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Team Durham Communication Structure

There are five Sport Managers who have oversight of all the DSO Sports Clubs within Team Durham. The distribution of sports can be found below. The Sports Clubs are student lead and will annually elect their own Executive Committees that will manage their activity. the Sport Managers will provide oversight, support, challenge and in some cases additional management in order to enable students to have the best experience possible whilst participating in sport at Durham University.

TD Staff structure

Team Durham Communications, Complaints and Grievance Structure

Should there be an issue raised by a student in a specific sport the following initial process will be followed:


Report and Support Process


The Student Enrichment Directorate, of which Team Durham is a sub-section, takes all student complaints seriously and has a Case Manager who works closely alongside the Student Conduct Office to investigate all matters relating to student complaints and concerns, student discipline, allegations of student misconduct, and sexual misconduct and violence. 

If you wish to make a complaint or raise a concern, you can contact the Student Enrichment Directorate Case Manager, Carol Walker, directly - or if you prefer via your Coach, designated Sports Manager, or Head of Sport.  All cases will be handled in the strictest of confidence, passed onto the Directorate Case Manager and managed in line with the University’s Student Complaints Procedures. More serious cases may be referred to the Student Conduct Office for investigation. 

Point of Contact - Female Welfare

Should any student have a need to talk to a member of staff about any issue connected to their sport then the Sport Manager would be the first port of call. If the individual would like to talk to a female member of staff then Katie Binks, Jackie Low