Staff profile

Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor Emeritus in the Department of English Studies |
Research interests
- Deconstruction
- Romanticism and Theories of Inspiration
- Ecocriticism
Esteem Indicators
- 2000: Book of the Week (THES 20/6/19): The Value of Ecocriticism(Cambridge UP, 2019) (200pp).Reviewed as “Book of the Week" in the Times Higher Educational Supplement , June 20th 2019.
- 2000: translations: Timothy Clark's work has been translated into 7 other languages.
Authored book
- Clark, T. (2019). The Value of Ecocriticism. Cambridge University Press.
- Clark, T. (2015). Ecocriticism on the Edge: The Anthropocene as a Threshold Concept. Bloomsbury
- Clark, T. (2011). The Cambridge Introduction to Literature and the Environment. Cambridge University Press
- Clark, T. (2005). The Poetics of Singularity: The Counter-Culturalist Turn in Heidegger, Derrida, Blanchot and the Later Gadamer. Edinburgh University Press
- Clark, T. (2002). Martin Heidegger. Routledge
- Clark, T. (1999). Charles Tomlinson. Writers and their Work Series. Liverpool University Press
- Clark, T. (1997). The Theory of Inspiration: Composition as a Crisis of Subjectivity in Romantic and Post-Romantic Writing. Manchester University Press
- Clark, T. (1992). Derrida, Heidegger, Blanchot: Sources of Derrida's Notion and Practice of Literature. Cambridge University Press
- Clark, T. (1989). Embodying Revolution: The Figure of the Poet in Shelley. Oxford University Press
Chapter in book
- Clark, T. (2024). John Clare and Enclosure Again: Against Simplification. In M. Demson, & R. Hewitt (Eds.), Law, Equity and Romantic Writing: Seeking Justice in the Age of Revolutions (238-257). Edinburgh University Press
- Clark, T. (2022). Overpopulation: the Human as Inhuman. In J. D. Edwards, R. Graulund, & J. Höglund (Eds.), Dark Scenes from Damaged Earth: The Gothic Anthropocene. University of Minnesota Press.
- Clark, T. (2021). John Masefield’s “The Passing Strange”: Derangements of Scale. In H. Feder (Ed.), Close Reading in the Anthropocene (159-174). Routledge
- Clark, T. (2018). Scale as a force of deconstruction. In M. Fritsch, P. Lynes, & D. Wood (Eds.), Eco-Deconstruction: Derrida and Environmental Philosophy. Fordham University Press
- Clark, T. (2013). “Phenomenology,”. In G. Garrard (Ed.), Oxford Guide to Ecocriticism. Oxford University Press
- Clark, T. (2012). Scale. In T. Cohen (Ed.), Telemorphosis : theory in the era of climate change (148-166). Open Humanities Press ; University of Michigan Library
- Clark, T. (2011). “Climate and Catastrophe: A Lost Opening?. In S. Gaston, & I. Maclachlan (Eds.), Reading Derrida’s Of Grammatology, (161-167). Continuum
- Clark, T. (2006). Hermeneutics. In P. Waugh (Ed.), Modern Literary Theory and Criticism. An Oxford Guide. Oxford University Press
- Clark, T. (2004). Time after Time: Temporality Temporalization. In I. Maclachlan (Ed.), Jacques Derrida : critical thought (110-125). Ashgate Publishing
- Clark, T. (2004). The Blind Short Story. In T. Clark, & N. Royle (Eds.), Oxford Literary Review 26
- Clark, T. (2003). Angles on Derrida. In T. Clark, T. Dutoit, P. Romanski, & N. Royle (Eds.), Oxford Literary Review 25
- Clark, T. (2002). Literary Force: Institutional Values. In E. Beaumont-Bissell (Ed.), The question of literature: The place of the literary in contemporary theory (91-104). Manchester University Press
- Clark, T. (2002). Literary Force, Institutional Values. In E. B. Bissell (Ed.), The question of literature : the place of the literary in contemporary theory (91-104). Manchester University Press
- Clark, T. (2002). Reading Cixous Writing. In T. Clark, M. McQuillan, & N. Royle (Eds.), Oxford Literary Review 24
- Clark, T. (2001). Monstrism (issue of experimental criticism). In T. Clark, N. Royle, G. Bennington, P. Kamuf, A. Bennett, & C. Rooney (Eds.), Oxford Literary Review 23
- Clark, T. (2001). Disastrous Blanchot. In T. Clark, L. Hill, & N. Royle (Eds.), Oxford Literary Review 22
- Clark, T. (2000). Deconstruction and Technology. In N. Royle (Ed.), Deconstructions: A User's Guide ed (238 - 257). Red Globe Press.
