The Centre for Global Infectious Disease
By bridging our Chemistry and Bioscience Departments, we bring together specific, multidisciplinary expertise to tackle challenges in global infectious disease.

Key priorities
Microbial pathogens are major threats to global human health and food security. Drawing on expertise at Durham and at partner organisations across the biological, chemical and physical sciences, we seek to develop collaborative efforts to address this threat, working with the research interests of many to find new and effective solutions. Our goal is to help develop novel therapies and preventative strategies.
Established network
to help attract Early Career Research Fellows to Durham and provide mentorship
£8 million
secured from Research Councils UK as part of the Global Challenges Research Fund
Global impact
members of CGID have been involved in international pilot and impact case studies
between the Departments of Chemistry and Bioscience to tackle challenges in global infectious disease
Strategic goals
The strategic goals of the Departments of Chemistry and Biosciences, and the University as a whole, include a focus on multidisciplinary research such as the interface between the biological, chemical and physical sciences.
We always look for ways to develop research towards ‘real world’ impact. By bridging these two Departments, we will bring together specific, multidisciplinary expertise to tackle challenges in global infectious disease.
Our research
Get in touch
For topics of interest, please contact the individual concerned: