Staff profile
Timothy Burt
Emeritus Professor
Affiliation |
Emeritus Professor in the Department of Geography |
Research interests
- climate change
- environmental monitoring and diagnostics including water quality, hillslope and fluvial processes
- geomorphology
- hillslope
- integrated catchment management
- soil erosion
- water quality, in particular nutrient pollution
Chapter in book
- Anderson, M., & Burt, T. (2006). The role of topography in controlling throughflow generation. In K. Beven (Ed.), Streamflow Generation Processes (291-304). IHAS Press
- Pinay, G., Burt, T., & Gimiera, B. (2006). Floodplains in river ecosystems. In G. Ziglio, M. Siligardi, & G. Falim (Eds.), Biological Monitoring of Rivers. Wiley
- Burt, T., & Slattery, M. (2005). Land use and land cover effects on runoff processes: agricultural effects. In Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences. John Wiley and Sons.
- Burt, T. (2005). General/Particular. In N. Castree, A. Rogers, & D. Sherman (Eds.), Questioning Geography (117-130). Blackwell
- Burt, T. (2003). Realms of gold, wild surmise and wondering about physical geography. In S. Trudgill, & A. Roy (Eds.), Contemporary Meanings in Physical Geography (49-61). Arnold
- Burt, T. (2003). Scale: upscaling and downscaling in physical geography. In S. Holloway, S. Rice, & G. Valentine (Eds.), Key Concepts in Geography (209-227). SAGE Publications
- Johnson, R., Warburton, J., & Burt, T. (2002). Torrent erosion in Lake District mountain cathments. In T. Burt, D. Thompson, & J. Warburton (Eds.), The British Uplands: Dynamics of Change (139-140). JNCC
- Burt, T., Warburton, J., & Allison, R. (2002). Eroding upland landscapes? Past, present and future perspectives. In T. Burt, D. Thompson, & J. Warburton (Eds.), The British Uplands: Dynamics of change (60-66). JNCC
- Danks, M., & Warburton, J. (2002). Historical river channel change - Swinhope Burn, Upper Weardale. In T. Burt, D. Thompson, & J. Warburton (Eds.), The British Uplands: Dynamics of Change (125-126). JNCC
- Higgitt, D., & Warburton, J. (2002). GPS: A tool for mapping the uplands. In T. Burt, D. Thompson, & J. Warburton (Eds.), The British Uplands: Dynamics of Change (134-135). JNCC
- Burt, T. (2002). Hydrological processes in riparian buffer zones. In R. Hatano, U. Mander, Y. Hayakawa, V. Kuusemets, Y. Watanabe, & K. Kanazawa (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Efficiency of Purification Processes in Riparian Buffer Zones (1-11). National Agricultural Research Centre for Hokkaido
- Mills, A., Warburton, J., & Higgitt, D. (2002). Peat mass movements: a World and regional database. In T. Burt, D. Thompson, & J. Warburton (Eds.), The British Uplands: Dynamics of Change (166-167). JNCC
Conference Paper
- Burt, T. (2006, September). Linking hydrology and biogeochemistry in complex landscapes: implications for diffuse nitrate pollution. Presented at Ninth National Symposium, British Hydrological Society
- Widdison, P., Burt, T., Donoghue, D., & Hudson, R. (2006, September). Farmers' responses to water quality problems in the Leet Water Catchment. Presented at Ninth National Symposium, British Hydrological Society., Durham
- Dugdale, L., Lane, S., Brown, J., Burt, T., & Maltby, A. (2006, September). Salmonids and scales: investigating the impact of land management on salmonid populations within a hierarchical framework through the use of remote sensing and GIS. Presented at Ninth National Symposium, British Hydrological Society., Durham
- Widdison, P., Burt, T., Donoghuem, D., & Hudson, R. (2006, December). Responses to water quality problems in the Leet catchment. Presented at SAC and SEPA Biennial Conference., Edinburgh
- Widdison, P., Hudson, R., & Burt, T. (2004, December). Water Framework Directive: Implications for Farmers in the Leet Water Catchment. Presented at SAC and SEPA Biennial Conference., Edinburgh
Edited book
Journal Article
- Burt, T. (online). Durham University Observatory: Daily Meteorological Observations 2002
- Burt, T. (online). The weather at Durham in 2004
- Worrall, F., Howden, N. J., & Burt, T. P. (2025). A Bayesian hierarchical approach to combine interpolation and extrapolation methods for fluvial flux calculation. Journal of Hydrology, 651, Article 132550.
