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Student Lettings Code of Practice

Many letting agents and landlords have signed up to a voluntary Code of Practice, which demonstrates their commitment to putting students’ needs first in the letting process.

This is a voluntary Code of Practice which demonstrates a care for student welfare in the lettings process. The below Letting Agents, landlords, and PBSA providers have agreed to abide by the following practices, to ensure students are not put under unfair pressure when they sign up for accommodation:

Terms of the Code of Practice

We agree:

  1. To work together for a student housing market in Durham which meets the needs of all parties - students, landlords, residents and agents. 
  2. To abide by the following practices:  
    • Not issuing contracts for properties to multiple groups simultaneously;
    • Allowing at least 2 working days for students to arrange for contracts to be signed; 
    • Allowing at least 5 working days for students to arrange for contracts to be signed in the case where students need to arrange for a non-standard guarantor (e.g. International students, care leavers or those estranged from their parents); 
    • In all cases, working sympathetically and collaboratively with students to help them move their application forward without putting undue pressure on them.   
  3. To a shared commitment to helping to eliminate the need for, and practice of, students queuing overnight outside of Letting Agent offices, recognising this as a student wellbeing issue that we wish to help alleviate. 

If you are a letting agent or landlord and would like to sign up to the Student Lettings Code of Practice, please contact us for further information:

If you are concerned that an agent or landlord may not be upholding the Student Lettings Code of Practice, please let us know:

A collage of the logos of all of the estate agents and student housing providers who have signed on to the Student Lettings Code of Practice