Postgraduate Opportunities
Current Chemistry Opportunities
Postgraduate projects undertaken in the Chemistry Department here in Durham cover all of the traditional areas of chemistry and other contemporary, often interdisciplinary topics. Ph.D. projects are available each year that span all aspects of the Department's research activities.
The Department offers Ph.D. positions via the EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) and for research projects hosted by individual research staff. Current opportunities are listed below.
M.Sc. projects can be found on these pages: MSc by Research – Bioactive Chemistry MSc by Research –Sustainable Chemistry and Catalysis MSc by Research - Materials Chemistry
How to apply
To apply for a PhD (F1A001) or MSc (F1A009) please go to the University application portal:
Please note that if you are a student looking to apply for a scholarship for which you need an offer letter, please allow at least two weeks from submission of application for the release of the offer letter.
Note that the applications to ReNU CDTs are handled by the respective lead institutions. Please follow the instructions on the respective website.
List of individually funded Ph.D. Studentships:
Current funded postgraduate studentships are listed on FindAPhD and FindaMasters
We offer two research degrees, which can be completed on a full or part-time basis:
The majority of those beginning postgraduate study in Durham work toward a PhD, which normally requires between 36 and 48 months of full-time study, depending on the programme. The degree is awarded based on the presentation and oral examination of a thesis.
Durham Doctoral Studentships (DDS)
Durham University offers a small number of doctoral study awards to new applicants within the science faculty every year. Applications are welcomed from overseas students as well as those eligible for home fees. However, applicants must be in receipt of an unconditional offer (including English Language) by the application deadline (normally early in the year).
Applicants should apply through the usual Durham University online application system, stating on their application that they wish to be considered for a DDS studentship (in the funding award box).
For further information on this award, please email .
This research programme usually takes 12 months to complete. The degree is awarded based on the preparation and examination of a thesis and an oral examination (where necessary), together with successful completion of the Department's postgraduate training programme.
Dr Anthony Palmer Scholarship for Masters by Research
The Dr Anthony J Palmer Scholarship award is available annually and has been established from a generous legacy gift bequeathed to Durham University by Dr Anthony J Palmer, alumnus and friend of the University. Dr Palmer, Chemistry BSc and PhD, St Cuthbert's Society 1961-1967. The funding covers the Tuition Fees and research expenses that are allocated to the supervisor to support the project.
This funded Masters by Research (MRes) may be in any area of Chemistry. Though not a requirement, due to Anthony’s longstanding connection with Durham, there will be additional weighting given to applicants who can show a connection to the local area. Given the breadth of opportunity, the following (although not all steps are compulsory) might be a helpful place to start.
Step 1. Decide what area of chemistry you would like to complete an MRes in and approach a potential supervisor from the department to secure their support to be your supervisor. Please click on the research sections to view and contact our academic staff in each area: Research Sections - Durham University .
Step 2. Together with your potential supervisor, define a project title and produce a research proposal (max 1000 words) to submit as part of your application. This should explain the research, its likely outcomes, and why it is important.
Step 3. Write a personal statement indicating why you are a suitable candidate for the project.
Step 4. Write an Equality Diversity and Inclusion statement setting out why you think EDI is important to Chemistry, and any measures you think could help support further positive change in this area.
Step 5. Submit your application through the University’s online application form.
Anthony Palmer was closely affiliated with St Cuthbert’s College; therefore we would seek to offer the successful applicant the opportunity to be a member of St Cuthbert’s College who may be able to provide additional financial support.
Enquiries email name and address: for informal enquiries, please contact .
Current Funded PhD Opportunities
Postgraduate projects undertaken in the Chemistry Department here in Durham cover all of the traditional areas of chemistry and other contemporary, often interdisciplinary topics. PhD projects are available each year that span all aspects of the Department's research activities.
Current funded postgraduate studentships are listed on FindAPhD:
Supervisor: Dr J. Gibbard
Machine learning free energy functionals for multiscale modelling
Supervisor: Dr S. Cox
Bio-renewable Routes to Sustainable Liquid Fuels
Supervisor: Prof Philip Dyer
Modelling the dynamics of large (bio)chromophores
Supervisor: Dr Susannah Bourne-Worster
New catalytic modalities for selective organic synthesis
Supervisor: Dr Allegra Franchino
Supervisor: Dr Christian Schnepel