- Jarvie, H. P., Worrall, F., Burt, T. P., & Howden, N. J. K. (2025). A 150-year river water quality record shows reductions in phosphorus loads but not in algal growth potential. Communications Earth & Environment, 6(1), Article 62.
- Fan, X., Worrall, F., Baldini, L. M., & Burt, T. P. (2024). Uncovering nitrogen accumulation in a large mixed land-use catchment: Implications for national-scale budget studies and environmental management. CATENA, 246, Article 108366.
- Worrall, F., Clay, G. D., Howden, N. J. K., & Burt, T. P. (2023). Chemical Oxygen Demand as a Measure of Fluvial Organic Matter Oxidation State. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128(10), Article e2022JG007248.
- Worrall, F., Boothroyd, I. M., Clay, G. D., Moody, C. S., Heckman, K., Burt, T. P., & Rose, R. (2022). Constraining the Carbon Budget of Peat Ecosystems: Application of Stoichiometry and Enthalpy Balances. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127(10),
- Whelan, M., Linstead, C., Worrall, F., Ormerod, S., Durance, I., Johnson, A., Johnson, D., Owen, M., Wiik, E., Howden, N., Burt, T., Boxall, A., Brown, C., Oliver, D., & Tickner, D. (2022). Is water quality in British rivers “better than at any time since the end of the Industrial Revolution”?. Science of the Total Environment, 843, Article 157014.
- Burt, T., Pinay, G., Worrall, F., & Howden, N. (2022). Slopes: solute processes and landforms. Memoirs, 58(1), 191-204.
- Goudie, A. S., Burt, T. P., & Viles, H. A. (2022). The global transformation of geomorphology. Memoirs, 58, 1-17.
- Burt, T., Worrall, F., Howden, N., Jarvie, H., Pratt, A., & Hutchinson, T. (2021). A 50‐Year Record Of Nitrate Concentrations In The Slapton Ley Catchment, Devon, United Kingdom. Hydrological Processes, 35(1), Article e13955.
- Worrall, F., Burt, T. P., Hancock, G. R., Howden, N. J., & Wainwright, J. (2020). The problem of underpowered rivers. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(15), 3869-3878.
- Fan, X., Worrall, F., Baldini, L. M., & Burt, T. P. (2020). A spatial total nitrogen budget for Great Britain. Science of the Total Environment, 728, Article 138864.
- Boardman, J., Burt, T., & Foster, I. (2020). Monitoring soil erosion on agricultural land: results and implications for the Rother valley, West Sussex, UK. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(15), 3931-3942.
- Worrall, F., Howden, N. J., Burt, T. P., & Bartlett, R. (2019). The importance of sewage effluent discharge in the export of dissolved organic carbon from United Kingdom rivers. Hydrological Processes, 33(13), 1851-1864.
- Murphy, C., Broderick, C., Burt, T. P., Curley, M., Duffy, C., Hall, J., Harrigan, S., Matthews, T. K., Macdonald, N., McCarthy, G., McCarthy, M. P., Mullan, D., Noone, S., Osborn, T. J., Ryan, C., Sweeney, J., Thorne, P. W., Walsh, S., & Wilby, R. L. (2018). A 305-year continuous monthly rainfall series for the island of Ireland (1711–2016). Climate of the Past, 14(3), 413-440.
- Moody, C. S., Worrall, F., Clay, G. D., Burt, T. P., Apperley, D. C., & Rose, R. (2018). A Molecular Budget for a Peatland Based Upon 13C Solid‐State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123(2), 547-560.
- Worrall, F., Howden, N. J., Burt, T. P., & Bartlett, R. (2018). Declines in the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration and flux from the UK. Journal of Hydrology, 556, 775-789.
