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Project description

The Exploring Arctic Soundscapes project will develop new practices for fusing scientific and artistic invocation and explanation of Arctic environments.

Primary participants

Principal Investigators:

Professor Philip Steinberg, Department of Geography,

Dr Robert Baxter, Department of Biosciences,

Dr Eric Egan, Department of Music,


Visiting Fellows:

Dr Daniel Blinkhorn, University of Sydney

Professor Susanne Winterling, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Professor Britt Kramvig, UiT the Arctic University of Norway

Ms Jana Winderen, independent artist


About Exploring Arctic Soundscapes

This project will combine existing world-leading expertise in the Departments of Geography and Biosciences in Arctic and marine politics, cultures, ecologies, and ontologies with ongoing world-leading work in the Department of Music that explores the sonic invocation of environments.

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Through curated dialogue between Durham’s Biosciences, Geography, and Music communities, catalysed by residencies from four world-renowned sound artists who work at the intersection of these three disciplines, and enhanced by existing expertise in Durham’s Anthropology and History departments on ways in which northern peoples and outsiders perceive the Arctic and its sounds, the Exploring Arctic Soundscapes project will develop new practices for fusing scientific and artistic invocation and explanation of Arctic environments.

These innovations will be achieved through several Durham-based workshops and interdisciplinary seminars, a field trip to northern Norway, and a series of performances and lectures. Musical compositions and academic articles will advance Durham’s impact agenda and REF profile as well as generating conceptual advances in environmental understanding and establishing the basis for ongoing collaboration across Durham's faculties.


Visiting Fellows

Dr Daniel Blinkhorn, University of Sydney

Professor Susanne Winterling, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Professor Britt Kramvig, UiT the Arctic University of Norway

Ms Jana Winderen, independent artist