Staff profile
Affiliation | Telephone |
Emeritus Professor in the Department of Geography | |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing | +44 (0) 191 33 41830 |
Professor Sarah Curtis is Professor Emerita at Durham University. She is an internationally recognised specialist in the geography of health and wellbeing. Her scholarship explores how and why places matter for human health. Her work concentrates on socio-geographical conditions and processes that are associated with inequalities in health and wellbeing, and risks for physical and mental health, in different contexts,.
As well as contributing to theoretical development of health geography, her work has strong applied and international aspects. Her research has informed and contributed to health policy development and evaluation of health services in the UK, France, Russia, Poland, Canada and the USA.
Sarah Curtis was appointed in September 2006 as Professor of Health and Risk in the Geography department at the University of Durham. From 2012 to 2015 she was Executive Director of the Institute of Hazard Risk and Resilience, where she led strategic development of interdisciplinary research at the University, focused on diverse aspects of hazards and risks in the physical and social environment and how to build resilience to these hazards.
Sarah has been fully retired since 2016 and continues to carry out collaborative research with colleagues at Durham University Geography Department (in her role as Professor Emerita) and with the Centre for Research in Environment Society and Health at the University of Edinburgh, where she is Honorary Professor.
In 2014 Sarah Curtis was elected as Fellow of the British Academy, an independent national academy of Fellows elected for their eminence in research and publication. She is also a Fellow and and Chartered Geographer (Founder Member) of the Royal Geographical Society, Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Sarah Curtis holds a BA Hons in Geography from Oxford University and DPhil in Urban and Regional Studies from the University of Kent. Before joining Durham University she worked as Professor in Geography at Queen Mary, University of London.
Recent Research Includes:
- Sarah has been advising a collaborative project, funded by ESRC 2018-2019, involving Universities of Edinburgh, Durham and Newcastle, working on 'Recession and Mental Health in Scotland: Do Personal or Community Factors promote Resilience to Labour Market Change?'. Professor Jamie Pearce at University of Edinburgh is the Principal Investigator.
- in 2017-18 Sarah was a member of the research team at Durham University which worked on Community Wellbeing as part of the ESRC funded What Works for Wellbeing Programme.
- Sarah was Principal Investigator for the Leverhulme Trust Programme on Tipping Points based in the Institute of Hazard Risk and Resilience and employing 9 PDRAs in various Departments across the University, which completed in 2015.
- She was Principal Investigator for the project ‘BIOPICCC - Built Infrastructure for Older People in Conditions of Climate Change.’ 2009 -2012 funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under their ARCC Programme. This has published a toolkit for development of adaptation to climate change which has been widely cited as a valuable planning resource.
- Research on physical activity and wellbeing in schools (the ‘MOVE’ project) (funded by ESRC), for which Sarah is Co-I directing research by Dr Katie Thomson, PDRA in geography.
- health impact assessment of urban regeneration schemes, (for the Department of Health, and other agencies).
- development of healthy public policy (with agencies in Canada and UK).
- research on how the social and physical environment relates to well-being, resilience and health of adults and children (funded by ESRC and the Nuffield Foundation).
- research on therapeutic design of psychiatric health care settings (funded by British Academy).
- international collaborative work on migration, health and wellbeing (supported by ESRC).
- comparative research on geographical variation in psychiatric service use supported by the Office of Mental Health for New York State, USA. This work has been widely disseminated through her research publications.
Sarah has collaborated through research and consultancy with a number of organisations including local and national agencies in the English National Health Service; the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs, England, the Environment Agency, the Cabinet Office Resilient Communities Unit, the Health Protection Agency; The Greater London Authority, the World Health Organisation; the Insitut National de la Santé et Recherche Medicale, France. She has served as: non-executive director of a NHS Community and Mental Health Care Trust; on the Advisory Board for the London Health Observatory; and as board member and advisor for the National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy, National Institute of Public Health, Quebec, Canada. She has undertaken review and advisory roles for various national research councils in the UK and internationally.
Sarah Curtis was the Senior Editor, Medical Geography, for the leading international journal Social Science and Medicine (from 2003 - 2012), and she undertakes work for national Research Council committees and evaluation panels in the UK and abroad and was nominated member of the National Scientific Council of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France from 2010-2018. She is a Member of the Society of Social Medicine and a Registered Practitioner of the Academy for Higher Education.
Sarah Curtis is author of several books including: Space, Place and Mental Health (2010) Ashgate.
Authored book
- Bissell, J., Caiado, C., Curtis, S., Goldstein, M., & Straughan, B. (2015). Tipping Points: Modelling Social Problems and Health. Wiley.