- Clark, T. (1999). Literature and the Crisis in the Concept of the University. In D. Fuller, & P. Waugh (Eds.), The Arts and Sciences of Criticism
- Clark, T. (1999). Technologies of the Sign. In T. Clark, & N. Royle (Eds.), Oxford Literary Review 21
- Clark, T. (1998). Beyond Redemption: The Work of Leo Bersani. In T. Clark, & N. Royle (Eds.), Oxford Literary Review 20
- Clark, T., Rooney, C., & Royle, N. (1997). Knowledge, Learning and Migration. In Oxford Literary Review 19
- Clark, T., & Hogle, J. (1996). Introduction. In Evaluating Shelley (1-8)
- Clark, T. (1996). Dickens through Blanchot: The Nightmare Fascination of a World without Interiority. In J. Schad (Ed.), Dickens Refigured: Bodies, Desires and Other Histories, ed. Manchester University Press
- Clark, T., & Royle, N. (1996). Derridas. In Oxford Literary Review 18
- Clark, T. (1996). Shelley after Deconstruction: The Poet of Anachronism. In Evaluating Shelley (91-107)
- Clark, T., & Royle, N. (1995). The University in Ruins. In Oxford Literary Review 17. (Rev. in TLS 24th Nov. 1995)
- Clark, T. (1995). George Bataille. In T. Mautner (Ed.), Dictionary of Philosophy. Blackwell
- Clark, T., Loomba, A., Kaul, S., & Royle, N. (1994). On India. In Oxford Literary Review 16
- Clark, T. (1993). Extract from Ch.4. In M. O'Neill (Ed.), Embodying Revolution (27-42)
- Clark, T., & Royle, N. (1993). Experiencing the Impossible. In Oxford Literary Review 15
- Clark, T. (1993). Reading in Blanchot. In A. Bennett (Ed.), Reading Reading (183-199)
- Clark, T. (1992). Inventions of Intellectual History: Herman Rapaport's Heidegger and Derrida. In Deconstruction in Finland and Afterwords (125-133)
- Clark, T. (1992). Claire Clairmont', 'Thomas Jefferson Hogg', 'The Doctrine of Necessity', and 'The Romantic Sublime. In Encyclopaedia of Romanticism: Culture in Britain for the 1780's to the 1830's. Garland Press
Edited book
Journal Article
- Clark, T. (online). 'Babel, Babble and Beginning Place': Renga, as Experiment in Multi-Lingual Poetry. English Studies in Africa, 77-88
- Clark, T. (online). Heidegger and Derrida on the Greek Nature of Philosophy. Philosophy and Literature, 76-91
- Clark, T. (online). Renga: Multi-lingual Poetry and Questions of Place [On Octavio Paz, Charles Tomlinson et al.]
