific briefing of the Chief Scientist of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Ambassador's Residence, Moscow.:
- 2019: Invited presentation: Moscow State University Dept. Geography:
- 2016: Invited Seminar, Centre for Northern Studies, University of Laval, Quebec, Canada.:
- 2016: Invited Seminar, Depts of Biology and Geography, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON, Canada.:
- 2016: Invited Seminar, Depts of Soil Science and Geography, University of British Columbia, BC, Canada:
- 2016: Invited Seminar, Dept. Biology, Queens University, Kingston, ON, Canada.:
- 2016: Invited participation in a debate at the Times Cheltenham Science Festival: Invited to paticipate in a debate on "The Arctic's Changing Landscape" June 12th 2016 at the Times Cheltenham Science Festival, UK.
- 2016: Invited Pubic Seminar, Dartmouth College, NH, USA, April 2016: Public seminar at the Institute of Arctic Studies, Dartmouth College, NH, USA.
- 2015: Appointment as External Examiner (Undergraduate Degrees in Biology and Environmental Biosciences, University of Aberystwyth) 2017-2018:
- 2015: Invited member of NERC Fellowship sift and interview panel for the 2015 closing date:
- 2015: Hosting of Senior Visiting Fellow: Jan to Mar: I hosted, in conjunction with the IAS, Professor Malcolm Hughes (Regents' Professor of Dendrochronology, The University of Arizona, USA) as a Durham International Senior Fellow, carrying out joint collaborative modelling work.
- 2014: Invited international review expert for grants submitted under EUFAR (EUropean Facility for Airborne Research;, an 'Integrating Activity' funded by the European Commission under Framework Programme 5/FP6, and FP7.:
- 2014: Invited member of a European wide consortium in a bid to Framework 7: “NORSE (NOrthern Remote SEnsing)” (not funded:
- 2014: Invited member of the NERC Large Grants Outline Panel Meeting 2014-15.:
- 2014: Invited international expert evaluator for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions 'Individual fellowships' (IF) ENV panel, 2014.:
- 2014: Invited reviewer and review panel member for the Welsh National Research Network for Low Carbon Energy and the Environment:
- 2014: Invited international reviewer for the Research Foundation – Flanders (FWO), Belgium.:
- 2014: Invited to join the Review Panel - FP7 COFUND Marie Curie project – “Train to Move”, European Science Foundation, Strasbourg, France.:
- 2014: Invited to act as tutor at the Gatsby Plant Science Summer School, Easingwold, York.:
- 2014: Invited member of the international virtual network “impacts of winter change on arctic and alpine ecosystems, including plant and soil responses, and consequences for biogeochemical cycling” (WINTERNet).:
- 2014: Invited member of the NERC Dec 2014 Standard and New Investigator Grants moderating panel, Swindon, Wilts.:
- 2014: Invited international expert. EU, 2014 evaluation exercise “People”: Individual Marie Curie Actions (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IXF). ENV Panel – Intra European Fellowships, International Incoming Fellowships and International Outgoing Fellowship s:
- 2014: Invited member of the NERC Large Grants Final Stage Panel Meeting 2013-14.:
- 2014: Invited international lecture, Abisko Scientific Research Station, Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, Northern Sweden.:
- 2014: Invited to join as a member of a European wide consortium in a bid to the Horizon 2020 Research Call: EO-1-2014: New ideas for Earth-relevant space applications: “New Northern Earth Observation Services (NEOS)”.:
- 2014: Participation in the international “Arctic Change 2014” conference, Ottawa, Canada, Dec 2014; including participation in the workshop “European-Canadian cooperation in the Arctic: the future”.:
- 2013: Invited international expert. EU, 2012 evaluation exercise “People Individual Marie Curie Actions (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IXF). ENV Panel - Intra European Fellowships, International Incoming Fellowships and International Outgoing Fellowship schemes.:
- 2013: Invited international reviewer for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), 2013 research programme.:
- 2013: Invited associate participant in the international Marie Curie Network ITN consortium bid “Arctic winter processes and change” to the EU (not funded).:
- 2013: Invited member of the NERC Large Grants Outline Stage Panel Meeting 2013-14.:
- 2012: Invited independent expert reviewer: Greek Ministry of Education Life-long Learning and Religious Affairs, Co-operation 2011 research programme.:
- 2012: Appointed member of Durham University’s cross-faculty NERC liaison committee.:
- 2012: Invited external examiner (PhD). Dept of Plant and Animal Sciences, University of Sheffield (Nov 2012).:
- 2012: Invited external examiner (PhD). Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences, Aberystwyth University (Nov 2012).:
- 2012: Invited external examiner (PhD), University of Helsinki, Finland. Candidate: Mr Robin Lundell.:
- 2012: Invited international external examiner (PhD), Botany School, Trinity College Dublin, Eire (Ms Faye Carroll).:
- 2012: Re-appointment as Peer Review College Member, Natural Environment Research Council (2012 onwards; open-ended).:
- 2012: Re-ppointed to the NERC Peer Review College (July 2012 onwards).:
- 2012: Appointed as international reviewer for the The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).:
- 2012: Invited international expert. EU, 2012 evaluation exercise “People Individual Marie Curie Actions (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IXF). ENV Panel - IEF, IIF and IOF schemes, October 2012.:
- 2012: Invited external examiner (PhD), Trinity College Dublin, Eire, April 16, 2012.:
- 2012: Invited international expert reviewer, Greek Ministry for Education, LifeLong Learning and Religious Affairs, Cooperation 2011 programme (March 2012):
- 2012: Invited chapter author (sole). “Developmental adaptation to cold environments” in: Temperature and Plant Development (Franklin, K.A. and Wigge, P.A. eds.) Publisher: Wiley.:
- 2011: Invited participant: International Workshop “ Sustaining ecosystem service delivery in a changing world, 28th – 31st March 2011, Durham.:
- 2011: Invited international reviewer, Archimedes III research programme, phase 2, Greece.:
- 2011: Invited international reviewer: The Cyprus Research Promotion; evaluation of research proposals submitted under a national research-funding action entitled “Natural Environment”.:
- 2011: Invited external examiner (PhD), University of Sheffield, UK. Ms Eva Scholler (Viva: June 2011).:
- 2011: Invited external examiner (PhD), University of Helsinki, Finland.:
- 2010: Invited seminar speaker, Biology, University of York, UK:
- 2010: Invited as vice chair of the Natural Environment Research Council Antarctic Funding Initiative, Round 11, Moderating Panel, Swindon, Wilts.:
- 2010: Invited international reviewer (NOAA) US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association:
- 2010: Invitation to join the European Science Foundation Pool of Reviewers (2010-2011).:
- 2010: Invitation from Wiley/Blackwell to revise co-authored chapter with Prof. B Huntley for the new 2nd edition of Vegetation Ecology. Editors Eddy van der Maarel & Janet Frankli:
- 2009: Invited as international review panel member for the 6th funding call of the Netherland’s Darwin Centre for Biogeosciences:
Chapter in book
- Burrell, A., Kukavskaya, E., Baxter, R., Sun, Q., & Barrett, K. (2021). Post-fire Recruitment Failure as a Driver of Forest to Non-forest Ecosystem Shifts in Boreal Regions. In J. Canadell, & R. Jackson (Eds.), Ecosystem Collapse and Climate Change (69-100). (1). Springer Verlag.