- Curtis, S. (2010). Space, Place and Mental Health. Ashgate Publishing
- Curtis, S. (2004). Health and Inequality: Geographical Perspectives. SAGE Publications
- Curtis, S., & Taket, A. (1996). Health and Societies: Changing Perspectives. HodderArnold
- Curtis, S. (1989). The Geography of Public Welfare Provision. Routledge
- Aïach, P., Carr-Hill, R., Curtis, S., & Illsley, R. (1988). Les Inégalités Sociales de Santé en France et en Grande Bretagne: Analyse et Etude Comparative. INSERM
Chapter in book
- Curtis, S., & Hoyez, A. (2013). Public Health and Migration. In I. Ness, P. Bellwood, D. Gabaccia, S. Maty Bâ, S. Safitri, & A. Julca (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. Wiley.
- Riva, M., & Curtis, S. (2011). Policy Responses and the Physical Environment. In J. Pearce, & K. Witten (Eds.), Geographies of Obesity: Environmental Understandings of the Obesity Epidemic. Farnham, Ashgate
- Riva, M., & Curtis, S. (2011). The Rural, Material and Social Context of Positive Health in England. In S. Atkinson, J. Painter, & S. Fuller (Eds.), Wellbeing and Place. Farnham, Ashgate
- Curtis, S., Riva, M., & Rosenberg, M. (2010). Health Geography in Public Health. In T. Brown, S. McLafferty, & G. Moon (Eds.), Companion to Health and Medical Geography (325-345). Blackwell
- Curtis, S., & Cummins, S. (2007). Ecological studies. In S. Galeo (Ed.), Macro Social Determinants of Health (327-348). Springer Verlag
- Gesler, W., & Curtis, S. (2007). Application of Concepts of Therapeutic Landscapes to the Design of Hospitals in the UK: The example of a Mental Health Facility in London. In A. Williams (Ed.), Therapeutic Landscapes (149-164). Ashgate Publishing
- Curtis, S. (2007). Geographie sociale et geographie de la sante. In S. Fleuret, & J.-P. Thouez (Eds.), Geographie de la Sante: un Panorama (26-36). Economica
- Curtis, S. (2004). Social exclusion, health and health care; the case of the National Health Service in England. In R. Lee, & D. Smith (Eds.), Geographies and Moralities: International Perspectives on Development, Justice and Place (79-82). Blackwell
- Fagg, J., Curtis, S., Stansfeld, S., & Congdon, P. (2004). Neighbourhood influences on adolescent health in East London. In I. Sagan, & M. Czepczyński (Eds.), Featuring the Quality of Urban Life in Contemporary Cities of Eastern and Western Europe (117-124). Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe = Bogucki Scientific Press
- Curtis, S., & Bebbington, A. (2004). Geographical variations in health and welfare and their significance for equity and efficiency in resource allocation. In M. Knapp, D. Challis, J.-L. Fernández, & A. Netten (Eds.), Long-Term Care: Matching Resources and Needs (199-218). Ashgate Publishing
- De Campos, R., Congdon, P., Curtis, S., Gregory, I., Rees Jones, I., & Southall, H. (2004). Locality-level mortality and socio-economic change in Britain since 1920: first steps towards analysis of infant mortality variation. In P. Boyle, S. Curtis, E. Graham, & E. Moore (Eds.), The Geography of Health Inequalities in the Developed World: Views from Britain and North America. Ashgate Publishing
- Moon, G., & Curtis, S. (1998). Health and Health Policy in Europe. In T. Unwin (Ed.), A European Geography (291-295). Prentice Hall
- Jones, I., & Curtis, S. (1997). Health. In M. Pacione (Ed.), Britain's Cities: Geographies of Division in Urban Britain (218-243). Routledge
- Curtis, S. (1995). Geographical perspectives on poverty, health and health poverty in different parts of the UK. In C. Philo (Ed.), Off the Map: the Social Geography of Poverty in the UK (153-174). Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG)
- Curtis, S. (1993). Contributions. In R. Johnston, D. Gregory, & D. Smith (Eds.), Dictionary of Human Geography (241-243; 374-376; 489-490.). (3rd ed.). Blackwell
- Curtis, S. (1992). Social welfare as a dimension of regional development. In P. Townroe, & R. Martin (Eds.), Regional Development in the 1990s: The British Isles in Transition (251-256). Regional Science Association
- Curtis, S. (1991). Residential location as a gateway to care. In S. Smith, R. Knill-Jones, & A. McGuckin (Eds.), Housing for Health (19-42). Longman
- Curtis, S., & Hyndman, S. (1989). The need for change in information, organisation and resources: a study of housing dampness and respiratory illness. In C. Martin, & D. McQueen (Eds.), Readings for a New Public Health (203-213). Edinburgh University Press