- Clark, T. (online). Heidegger and Derrida on the Ontology of Literary Language. Modern Language Notes, 1003-1021
- Clark, T. (online). The Impossible Lightness of Reading: Blanchot and the Communicational Model of Subjectivity
- Clark, T. (online). French Heidegger and an English Poet: Charles Tomlinson's 'Poem' and the Status of Heideggerian Dichtung
- Clark, T., Gautheron, S., & Lacoue-Labarthe, P. (online). Catastrophe; A reading of Celan's 'The Meridian'. Oxford Literary Review, 3-41
- Clark, T. (online). Roland Barthes: Dead and Alive. Oxford Literary Review, 97-107
- Clark, T. (online). The Turing Test as a Novel Form of Hermeneutics
- Clark, T. (online). Not Motion but a Mime of it: 'Rhythm' in the Textuality of Heidegger's Work. Paragraph, 69-82
- Clark, T. (online). By Heart: A Reading of Derrida's 'Che cos'è la poesia?' through Keats and Celan. Oxford Literary Review, 43-78
- Clark, T. (online). Technology Inside?: Enlightenment and Romantic Assumptions of the Orality/Literacy Debate,' in 'Technologies of the Sign'. Oxford Literary Review, 57-72
- Clark, T. (online). Variants of the Dialogue Form in Heidegger, Blanchot and Derrida
- Clark, T. (online). Modern Transformations of German Romanticism: Blanchot and Derrida on the Fragment, the Aphorism and the Architectural. Paragraph, 232-247
- Clark, T. (online). Contradictory Passion: 'Inspiration' in Blanchot's 'The Space of Literature' (1955)
- Clark, T., & Royle, N. (online). 'Editorial Audit', The University in Ruins. Oxford Literary Review, 3-13
- Clark, T. (online). Computers as Universal Mimics: Derrida's Question of Mimesis and the Status of Artificial Inteligence
- Clark, T. (online). Orientations towards a Theory of Inspiration. Critical Review, 83-112
- Clark, T. (online). 'Differends' of Romantic Criticism, Review article on Symposium of Romanticism
- Clark, T. (online). Non-Being and the Literary: An Introduction to Maurice Blanchot's Notion of 'Literary Space'
- Clark, T. (online). Between Flippancy and Terror:Shelley's 'Marianne's Dream'. Romanticism, 90-105
- Clark, T. (online). Time after Time: Temporality Temporalization. Oxford Literary Review, 119-326
- Clark, T. (online). Shelley's 'The Coliseum' and the Sublime
- Clark, T. (online). Hegel in Suspense: Derrida, Hegel and the Question of Prefaces
- Clark, T. (2023). An 'Inhumanist' School. Oxford Literary Review, 45(1), 142-156.
- Clark, T. (2022). Reading against the Forces of Boredom:Environmental Literary Culture in 'the Age of Amazon'. Oxford Literary Review, 44(2), 211-233.
- Clark, T. (2020). Ecological Grief and Anthropocene Horror. American Imago, 77(1), 61-80.
- Clark, T. (2016). ‘But the real problem is….’: The Chameleonic Insidiousness of ‘Overpopulation’ in the Environmental Humanities. Africa Bibliography, 38(1), 7-26.
- Clarke, M. T., Halpern, F., & Clark, T. (2015). Climate Change, Scale, and Literary Criticism: A Conversation. ariel: A Review of International English Literature, 46(3), 1-22.
- Clark, T. (2013). What on World is the Earth? The Anthropocene and Fictions of the World. Oxford Literary Review, 35(1), 5-24.
- Clark, T. (2013). The Deconstructive Turn in Environmental Criticism. Symploke, 21(1-2), 11-26.
- Clark, T. (2010). Some Climate Change Ironies: Deconstruction, Environmental Politics and the Closure of Ecocriticism. Oxford Literary Review, 32(1), 131-149.
- Clark, T. (2010). Blanchot and the End of Nature. Parallax, 16(2), 20-30.
- Clark, T. (2008). Towards a Deconstructive Environmental Criticism. Africa Bibliography, 30(1), 44-68.
- Clark, T. (2008). "'Can a Place Think?" On Adam Sharr's Heidegger's Hut. Cultural Politics, 4(1), 100-121.
- Clark, T. (2007). A Green Blanchot? Impossible. Paragraph, 30(3), 121-140.
- Clark, T. (2007). The Challenge of the Meta-Contextual: Henry Lawson’s “Telling Mrs. Baker “ (1901) and some Animal Questions for Australia. Africa Bibliography, 29(1), 17-36.
- Clark, T. (2004). Not Seeing the Short Story: A Blind Phenomenology of Reading. Oxford Literary Review, 26(1), 5-30.