- Baxter, R. (2014). Plant acclimation and adaptation to cold environments. In K. Franklin, & P. Wigge (Eds.), Temperature and plant development (19-42). Wiley
- Huntley, B., & Baxter, R. (2012). Vegetation ecology and global change. In E. van der Maarel, & J. Franklin (Eds.), Vegetation Ecology (509-525). (2nd Edition). Wiley
- Huntley, B., & Baxter, R. (2005). Vegetation ecology and global change. In E. V. D. Maarel (Ed.), Vegetation Ecology (356-372). Blackwell
- Barnsley, M., Los, S., Luckman, A., North, P., Harding, R., Taylor, C., Huntley, B., Baxter, R., Thomas, C., Baltzer, H., & Wyatt, B. (2003). The role of Earth observation in land-surface-climate feedback studies. In T. Benes (Ed.), Geoinformation for European-wide Integration (3-10). Millpress
- Huntley, B., & Baxter, R. (2003). Insights on Synergies: Models and Methods. In L. Hannah, & T. E. Lovejoy (Eds.), Climate Change and Biodiversity: Synergistic Impacts (15-23). (Advances in Applied Biodiversity Science). CABS
- Baxter, R., Evans, S., Emmett, B., Harmens, H., Huntley, B., Kjoller, A., Milne, R., Mulder, J., O'Donnell, A., Schulze, E., Struwe, S., Sutton, M., Tipping, E., & Wookey, P. (2000). TERICA working group 5: European carbon budgets / Linking carbon and nitrogen cycles. In M. Sutton, J. Moreno, W. van der Putten, & S. Struwe (Eds.), Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe: Successes, challenges and policy (54-64). Office for official publications of the European Communities
- Huntley, B., Baxter, R., Bradshaw, R., Cramer, W., Dean, A., Eronen, M., Evans, S., Hofgaard, A., Hulme, P., Hytteborn, H., Molau, U., Oksanen, L., Olofsson, J., Saelthun, N.-R., Seppa, H., Sjorgersten, S., Thomas, C., Venevski, S., & Wookey, P. (2000). DART: Dynamic response of the forest-tundra ecotone to environmental change. In M. Sutton, J. Moreno, W. van der Putten, & S. Struwe (Eds.), Terrestrial Ecosystem Research in Europe: Successes, challenges and policy (162-165). Office for official publications of the European Communities
- Ekschmitt, K., Baxter, R., Campbell, C., Ceulemans, R., Gunther, K., Heal, O., Hector, A., Henning, F., Matouch, S., Molau, U., Nagy, P., Otte, A., Pausas, J., Pflug, A., Schröter, D., Sillence, G., Steiner, N., Wolters, V., Wookey, P., Struwe, S., & Kjoller, A. (2000). TERICA Working group 1: Ecosystem functioning and management under multiple stresses and extreme events. In M. Sutton, J. Moreno, W. van der Putten, & S. Struwe (Eds.), Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe : successes, challenges and policy : final conference of the terrestrial ecosystem research initiative — concerted action (Terica) Project ENVA - CT95 - 0051, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands, 20 to 23 June 1999 (28-34). Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
- Baxter, R., Daymond, A., Ashenden, T., & Farrar, J. (1993). Responses of montane pasture grasses to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide. In D. Wilson, H. Thomas, & K. Pithan (Eds.), Agriculture: Crop Adaptations to cool, wet climates, particularly temperature, light, water, variations and limitations. COST Action 814. Commission of the European Communities
- Williams, M., Jones, D., Baxter, R., & Farrar, J. (1992). The effect of enhanced concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide on leaf respiration. In H. Lambers (Ed.), Molecular, biochemical and physiological aspects of plant respiration. Springer Verlag
Journal Article
- Steinberg, P., Baxter, R., Egan, E., Kramvig, B., Lehman, J., Winderen, J., Winterling, S., & Kramvig, B. (in press). Listening to/in the Field: Polyphony in the Exploring Arctic Soundscapes Project. Geohumanities,
- Roth, N., Baxter, R., Furness, M., Kimberley, A., & Cousins, S. A. O. (online). Experimental warming outside the growing season and exclusion of grazing has a mild effect on upland grassland plant communities in the short term. Plant Ecology and Diversity, 16(5-6), 189-201.
- Kater, I., & Baxter, R. (2025). Modelling impacts of infrastructure and climatic factors on reindeer forage availability in winter. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 112, Article 107857.