- Aïach, P., & Curtis, S. (1989). Croissance comparée de la morbidité déclarée en France et en Grande Bretagne. In Géographie et Socio-Economie de la Santé (169-180). Centre de Recherche d'Etude et de Documentation en Economie de la Santé (CREDES)
- Curtis, S. (1989). Community welfare services in the inner city: the case of Inner London. In D. Smith, & D. Herbert (Eds.), Social Problems in the City (176-197). (2nd ed.). OUP
- Bucquet, D., & Curtis, S. (1989). Decentralisation and sectorialisation of Medico-Social services for the elderly in France. In Géographie et Socio-Economie de la Santé (3-12). Centre de Recherche d'Etude et de Documentation en Economie de la Santé (CREDES)
- Mohan, J., & Curtis, S. (1989). The geography of ill-health and health care. In J. Lewis, & A. Townsend (Eds.), The North-South Divide: Regional Change in Britain in the 1980s (175-191). Paul Chapman
Conference Paper
- Curtis, S. (2006, November). Les facteurs individuels et sociaux associés à la santé mentale des jeunes adultes en Angleterre. Presented at Assemblée des Chercheurs Centre de recherche Léa-Roback sur les inégalités sociales de santé de Montréal, 9-10 November., Hôtel Mont Gabrile, Ste-Adèle, Laurentides
- Curtis, S. (2006, October). Evaluer l'impact sur la Santé des Politiques Hors du Secteur Médicale. Presented at Journées Annuelles de Santé Publique., Montréal, Quebec
- Curtis, S. (2006, September). How can we address health inequality through healthy public policy in Europe?. Presented at Sixth European Urban & Regional Studies Conference., Roskilde, Denmark
- Curtis, S. (2006, March). Development and persistance of human capability and resilience in their social and geographical context. Presented at Festival of Science., Institute for Research on Health and Society, University College, London, England
- Curtis, S. (2005, May). La consommation des services en psychiatrie à New York City et à Londres: L'intérêt et des limites d'un perspective géographique. Presented at GEOIDE Congress., University of Sherbrook, Quebec, Canada
- Curtis, S. (2005, April). People, places and health. Presented at Dahlgren and Whitehead and beyond: the social determinants of health in research, policy and service delivery., Institute of Society, Health and Ethics, University of Cardiff, UK
- Curtis, S. (2004, May). Area and place effects on mental health and health care. Presented at Annual General Meeting of Psychiatry Section, Royal Society of Medicine., London, England
- Curtis, S. (2004, May). L'intérêt et les limites des analyses multi-niveaux pour mesurer les effets des lieux sur les inégalités de santé. Presented at Institut de recherche et documentation en économie de la santé., Paris, France
- Curtis, S. (2004, April). Varying use of mental health care among the populations of local areas in New York State, 1999-2001. Presented at Office of Mental Health for New York State., Albany, USA
- Curtis, S. (2004, March). The British NHS on the global scene: the importance of globalisation and new technologies for the NHS in Britain. Presented at London Society of Academic Primary Care Annual Meeting., Madingly Hall, Cambridge, England
- Curtis, S. (2004, March). Les inégalités de santé: une perspective géographique. Presented at Centre for Research on Contemporary Issues in Public Health (CRESP)., University of Paris 13, Bobigny, France
- Curtis, S. (2004, March). Les hospitalisations en psychiatrie à New York et à Londres. Presented at Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales., Paris, France
- Curtis, S., Lucas-Gabrielli, V., & Tonnellier, F. (1998, December). Peut-on traduire RAWP en français? = Can RAWP be translated from English to French?. Presented at 5ème colloque geographie et socio-économie de la santé: allocation des ressources, géographie des soins. Biblio no. 1242., CREDES, Paris, France
Edited book
- Bennett, P., Curtis, S., Calman, K., & Smith, D. (Eds.). Risk Communication and Public Health. Oxford University Press
- Bennett, P., Calman, K., Curtis, S., & Fishbacher-Smith, D. (Eds.). (2009). Risk Communication and Public Health. Oxford University Press
- Boyle, P., Curtis, S., Graham, E., & Moore, E. (Eds.). (2004). The Geography of Health Inequalities in the Developed World: Views from Britain and North America. Ashgate Publishing
Journal Article
- Curtis, S., & Pindar, S. (online). Explaining geographical disparities in educational achievement: a case study of East London