- Worrall, F., Burt, T. P., Howden, N. J., Hancock, G. R., & Wainwright, J. (2018). The fate of suspended sediment and particulate organic carbon in transit through the channels of a river catchment. Hydrological Processes, 32(1), 146-159.
- Burt, T., Ford Miniat, C., Laseter, S., & Swank, W. (2018). Changing patterns of daily precipitation totals at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, North Carolina, USA. International Journal of Climatology, 38(1), 94-104.
- Burt, T., Jones, P., & Howden, N. (2015). An analysis of rainfall across the British Isles in the 1870s. International Journal of Climatology, 35(10), 2934-2947.
- Burt, T., Worrall, F., Howden, N., & Anderson, M. (2015). Shifts in discharge-concentration relationships as a small catchment recover from severe drought. Hydrological Processes, 29(4), 498-507.
- Burt, T., Howden, N., McDonnell, J., Jones, J., & Hancock, G. (2015). Seeing the climate through the trees: observing climate and forestry impacts on streamflow using a 60-year record. Hydrological Processes, 29(3), 473-480.
- Burt, T., & Weerasinghe, K. (2014). Rainfall distributions in Sri Lanka in time and space: an analysis based on daily rainfall data. Climate, 2(4), 242-263.
- Burt, T., Howden, N., & Worrall, F. (2014). On the importance of very long-term water quality records. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 1(1), 41-48.
- Burt, T., & Howden, N. (2013). North Atlantic Oscillation amplifies orographic precipitation and river flow in upland Britain. Water Resources Research, 49(6), 3504-3515.
- Burt, T., & Ferranti, E. (2012). Changing patterns of heavy rainfall in upland areas: a case study from northern England. International Journal of Climatology, 32(2), 518-532.
- Howden, N., Burt, T., Worrall, F., Mathias, S., & Whelan, M. (2011). Nitrate pollution in intensively farmed regions: What are the prospects for sustaining high-quality groundwater?. Water Resources Research, 47(6), Article W00L02.
- Howden, N., Burt, T., Mathias, S., Worrall, F., & Whelan, M. (2011). Modelling long-term diffuse nitrate pollution at the catchment-scale: Data, parameter and epistemic uncertainty. Journal of Hydrology, 403(3-4), 337-351.
- Worrall, F., Burt, T., Rowson, J., Warburton, J., & Adamson, J. (2009). The multi-annual carbon budget of a peat-covered catchment. Science of the Total Environment, 407(13), 4084-4094.
- Opoku-Duah, S., Donoghue, D., & Burt, T. (2008). Intercomparison of Evapotranspiration Over the Savannah Volta Basin in West Africa Using Remote Sensing Data. Sensors, 8(4), 2736-2761.
- Worrall, F., & Burt, T. (2007). Trends in DOC concentration in Great Britain. Journal of Hydrology, 346(1-2), 81-92
- Worrall, F., Burt, T., & Adamson, J. (2007). Change in runoff initiation probability over a severe drought in a peat soil – Implications for flowpaths. Journal of Hydrology, 345(1-2), 16-26.
- Holden, J., Shotbolt, L., Bonn, A., Burt, T., Chapman, P., Dougill, A., Fraser, E., Hubacek, K., Irvine, B., Kirkby, M., Reed, M., Prell, C., Stagl, S., Stringer, L., Turner, A., & Worrall, F. (2007). Environmental change in moorland landscapes. Earth-Science Reviews, 82(1-2), 75-100.
- Pinay, G., Bumiero, B., Tabacchi, E., Gimenez, O., Tabacchi-Planty, A., Hefting, M., Burt, T., Black, V., Nilsson, C., Iordache, V., Bureau, F., Vought, L., Petts, G., & DéCamps, H. (2007). Patterns of denitrification rates in European alluvial soils under various hydrological regimes. Freshwater Biology, 52, 252-266
- Burt, T., & Horton, B. (2007). Inter-decadal variability in daily rainfall at Durham (UK) since the 1850s. International Journal of Climatology, 27, 945-956.
- Worrall, F., Burt, T., Adamson, J., Reed, M., Warburton, J., Armstrong, A., & Evans, M. (2007). Predicting the future carbon budget for an upland peat catchment. Climatic Change, 85, 139-158.
