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Sophie Kenmare

Research Postgraduate (PhD)

Research Postgraduate (PhD) in the Department of Geography


  • 2020 - 2024: PhD - Geomorphology, Durham University 
  • 2017: BSc - Geography, Durham University (1st Class) 
    • Dissertation: Critical landslide-inducing rainfall conditions for large-scale landslides in Taiwan 2005-2013, as captured by Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data 
Research Interests

My primary research focus involves understanding the interplay between Earth surface processes and weather conditions, particularly extreme rainfall events. I am interested in how landslide and rockfall inventories are temporally constrained, and how this temporal precision is used to constrain the role of weather conditions in driving rockfall. I am also interested in ‘extreme event legacy’ and how major storm events may serve to change critical landslide/rockfall initiation thresholds required to instigate future mass movements. 

My PhD aims to examine the role of precipitation and temperature as drivers of rockfall activity along a section of the North Yorkshire coastline, with an emphasis on how extreme weather may serve to modify rock slope behaviour. This entails the development of a novel workflow as part of an ongoing terrestrial LiDAR rock-surface monitoring campaign. 

Research interests

  • Rockfall
  • Landslides
  • LiDAR
  • Remote Sensing