- Coldefy, M., & Curtis, S. (online). The Geography of Institutional Psychiatric Care in France 1800 - 2000: Historical Analysis of the Spatial Diffusion of Specialised Facilities for Institutional Care of Mental Illness. Social Science & Medicine,
- Riva, M., Bambra, C., Easton, S., & Curtis, S. (online). Hard Times or Good Times? Inequalities in the Health Effects of Economic Change. International Journal of Public Health,
- Pabayo, R., Belsky, J., Gauvin, L., & Curtis, S. (online). Do Area Characteristics Predict Change in Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity from Ages 11 to 15 Years?. Social Science & Medicine,
- Curtis, S. (online). L'utilisation des politiques publiques pour promouvoir la sante: Quelques reflexions sur l'example de la planification du parc olympique 2012 a Londres
- Riva, M., Terashima, M., Curtis, S., Shucksmith, J., & Carlebach, S. (online). Coalfield Health Effects: Variation Across Former Coalmining Communities in England. Health & Place,
- Curtis, S. (online). Le point de vue des experts: intervention de Me Sarah Curtis
- Curtis, S., & Hoyez, A. (online). Franco-British Working Group on Migration Health and Wellbeing. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, 4-19
- Asker, C., Gorman, R., Lowe, T. A., Curtis, S., Moon, G., & Jones, J. (2024). The past, present and future of health geography: An exchange with three long standing participants in the Geographies of Health and Wellbeing Research Group. Area, 56(4), Article e12940.
- Curtis, S., Leach, M., Ardern, K., Beckerman, C., Hunter, P. R., Ruszczyk, H., & Pelling, M. (2024). Health and wellbeing in the face of crises associated with climate or conflict: how can knowledge from the humanities and social sciences help us respond to disasters?. Journal of the British Academy, 12(1&2), Article a13.
- Curtis, S., & Riva, M. (2023). Wellbeing, space and society. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 5, Article 100140.
- Cherrie, M., Curtis, S., Baranyi, G., Cunningham, N., Dibben, C., Bambra, C., & Pearce, J. (2021). A data linkage study of the effects of the Great Recession and austerity on antidepressant prescription usage. European Journal of Public Health, 31(2), 297-303.
- Curtis, S., Cunningham, N., Pearce, J., Congdon, P., Cherrie, M., & Atkinson, S. (2021). Trajectories in mental health and socio-spatial conditions in a time of economic recovery and austerity: a longitudinal study in England, 2011-2017. Social Science & Medicine, 270, Article 113654.
- Baranyi, G., Cherrie, M., Curtis, S. E., Dibben, C., & Pearce, J. (2020). Changing levels of local crime and mental health: a natural experiment using self-reported and service use data in Scotland. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 74(10), 806-814.
- Atkinson, S., Bagnall, A.-M., Corcoran, R., South, J., & Curtis, S. (2020). Being well together: individual subjective and community wellbeing. Journal of Happiness Studies, 21(5), 1903-1921.
- Baranyi, G., Cherrie, M., Curtis, S., Dibben, C., & Pearce, J. R. (2020). Neighborhood Crime and Psychotropic Medications: A Longitudinal Data Linkage Study of 130,000 Scottish Adults. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 58(5), 638-647.
- Curtis, S., Congdon, P., Atkinson, S., Corcoran, R., Peasgood, T., & MaGuire, R. (2020). Adverse conditions for wellbeing at the neighbourhood scale in England: potential and challenges for operationalising indicators relevant to wellbeing in and of places. Wellbeing, Space and Society, 1, Article 100009.
- Killaspy, H., Priebe, S., McPherson, P., Zenasni, Z., McCrone, P., Dowling, S., Harrison, I., Krotofil, J., Dalton-Locke, C., McGranahan, R., Arbuthnott, M., Curtis, S., Leavey, G., MacPherson, R., Eldridge, S., & King, M. (2019). Feasibility Randomised Trial Comparing Two Forms of Mental Health Supported Accommodation (Supported Housing and Floating Outreach); a Component of the QuEST (Quality and Effectiveness of Supported Tenancies) Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, Article 258.
- Curtis, S., Pearce, J., Cherrie, M., Dibben, C., Cunningham, N., & Bambra, C. (2018). Changing labour market conditions during the ‘great recession’ and mental health in Scotland 2007–2011: An example using the Scottish Longitudinal Study and data for local areas in Scotland. Social Science & Medicine, 227, 1-9.
