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Professor Tiago Moreira

Professor of Sociology

Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing
Fellow of the Institute for Medical Humanities


Since 2010, I have developed a research programme at the intersection of the fields of science and technology studies and social and cultural gerontology, which was outlined in my book Science, Technology and the Ageing Society. 

From 2018 I have engaged in interdisciplinary work most closely with Dr Margarita Styakova in the Physics Dept focused on Engineered Living Materials (ELMs). Our project Material Imagination (2010-2022), was funded by the Royal Society APEX Awards Project and is considered a flagship example the APEX scheme (see

I also co-lead on the Strategic Research Fund inititiave SMART Soils Laboratory – Soil Microbiome Augmentation and Restoration Technologies - developing socia science research capacity at the intersection of Responsible Innovation and soil care practices.

I have founded, and lead the Health and Social Theory Research Cluster in the Department of Sociology since 2016. 

I am a Trustee of the Foundation for the Sociology of Health and Illness, a charity promoting social scientific research and education in the field of medical sociology

I am member of the editorial board for Science, Technology and Human Values, the journal of the Society for Social Studies of Science, and the Journal of Aging Studies.

My main two areas of teaching are Classical Sociological Theory, where I engage with students in rethinking the 'sociological canon', the social studies of health and technology, teaching a 3rd year module on Digital Health. I also teach on Responsible Innovation at EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Soft Matter and Functional Interfaces, (2019-2024)

I was plenary speaker at the BSA Medical Sociology Annual Conference 2014. Watch the pleanary paper at


Research interests

  • Aging, Technology and Society
  • Knowledge and the organisation of health care
  • Piority setting in health care
  • Social Studies of Medicine

Esteem Indicators

  • 2006: Elected Council member for the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST):
  • 2006: Plenary Speaker: Wellcome Trust Biomedical Ethics Summer School:


Authored book

Book review

Chapter in book

Edited book

Journal Article

Supervision students