- Clelland, A. A., Marshall, G. J., Baxter, R., Potter, S., Talucci, A. C., Rady, J. M., Genet, H., Rogers, B. M., & Natali, S. M. (2024). Annual and Seasonal Patterns of Burned Area Products in Arctic-Boreal North America and Russia for 2001–2020. Remote Sensing, 16(17), Article 3306.
- Baxter, R., Clelland, A., & Marshall, G. (2024). Evaluating the performance of key ERA‐Interim, ERA5 and ERA5‐Land climate variables across Siberia. International Journal of Climatology, 44(7), 2318-2342.
- Rutter, N., Essery, R., Baxter, R., Hancock, S., Horton, M., Huntley, B., Reid, T., & Woodward, J. (2023). Canopy structure and air temperature inversions impact simulation of sub-canopy longwave radiation in snow-covered boreal forests. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(14), Article e2022JD037980.
- Burrell, A. L., Sun, Q., Baxter, R., Kukavskaya, E. A., Zhila, S., Shestakova, T., Rogers, B. M., Kaduk, J., & Barrett, K. (2022). Climate change, fire return intervals and the growing risk of permanent forest loss in boreal Eurasia. Science of the Total Environment, 831, Article 154885.
- Kater, I., & Baxter, R. (2022). Abundance and accessibility of forage for reindeer in forests of Northern Sweden: Impacts of landscape and winter climate regime. Ecology and Evolution, 12(4), Article e8820.
- Sun, Q., Burrell, A., Barrett, K., Kukavskya, E., Buryak, L., Kaduk, J., & Baxter, R. (2021). Climate variability may delay post-fire recovery of boreal forest in southern Siberia, Russia. Remote Sensing, 13(12), Article 2247.
- Poyatos, R., Granda, V., Flo, V., Adams, M. A., Adorján, B., Aguadé, D., Aidar, M. P., Allen, S., Alvarado-Barrientos, M. S., Anderson-Teixeira, K. J., Aparecido, L. M., Arain, M. A., Aranda, I., Asbjornsen, H., Baxter, R., Beamesderfer, E., Berry, Z. C., Berveiller, D., Blakely, B., Boggs, J., …Martínez-Vilalta, J. (2021). Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database. Earth System Science Data, 13(6), 2607-2649.
- Street, L., Garnett, M., Subke, J.-A., Baxter, R., Dean, J., & Wookey, P. (2020). Plant carbon allocation drives turnover of old soil organic matter in permafrost tundra soils. Global Change Biology, 26(8), 4559-4571.
- Sabater, A., Ward, H., Hill, T., Gornall, G., Wade, T., Evans, J., Prieto-Blanco, A., Disney, M., Phoenix, G., Williams, M., Huntley, B., Baxter, R., Mencuccini, M., & Poyatos, R. (2020). Transpiration from subarctic deciduous woodlands: environmental controls and contribution to ecosystem evapotranspiration. Ecohydrology, 13(3), Article e2190.
- Barrett, K., Baxter, R., Kukavskaya, E., Balzter, H., Shvetsov, E., & Buryak, L. (2020). Postfire recruitment failure in Scots pine forests of southern Siberia. Remote Sensing of Environment, 237, Article 111539.
- Street, L. E., Subke, J.-A., Baxter, R., Dinsmore, K. J., Knoblauch, C., & Wookey, P. A. (2018). Ecosystem carbon dynamics differ between tundra shrub types in the western Canadian Arctic. Environmental Research Letters, 13(8), Article 084014.
- Dean, J., van der Velde, Y., Garnett, M., Dinsmore, K., Baxter, R., Lessels, J., Smith, P., Street, L., Subke, J.-A., Tetzlaff, D., Washbourne, I., Wookey, P., & Billett, M. (2018). Abundant pre-industrial carbon detected in Canadian Arctic headwaters: implications for the permafrost carbon feedback. Environmental Research Letters, 13(3), Article 034024.