- Curtis, S., Oven, K., Wistow, J., Dunn, C., & Dominelli, L. (2018). Adaptation to extreme weather events in complex health and social care systems: The example of older people’s services in England. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 36(1), 67-91.
- Sandhu, S., Priebe, S., Leavey, G., Harrison, I., Krotofil, J., McPherson, P., Dowling, S., Arbuthnott, M., Curtis, S., King, M., Shepherd, G., & Killaspy, H. (2017). Intentions and experiences of effective practice in mental health specific supported accommodation services: a qualitative interview study. BMC Health Services Research, 17(1), Article 471.
- Williams, L., Macnaghten, P., Davies, R., & Curtis, S. (2017). Framing ‘fracking’: Exploring public perceptions of hydraulic fracturing in the United Kingdom. Public Understanding of Science, 26(1), 89-104.
- Tymms, P., Curtis, S. E., Routen, A. C., Thomson, K. H., Bolden, D. S., Bock, S., Dunn, C. E., Cooper, A. R., Elliott, J. G., Moore, H. J., Summerbell, C. D., Tiffin, P. A., & Kasim Adetayo, S. (2016). Clustered randomised controlled trial of two education interventions designed to increase physical activity and well-being of secondary school students: The MOVE Project. BMJ Open, 6(1), Article e009318.
- Wood, V., Gesley, W., Curtis, S., Spencer, I., Close, H., Mason, J., & Reilly, J. (2015). 'Therapeutic landscapes' and the importance of nostalgia, solastalgia, salvage and abandonment for psychiatric hospital design. Health & Place, 33, 83-89.
- Wistow, J., Dominelli, L., Oven, K., Dunn, C., & Curtis, S. (2015). The role of formal and informal networks in supporting older people's care during extreme weather events. Policy and Politics, 43(1), 119-135.
- Bentley, R. A., Maddison, E. J., Ranner, P. H., Bissell, J. J., Caiado, C. C. C. S., Bhatanacharoen, P., Clark, T., Botha, M., Akinbami, F., Hollow, M., Michie, R., Huntley, B., Curtis, S., & Garnett, P. (2014). Social tipping points and Earth systems dynamics. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2, Article 35.
- Wood, V., Curtis, S., Gesler, W., Spencer, I., Close, H., Mason, J., & Reilly, J. (2013). Spaces for smoking in a psychiatric hospital: social capital, resistance to control, and significance for 'therapeutic landscapes'. Social Science & Medicine, 97, 104-111.
- Curtis, S., Gesler, W., Wood, V., Spenser, I., Mason, J., Close, H., & Reilly, J. (2013). Compassionate containment? Balancing technical safety and therapy in the design of psychiatric wards. Social Science & Medicine, 97, 201-209.
- Fagg, J., Curtis, S., Cummins, S., Stansfeld, S., & Quesnel-Quesnel-Vallée, A. (2013). Neighbourhood deprivation and adolescent self-esteem: Exploration of the ‘socio-economic equalisation in youth’ hypothesis in Britain and Canada. Social Science & Medicine, 91, 168-177.
- Wood, V., Curtis, S., Gesler, W., Spencer, I., Close, H., Mason, J., & Reilly, J. (2013). Creating 'therapeutic landscapes' for mental health carers in inpatient settings : a dynamic perspective on permeability and inclusivity. Social Science & Medicine, 91, 122-129.
- Riva, M., & Curtis, S. (2012). England, spanning more than two decades. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 66(10), 919-926.
- Curtis, S., & Oven, K. (2012). Geographies of Health and Climate Change. Progress in Human Geography, 36(5), 654-666.
- Cairns, J., Curtis, S., & Bambra, C. (2012). Defying Deprivation: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Area Level Health Resilience in England. Health & Place, 18(4), 928-933.
- Oven, K., Curtis, S., Reaney, S., Riva, M., Stewart, M., Ohlemuller, R., Dunn, C., Nodwell, S., Dominelli, L., & Holden, R. (2012). Climate change and health and social care: Defining future hazard, vulnerability and risk for infrastructure systems supporting older people’s health care in England. Applied Geography, 33, 16-24.
- Riva, M., Curtis, S., & Norman, P. (2011). Residential mobility within England and urban-rural inequalities in mortality. Social Science & Medicine, 73(112), 1698-1706.
- Riva, M., Bambra, C., Curtis, S., & Gauvin, L. (2011). Collective resources or local social inequalities? Examining the social determinants of mental health in rural areas. European Journal of Public Health, 21(2), 197-203.
