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Join us for our Progress to Postgrad Sessions

Want to learn more about what being a Durham postgraduate student is like? These online sessions are your chance to learn more from our staff and students with the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Our students love to talk about their experiences at Durham, so join us virtually to discover more!
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Two students with laptop in library



Throughout June, our ground-breaking academics will be hosting academic taster sessions so you can learn more about your programme. 





Classics and Ancient History 01 July 2024

15:30 hrs

(30 min session)

Studying ancient philosophy for the MA at Durham: this session, supplementary to the sessions offered on 14th June, will focus on the teaching of ancient philosophy for the MA programme at Durham. Anyone interested in this aspect of the course is encouraged to attend this session.
Environmental Humanities 24 June 2024 12:00 hrs
Introducing Environmental Humanities
What are the environmental humanities? How might they aid our thinking and acting in a time of environmental crisis? What kinds of insights do they bring about nature and society? This session will introduce you to some of the basic concepts that this interdisciplinary field works with. We will also give you an opportunity to ask questions about what to expect from the programme.
15:00 hrs

Government & International Relations


  • MA Politics and International Relations (Political Theory)
  • MA International Relations
  • MA International Relations (European)
  • MA International Relations (East Asia)
25 June 2024 12:00 hrs

The session briefly introduces the Master Programmes in Politics and International Relations before offering a sample seminar on civilizational discourse in global politics. Why are civilizational discourses reemerging in global politics? What themes do these discourses encompass?



You can book here!





Check your time zone

Preparing, Planning & Packing for International Students Hear from current Postgraduate students on how to prepare for arriving in the UK and pack for your studies at Durham. Followed by the panel answering any questions you may have about planning for your arrival. 4 July 12:00 - 13:00 hrs Event Time Announcer
29 July 20:00 - 21:00 hrs Event Time Announcer
Bringing Your Family To Durham Staff and students who are part of Ustinov College will talk about how they can help you with settling into Durham with your family whilst studying. Followed by the panel answering any questions you may have about bringing your family with you to Durham. 25 July 12:00 - 13:00 hrs Event Time Announcer
Ways To Fund Your Studies Your postgraduate degree is an investment into your future. There is a lot to consider financially when deciding whether to take your degree to the next level. Our wonderful Postgraduate student ambassadors will lead this session providing advice on part time work opportunities and providing some budgeting tips. They will follow up with a Q&A where you can ask any questions related to finances whilst studying your PG degree. 10 July 19:00 - 20:00 hrs Event Time Announcer
Make The Most Of Your Time In Durham Join this session to hear our top tips on what not to miss whilst living in Durham. Experience Durham (and the rest of the North East) through the seasons as our postgraduate student ambassadors take you through their top events/places to visit over the course of the year. 18 July 12:00 - 13:00 hrs Event Time Announcer