- Street, L., Dean, J., Billet, M., Baxter, R., Dinsmore, K., Lessels, J., Subke, J., Tetzlaff, D., & Wookey, P. (2016). Redox dynamics in the active layer of an Arctic headwater catchment; examining the potential for transfer of dissolved methane from soils to stream water. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 121(11), 2776-2792.
- Dean, J., Billett, M., Baxter, R., Dinsmore, K., Lessels, J., Street, L., Subke, J.-A., Tetzlaff, D., Washbourne, I., & Wookey, P. (2016). Biogeochemistry of “pristine” freshwater stream and lake systems in the western Canadian Arctic. Biogeochemistry, 130(3), 191-213.
- Hartley, I., Hill, T., Wade, T., Clement, R., Moncrieff, J., Prieto-Blanco, A., Disney, M., Huntley, B., Williams, M., Howden, N., Wookey, P., & Baxter, R. (2015). Quantifying landscape-level methane fluxes in subarctic Finland using a multi-scale approach. Global Change Biology, 21(10), 3712-3725.
- Hancock, S., Essery, R., Reid, T., Carle, J., Baxter, R., Rutter, N., & Huntley, B. (2014). Characterising forest gap fraction with terrestrial lidar and photography: An examination of relative limitations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 189-190, 105-114.
- Reid, T., Spencer, M., Huntley, B., Essery, R., Carle, J., Holden, R., Baxter, R., & Rutter, N. (2014). Spatial quantification of leafless canopy structure in a boreal birch forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 188, 1-12.
- Poyatos, R., Heinemeyer, A., Ineson, P., Evans, J., Ward, H., Huntley, B., & Baxter, R. (2014). Environmental and vegetation drivers of seasonal CO2 fluxes in a Sub-arctic forest–mire ecotone. Ecosystems, 17(3), 377-393.
- Hancock, S., Huntley, B., Ellis, R., & Baxter, R. (2014). Biases in Reanalysis Snowfall Found by Comparing the JULES Land Surface Model to GlobSnow. Journal of Climate, 27(2), 624-632.
- Heinemeyer, A., Gornall, J., Baxter, R., Huntley, B., & Ineson, P. (2013). Evaluating the carbon balance estimate from an automated ground-level flux chamber system in artificial grass mesocosms. Ecology and Evolution, 3(15), 4998-5010.
- Hancock, S., Baxter, R., Evans, J., & Huntley, B. (2013). Evaluating global snow water equivalent products for testing land surface models. Remote Sensing of Environment, 128, 107-117.
- Oakenfull, R. J., Baxter, R., & Knight, M. R. (2013). A C-Repeat Binding Factor Transcriptional Activator (CBF/DREB1) from European Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) Induces Freezing Tolerance When Expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS ONE, 8(1), Article e54119.
- Kaarlejärvi, E., Baxter, R., Hofgaard, A., Hytteborn, H., Khittun, O., Molau, U., Sjögersten, S., Wookey, P., & Olofsson, J. (2012). Effects of Warming on Shrub Abundance and Chemistry Drive Ecosystem-Level Changes in a Forest-Tundra Ecotone. Ecosystems, 15(8), 1219-1233.
- Subke, J.-A., Heinemeyer, A., Vallack, H., Leronni, V., Baxter, R., & Ineson, P. (2012). Fast assimilate turnover revealed by in situ 13CO2 pulse labelling in Subarctic tundra. Polar Biology, 35(8), 1209-1219.
- Poyatos, R., Gornall, J., Mencuccini, M., Huntley, B., & Baxter, R. (2012). Seasonal controls on net branch CO2 assimilation in sub-Arctic Mountain Birch (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii (Orlova) Hamet-Ahti). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 158-159, 90-100.
- Fletcher, B., Gornall, J., Poyatos, R., Press, M., Stoy, P., Huntley, B., Baxter, R., & Phoenix, G. (2012). Photosynthesis and productivity in heterogeneous arctic tundra: consequences for ecosystem function of mixing vegetation types at stand edges. Journal of Ecology, 100(2), 441-451.