- Curtis, S., & Riva, M. (2010). Health geographies I: complexity theory and human health. Progress in Human Geography, 34(2), 215-223.
- Curtis, S., & Riva, M. (2010). Progress Report: Health Geographies II: Complexity and health care systems and policy. Progress in Human Geography, 34, 513-520
- Curtis, S., & Riva, M. (2010). Progress Report: Health Geographies I: Complexity theory and human health. Progress in Human Geography, 34(2), 215-223
- Mindell, J., Biddulph, J., Taylor, L., Lock, K., Boaz, A., Joffe, M., & Curtis, S. (2010). Improving the Use of Evidence in Health Impact Assessment. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 88(7), 543-550.
- Curtis, S., Setia, M., & Quesnel-Vallee, A. (2009). Socio-Geographic Mobility and Health Status: a longitudinal analysis using the National Population Health Survey of Canada. Social Science & Medicine, 69(12), 1845-1853.
- Curtis, S., & Riva, M. (2009). Health geographies II: complexity and health care systems and policy. Progress in Human Geography, 34(4), 513-520.
- Curtis, S., Congdon, P., Almog, M., & Ellermann, R. (2009). County variation in use of inpatient and ambulatory psychiatric care in New York State 1999-2001: Need and Supply influences in a structural model. Health & Place, 15(2), 568-577.
- Curtis, S., Gesler, W., Priebe, S., & Francis, S. (2009). New spaces of inpatient care for people with mental illness: a complex "rebirth" of the clinic?. Health & Place, 15(1), 340-348.
- Riva, M., Curtis, S., Gauvin, L., & Fagg, J. (2009). Unravelling the extent of inequalities in health across urban and rural areas: Evidence from a national sample in England. Social Science & Medicine, 68(4), 654-663.
- Curtis, S. (2008). How Can We Address Health Inequality Through Healthy Public Policy in Europe?. European Urban and Regional Studies, 15(4), 293-305.
- Fagg, J., Curtis, S., Clark, C., Congdon, P., & Stansfield, S. (2008). Neighbourhood perceptions among inner-city adolescents : relationships with their individual characteristics and with independently assessed neighbourhood conditions. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 28(2), 128-142.
- Fagg, J., Curtis, S., Stansfield, S., Cattell, V., Tupuola, A.-M., & Arephin, M. (2008). Area social fragmentation, social support for individuals and psychosocial health in young adults: Evidence from a national survey in England. Social Science & Medicine, 66(2), 242-254.
- Curtis, S., Pederson, A., Bruce, T., & Frankish, J. (2008). Pour des politiques publiques favorables a la sante dans le contexte de la preparation de grands evenements internationaux: l'exemple des jeux olympiques
- Cattell, V., Dines, N., Gesler, W., & Curtis, S. (2008). Mingling, observing and lingering: Everyday public spaces and their implications for well-being and social relations. Health & Place, 14, 544-561
- Curtis, S., Gesler, W., Fabian, K., Francis, S., & Priebe, S. (2007). Therapeutic landscapes in hospital design: A qualitative assessment by staff and service users of the design of a new mental health inpatient unit. Environment and planning. C, Government and policy, 25(4), 591-610.
- Curtis, S. (2007). Socio-economic status and geographies of psychiatric inpatient service use. Places, provision, power and wellbeing
- Cummins, S., Curtis, S., Diez-Roux, A., & Macintyre, S. (2007). Understanding and representing 'place' in health research: A relational approach. Social Science & Medicine, 66(2), 1825-1838.
- Curtis, S. (2007). Concluding commentary: Report from the eleventh international symposium in medical geography: a comment from the senior editor. Social Science & Medicine, 65, 169-171.
- Fagg, J., Curtis, S., Stansfeld, S., & Congdon, P. (2006). Psychological distress among adolescents, and its relationship to individual, family and area characteristics in East London. Social Science & Medicine, 63(3), 636-648.
- Curtis, S., Copeland, A., Fagg, J., Congdon, P., Almog, M., & Fitzpatrick, J. (2006). The ecological relationship between deprivation, social isolation and rates of hospital admission for acute psychiatric care; a comparison of London and New York City. Health & Place, 12(1), 19-37.
- Warfa, N., Bhui, K., Craig, T., Curtis, S., Mohamud, S., Stansfeld, S., McCrone, P., & Thornicroft, G. (2006). Post-migration geographical mobility, mental health and health service utilisation among Somali refugees in the UK: A qualitative study. Health & Place, 12(4), 503-515.
- Tonnellier, F., & Curtis, S. (2005). Medicine, landscapes, symbols: 'The Country Doctor' by Honoré de Balzac. Health & Place, 11(4), 313-321.