- Burt, T., & Worrall, F. (2007). Non-stationarity in long time series: some curious reversals in the "memory" effect. Hydrological Processes, 21, 3529-3531.
- Worrall, F., Burt, T., & Adamson., J. (2006). The rate of and controls upon DOC loss in a peat catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 321, 311-325
- Anderson, M., & Burt, T. (2006). The role of topography in controlling throughflow generation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 29, 331-334.
- Burt, T. (2006). The weather at Durham in 2005
- Worrall, F., Burt, T., & Adamson, J. (2006). Long-term changes in hydrological pathways in an upland peat catchment – recovery from severe drought?. Journal of Hydrology, 321, 5-20
- Worrall, F., Burt, T., & Adamson, J. (2005). Fluxes of dissolved carbon dioxide and inorganic carbon from an upland peat catchment: implications for soil respiration. Biogeochemistry, 73(3), 515-539.
- Burt, T. (2005). A third paradox in catchment hydrology and biogeochemistry: decoupling in the riparian zone. Hydrological Processes, 19, 2087-2089.
- Worrall, F., & Burt, T. (2005). Reconstructing long-term records of dissolved CO2. Hydrological Processes, 19, 1791-1806.
- Burt, T., & Pinay, G. (2005). Linking hydrology and biogeochemistry in complex landscapes. Progress in Physical Geography, 29(3), 297-316.
- Worrall, F., & Burt, T. (2005). Predicting the future DOC flux from upland catchments. Journal of Hydrology, 300, 126-139
- Jung, M., Burt, T., & Bates, P. (2004). Toward a conceptual model of floodplain water table response. Water Resources Research, 40(12), Article W12409.
- Worrall, F., Harriman, R., Evans, C., Watts, C., Adamson, J., Neal, C., Tipping, E., Burt, T., Grieve, I., Montieth, D., Naden, P., Nisbet, T., Reynolds, B., & Stevens, P. (2004). Trends in dissolved organic carbon in UK rivers and lakes. Biogeochemistry, 70(3), 369-402.
- Worrall, F., & Burt, T. (2004). Time series analysis of long-term river dissolved organic carbon records. Hydrological Processes, 18(5), 893-911.
- Burt, T. (2004). The weather at Durham in 2003
- Hefting, M., Clement, J., Dowrick, D., Cosandey, A., Bernal, S., Cimpian, C., Tatur, A., Burt, T., & Pinay, G. (2004). Water table elevation controls on soil nitrogen cycling in riparian wetlands along a European climatic gradient. Biogeochemistry, 67, 113-134.
- Burt, T. (2004). Risky business
- Worrall, F., Reed, M., Warburton, J., & Burt, T. (2003). Carbon budget for a British upland peat catchment. Science of the Total Environment, 312(1-3), 133-146.
- Worrall, F., Swank, W., & Burt, T. (2003). Changes in stream nitrate concentrations due to land management practices, ecological succession, and climate: Developing a systems approach to integrated catchment response. Hydrological Processes, 39(7), 1-14
- Worrall, F., Burt, T., & Shedden, R. (2003). Long term records of riverine dissolved organic carbon. Biogeochemistry, 64(2), 165-178.
- Burt, T. (2003). The weather in Durham in 2002
- Holden, J., & Burt, T. (2003). Hydrological studies on blanket peat: the significance of the acrotelm-catotelm model. Journal of Ecology, 91(1), 86-102.
- Burt, T., & Horton, B. (2003). The climate of Malham Tarn
- Holden, J., & Burt, T. (2003). Runoff production in blanket peat covered catchments. Water Resources Research, 39(7), art. no.-1191
- Burt, T., Hanwell, J., & Burt, E. (2003). Follow the sun
- Clement, J., Aquilina, L., Bour, O., Plaine, K., Burt, T., & Pinay, G. (2003). Hydrological flowpaths and nitrate removal rates within a riparian floodplain along a fourth-order stream in Brittany (France). Hydrological Processes, 17(6), 1177-1195.
- Burt, T. (2003). The greenhouse effect
- Holden, J., & Burt, T. (2003). Hydraulic conductivity in upland blanket peat: measurement and variability. Hydrological Processes, 17(6), 1227-1237.