- Olofsson, J., Ericson, L., Torp, M., Stark, S., & Baxter, R. (2011). Carbon balance of Arctic tundra under increased snow cover mediated by a plant pathogen. Nature Climate Change, 1(4), 220-223.
- Heinemeyer, A., Di Bene, C., Lloyd, A., Tortorella, D., Baxter, R., Huntley, B., Gelsomino, A., & Ineson, P. (2011). Soil respiration: implications of the plant-soil continuum and respiration chamber collar-insertion depth on measurement and modelling of soil CO2 efflux rates in three ecosystems. European Journal of Soil Science, 62(1), 82-94.
- Torp, M., Witzell, J., Baxter, R., & Olofsson, J. (2010). The Effect of Snow on Plant Chemistry and Invertebrate Herbivory: Experimental Manipulations Along a Natural Snow Gradient. Ecosystems, 13(5), 741-751.
- Torp, M., Olofsson, J., Witzell, J., & Baxter, R. (2010). Snow-induced changes in dwarf birch chemistry increase moth larval growth rate and level of herbivory. Polar Biology, 33(5), 693-702.
- Fletcher, B., Press, M., Baxter, R., & Phoenix, G. (2010). Transition zones between vegetation patches in a heterogeneous Arctic landscape: how plant growth and photosynthesis change with abundance at small scales. Oecologia, 163(1), 47-56.
- Bennie, J., Kubin, E., Wiltshire, A., Huntley, B., & Baxter, R. (2010). Predicting spatial and temporal patterns of bud-burst and spring frost risk in north-west Europe: the implications of local adaptation to climate. Global Change Biology, 16(5), 1503-1514.
- Bennie, J., Wiltshire, A., Joyce, A., Clark, D., Lloyd, A., Adamson, J., Parr, T., Baxter, R., & Huntley, B. (2010). Characterising inter-annual variation in the spatial pattern of thermal microclimate in a UK upland using a combined empirical-physical model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150(1), 12-19.
- Essery, R., Rutter, N., Pomeroy, J., Baxter, R., Stähli, M., Gustafsson, D., Barr, A., Bartlett, P., & Elder, K. (2009). SnowMIP2: An evaluation of forest snow process simulations. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 90(8), 1120-1135.
- Stoy, P. C., Williams, M., Disney, M., Prieto-Blanco, A., Huntley, B., Baxter, R., & Lewis, P. (2009). Upscaling as ecological information transfer: a simple framework with application to Arctic ecosystem carbon exchange. Landscape Ecology, 24(7), 971-986.
- Campioli, M., Samson, R., Michelsen, A., Jonasson, S., Baxter, R., & Lemeur, R. (2009). Nonvascular contribution to ecosystem NPP in a subarctic heath during early and late growing season. Plant Ecology, 202(1), 41-53.
- Bennie, J., Huntley, B., Wiltshire, A., Hill, M., & Baxter, R. (2008). Slope, aspect and climate: Spatially explicit and implicit models of topographic microclimate in chalk grassland. Ecological Modelling, 216(1), 47-59.
- Fox, A., Huntley, B., Lloyd, C., Williams, M., & Baxter, R. (2008). Net ecosystem exchange over heterogeneous Arctic tundra: Scaling between chamber and eddy covariance measurements. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22,
- Davey, M., Harmens, H., Ashenden, T., Edwards, R., & Baxter, R. (2007). Species-specific effects of elevated CO2 on resource allocation in Plantago maritima and Armeria maritima. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 35(3), 121-129.
- Bennie, J., Hill, M. O., Baxter, R., & Huntley, B. (2006). Influence of slope and aspect on long-term vegetation change in British chalk grasslands. Journal of Ecology, 94(2), 355-368.
- Davey, M. P., Bryant, D. N., Cummins, I., Ashenden, T. W., Gates, P., Baxter, R., & Edwards, R. (2004). Effects of elevated CO2 on the vasculature and phenolic secondary metabolism of Plantago maritima. Phytochemistry, 65(15), 2197-2204.