- Curtis, S., Southall, H., Congdon, P., & Dodgeon, B. (2004). Area effects on health variation over the life-course: analysis of the longitudinal study sample in England using new data on area of residence in childhood. Social Science & Medicine, 58(1), 57-74.
- Gesler, W., Bell, M., Curtis, S., Hubbard, P., & Francis, S. (2004). Therapy by design: evaluating the UK hospital building program. Health & Place, 10(2), 117-128.
- Mindell, J., Boaz, A., Joffe, M., Curtis, S., & Birley, M. (2004). Enhancing the evidence base for health impact assessment. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 58(7), 546-551.
- Almog, M., Curtis, S., Copeland, A., & Congdon, P. (2004). Geographical variation in acute psychiatric admissions within New York City 1990-2000: growing inequalities in service use?. Social Science & Medicine, 59(2), 361-376.
- Rees Jones, I., Berney, L., Kelly, M., Doyal, L., Griffiths, C., Feder, G., Hillier, S., Rowlands, G., & Curtis, S. (2004). Is patient involvement possible when decisions involve scarce resources? A qualitative study of decision-making in primary care. Social Science & Medicine, 59, 93-201.
- Curtis, S., Cave, B., & Coutts, A. (2002). Is urban regeneration good for health? Perceptions and theories of the health impacts of urban change. Environment and planning. C, Government and policy, 20(4), 517-534.
- Asthana, S., Curtis, S., Duncan, C., & Gould, M. (2002). Themes in British health geography at the end of the century: a review of published research 1998–2000. Social Science & Medicine, 55, 167-173.
- Congdon, P., Campos, R., Curtis, S., Southall, H., Gregory, I., & Jones, I. (2001). Quantifying and explaining changes in geographical inequality of infant mortality in England and Wales since the 1890s. International Journal of Population Geography, 7, 35-51
- Cave, B., & Curtis, S. (2001). Developing a toolkit to assess the potential health impact of urban regeneration schemes
- Curtis, S. (2001). Health in London. Area, 33(1), 84-91.
- Almog, M., Curtis, S., & Fitzpatrick, J. (2001). La géographie du recours à l’hôpital psychiatrique en relation avec la pauvreté, et son intérêt à New York et à Londres
- Curtis, S., & Lawson, K. (2000). Gender, ethnicity and self-reported health: the case of African-Caribbean populations in London. Social Science & Medicine, 50, 365-385.
- Curtis, S., Gesler, W., Smith, G., & Washburn, S. (2000). Approaches to sampling and case selection in qualitative research: examples in the geography of health. Social Science & Medicine, 50, 1001-1014.
- Curtis, S. (2000). Statistiques microlocales dans le recensement de la population britannique: accès aux données pour la communauté scientifique
- Curtis, S., & Rees Jones, I. (1998). Is there a place for geography in the analysis of health inequality?. Sociology of Health & Illness, 20(5), 645-672.
- Curtis, S., Petukhova, N., Sezonova, G., & Netsenko, N. (1997). Caught in the 'Traps of Managed Competition'? Examples of Russian Health Care Reforms from St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. International Journal of Health Services, 27(4), 661-686.
- Curtis, S. (1997). Les inégalités de santé en Grande Bretagne et en France: des approches géographiques diverses. Actualité et dossier en santé publique, 19, XXVIII-XXX
- Congdon, P., Shouls, S., & Curtis, S. (1997). A multi-level perspective on small area health and mortality: a case study of England and Wales. International Journal of Population Geography, 3, 243-263
- Shouls, S., Congdon, P., & Curtis, S. (1996). Modelling inequality in reported long term illness in the UK: combining individual and area characteristics. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 50(3), 366-376
- Shouls, S., Congdon, P., & Curtis, S. (1996). districts. Health & Place, 2(3), 139-155.
- Curtis, S. (1995). The geography of health and health care: a British point of view
- Curtis, S., Petukhova, N., & Taket, A. (1995). Health care reforms in Russia: The example of St. Petersburg. Social Science & Medicine, 40(6), 755-765.
- Leibovici, D., Curtis, S., & Ritchie, K. (1995). The application of disability data from epidemiological surveys to the development of indicators of service needs for the dependent elderly. Age and Ageing, 24(1), 14-20.
- Curtis, S. (1994). Les inégalités face à la santé en Grande-Bretagne
- Bryce, C., Curtis, S., & Mohan, J. (1994). Coronary heart disease: Trends in spatial inequalities and implications for health care planning in England. Social Science & Medicine, 38(5), 677-690.