- Burt, T. (2003). Some observations on slope development in South Wales: Savigear and Kirkby revisited. Progress in Physical Geography, 27(4), 581-595
- Worrall, F., Swank, W., & Burt, T. (2003). Changes in stream nitrate concentrations due to land management practices, ecological succession, and climate: developing a systems approach to integrated catchment response. Water Resources Research, 39(7), art. no.-1177.
- Merot, P., Squividant, H., Aurousseau, P., Hefting, M., Burt, T., Maitre, V., Kruk, M., Butturini, A., Thenail, C., & Viaud, V. (2003). Testing a climato-topographic index for predicting wetlands distribution along an European climate gradient. Ecological Modelling, 162, 51-71
- Sabater, S., Butturini, A., Clement, J., Burt, T., Dowrick, D., Hefting, M., Maitre, V., Pinay, G., Postolache, C., Rzepecki, M., & Sabater, F. (2003). Nitrogen removal by riparian buffers along a European climatic gradient: patterns and factors of variation. Ecosystems, 6, 20-30
- Burt, T. (2003). Monitoring change in hydrological systems. Science of the Total Environment, 310(1-3), 9-16
- Worrall, F., Burt, T., Jaeban, R., Warburton, J., & Shedden, R. (2002). Release of dissolved organic carbon from upland peat. Hydrological Processes, 16(17), 3487-3504.
- Burt, T., Pinay, G., Matheson, F., Haycock, N., Butturini, A., Clement, J., Danielescu, S., Dowrick, D., Hefting, M., Hillbricht-Ilkowska, A., & Maitre, V. (2002). Water table fluctuations in the riparian zone: comparative results from a pan-European experiment. Journal of Hydrology, 265(1-4), 129-148.
- Burt, T. (2002). The weather in Durham in 2001
- Holden, J., & Burt, T. (2002). Laboratory experiments on drought and runoff in blanket peat. European Journal of Soil Science, 53(4), 675-689
- Holden, J., & Burt, T. (2002). Infiltration, runoff and sediment production in blanket peat catchments: implications of field rainfall simulation experiments. Hydrological Processes, 16(13), 2537-2557.
- Holden, J., & Burt, T. (2002). Piping and pipeflow in a deep peat catchment. CATENA, 48(3), 163-199
- Burt, T., Bates, P., Stewart, M., Claxton, A., Anderson, M., & Price, D. (2002). Water table fluctuations within the floodplain of the River Severn, England. Journal of Hydrology, 262, 1-20
- Heppell, C., Worrall, F., Burt, T., & Williams, R. (2002). A classification of drainage and macropore flow in an agricultural catchment. Hydrological Processes, 16(1), 27-46.
- Matheson, F., Nguyen, M., Cooper, A., Burt, T., & Bull, D. (2002). Fate of N-15-nitrate in unplanted, planted and harvested riparian wetland soil microcosms. Ecological Engineering, 19(4), 249-264
- Holden, J., Burt, T., & Vilas, M. (2002). Application of ground penetrating radar to the identification of subsurface piping in blanket peat. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 27(3), 235-249.
- Park, S., & Burt, T. (2002). Identification and characterization of pedogeomorphological processes on a hillslope. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 66(6), 1897-1910
- Jenns, N., Heppell, C., Burt, T., Walden, J., & Foster, I. (2002). Investigating contemporary and historical sediment inputs to Slapton Higher Ley: an analysis of the robustness of source ascription methods when applied to lake sediment data. Hydrological Processes, 16(17), 3467-3486.
- Worrall, F., & Burt, T. (2001). Inter-annual controls on nitrate export from an agricultural catchment - How much land-use change is safe?. Journal of Hydrology, 243(3-4), 228-241.
- Holden, J., Burt, T., & Cox, N. (2001). Macroporosity and infiltration in blanket peat: the implications of tension disc infiltrometer measurements. Hydrological Processes, 15(2), 289-303.
- Burt, T. (2001). Integrated management of sensitive catchment systems. CATENA, 42(2-4), 275-290.
- Burt, T., & Horton, B. (2001). The natural history of the Slapton Ley national nature reserve XXIII: the climate of Slapton Ley