- Turner, B., Baxter, R., Mahieu, R., Sjorgersten, S., & Whitton, B. (2004). Phosphorus compounds in sub-Arctic Fennoscandian soils at the mountain birch (Betula pubescens) – tundra ecotone. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 36, 815-823
- Turner, B., Chudek, J., Whitton, B., & Baxter, R. (2003). Phosphorus composition of upland soils polluted by long-term atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Biogeochemistry, 65(2), 259-274.
- Pierce, S., Stirling, C., & Baxter, R. (2003). Pseudoviviparous reproduction of Poa alpina var. vivipara L. (Poaceae) during long-term exposure to elevated atmospheric CO2. Annals of Botany, 91(6), 613-622.
- Turner, B., Baxter, R., Ellwood, N., & Whitton, B. (2003). Seasonal phosphatase activities of mosses from Upper Teesdale, northern England. Journal of Bryology, 25, 189-200
- Turner, B., Baxter, R., & Whitton, B. (2003). Nitrogen and phosphorus in soil solutions and drainage streams in Upper Teesdale, northern England: implications of organic compounds for biological nutrient limitation. Science of the Total Environment, 314-316, 153-170
- Skre, O., Baxter, R., Crawford, R., Callaghan, T., & Fedorokov, A. (2002). How will the tundra-taiga interface respond to climate change?. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 12, 37-46
- Turner, B., Baxter, R., & Whitton, B. (2002). Seasonal phosphatase activity in three characteristic soils of the English uplands. Environmental Pollution, 120, 313-317
- Hodkinson, I., Bird, J., Hill, J., & Baxter, R. (2001). Host plant growth characteristics as determinants of abundance and phenology in jumping plant-lice on downy willow. Ecological Entomology, 26(4), 376-387.
- Joyce, A., Adamson, J., Huntley, B., Parr, T., & Baxter, R. (2001). Standardisation of temperature observed by automatic weather stations. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 68(2), 127-136.
- Turner, B., Baxter, R., Ellwood, N., & Whitton, B. (2001). Characterisation of the phosphatase activities of mosses in relation to their environment. Plant, Cell and Environment, 24, 1165-1176.
- Pierce, S., Stirling, C., & Baxter, R. (2000). The influence of secondary senescence processes within the culm of a pseudoviviparous grass (Poa alpina var. vivipara L.) on the supply of water to propagules. Journal of Experimental Botany, 51(347), 1067-1075
- Pierce, S., Stirling, C., & Baxter, R. (2000). Architectural and physiological heterogeneity within the synflorescence of the pseudoviviparous grass Poa alpina var. vivipara L. Journal of Experimental Botany, 51(351), 1705-1712
- Baxter, R., & Farrar, J. (1999). Export of carbon from leaf blades of Poa alpina L. at elevated CO2 and two nutrient regimes. Journal of Experimental Botany, 50(336), 1215-1221
- Tuba, Z., Jones, M., Szente, K., Nagy, Z., Garvey, L., & Baxter, R. (1998). Some ecophysiological and production responses of grasslends to long-term elevated CO2 under continental and atlantic climates. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 851, 241-250.
- Croy, R., Baxter, R., Deakin, W., Edwards, R., Gatehouse, J., Gates, P., Harris, N., Johnson, S., & Raemekers, R. (1998). Blackspot bruising in potatoes: Structural and molecular to the identification of factors associated with tuber bruising susceptibility
- Freeman, C., Baxter, R., Farrar, J., Jones, S., Plum, S., Ashenden, T., & Stirling, C. (1998). Could competition between plants and microbes regulate plant nutrition and atmospheric CO2 concentrations?. Science of the Total Environment, 220(2-3),
- Huntley, B., Baxter, R., Lewthwaite, K., Willis, S., & Adamson, K. (1998). Vegetation responses to local climate changes induced by a water-storage reservoir. Global ecology and biogeography letters, 7(4), 241-257.
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