- Curtis, S. (1993). Geography of coronary heart disease in England. Health Education Journal, 52(2), 72-78
- Curtis, S., Bucquet, D., & Colvez, A. (1992). Sources of instrumental support for dependent elderly people in three parts of France. Ageing & Society, 12, 329-354.
- Curtis, S. (1990). Use of survey data and small area statistics to assess the link between individual morbidity and neighbourhood deprivation. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 44, 62-68
- Aïach, P., & Curtis, S. (1990). Social inequalities in self-reported morbidity: Interpretation and comparison of data from Britain and France. Social Science & Medicine, 31(3), 267-274.
- Taket, A., & Curtis, S. (1989). Locality planning for health care. Area, 21(4), 357-364
- Curtis, S., Taket, A., Prokhorskas, R., Shabanah, M., & Thuriaux, M. (1989). Vers la santé pour tous dans la région européenne de l'OMS. Surveillance des progrès accomplis. II. Conditions préalables: bilan démographique et sanitaire
- Curtis, S. (1989). The development of geographical information systems for locality planning in health care. Area, 21(4), 391-399
- Curtis, S. (1989). Les metamorphoses du National Health Service
- Curtis, S. (1987). The patient's view of general practice in an urban area. Family Practice, 4(3), 200-206.
- Curtis, S. (1987). Recent developments in the geography of health care in Britain
- Bucquet, D., & Curtis, S. (1987). Characteristics of elderly people using home help in three regions of France
- Bucquet, D., Colvez, A., Robine, J., & Curtis, S. (1987). Etude des facteurs liés à l'incapacité pour les taches domestiques chez les personnes agées en Ile de France: Application à la planification infra-régionale des services d'aide ménagère
- Curtis, S. (1987). Hospital services for the elderly in London and Paris
- Curtis, S. (1987). Self reported morbidity in London and Manchester: Inter-urban and intra-urban variations. Social Indicators Research, 19, 255-272
- Curtis, S. (1987). Home help provision to the elderly in France and England: a national and metropolitan comparison
- Bucquet, D., & Curtis, S. (1986). Socio-demographic variation in perceived illness and the use of primary care: The value of community survey data for primary care service planning. Social Science & Medicine, 23(7), 737-744.
- Curtis, S., & Ogden, P. (1986). Bangladeshis in London: a challenge to welfare
- Curtis, S., & Woods, K. (1983). Health care in London: Planning issues and the contribution of local morbidity surveys. LONDON PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE, 13, 57-77
- Curtis, S. (1982). Spatial analysis of surgery locations in general practice. Social Science & Medicine, 16, 303-313.
- Curtis, S., Congdon, P., Atkinson, S., Corcoran, R., MaGuire, R., & Peasgood, T. (2019). Individual and local area factors associated with self-reported wellbeing, perceived social cohesion and sense of attachment to one’s community: analysis of the Understanding Society Survey. Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
- Shucksmith, J., Carlebach, S., Riva, M., Curtis, S., Hunter, D., Blackman, T., & Hudson, R. (2010). Health Inequalities in Ex-Coalfield/Industrial Communities. A report to the Improvement and Development Agency for Local Government and the Department of Health. [No known commissioning body]
- Mindell, J., Boaz, A., Joffe, M., Curtis, S., Taylor, L., Birley, M., & et al. (2005). A guide to reviewing published evidence for use in health impact assessment. [No known commissioning body]
- Curtis, S., & Cave, B. (2002). Regeneration and neighbourhood change. [No known commissioning body]
- Cave, B., & Curtis, S. (2001). Health impact assessment for regeneration projects. [No known commissioning body]
- Curtis, S. (2001). Health impact assessment for groundwork SRTS projects. [No known commissioning body]
- Curtis, S., & Ross, P. (2001). Changing healthcare provision for children in East London. [No known commissioning body]
- Stansfeld, S., Curtis, S., Haines, M., & et al. (2001). Rapid review on noise and health for London. A review to support the development of the Mayor of London's Ambient Noise Strategy. [No known commissioning body]
- Curtis, S., Grant, L., & Daker-White, G. (1991). Prefeasibility study for the gate project: a literature review. [No known commissioning body]
- Curtis, S., & Allen, E. (1991). Unified Commissioning Project. [No known commissioning body]
- Curtis, S. (1987). Indicators of the consequences of chronic diseases and their use for planning purposes in England and Wales. [No known commissioning body]
- Curtis, S. (1986). Area and individual aspects of deprivation and morbidity. [No known commissioning body]