Ordinance 14 University Executive Committee
This Ordinance was adopted by the Council on 31 May 2024 and Council on 27 February 2024
Statute 2: University Executive Committee - the executive board, group or committee of the University established under the Ordinances.
Statute 8.2: The Vice-Chancellor and Warden shall be responsible for the delivery of the overall strategic direction and performance of the University and shall be accountable to, and shall report to, the Council on the same in such manner as the Council shall determine.
1. General
a) This Ordinance supports the definition of University Executive Committee in the Statutes and the responsibilities of the Vice-Chancellor and Warden set out in Statute 8.2 and should be read in conjunction with them.
b) Terms defined in the Statutes will have the same meaning in these Ordinances.
c) Terms defined in Ordinance 13 shall apply to all Ordinances.
2. Establishment
There shall be a University Executive Committee and it shall be a Joint Committee of the Council and the Senate.
3. Purpose
The principal purpose of the University Executive Committee is to support and aid the Vice-Chancellor and Warden in discharging their responsibilities to the Council set out in Statute 8.2.
4. Responsibilities
The University Executive Committee is responsible for supporting the Vice-Chancellor in:
a) Overseeing the development and delivery of the University's strategy and making recommendations to the Council on new policy initiatives and other matters, and on matters that fall within the remit of the Senate, seeking the views of the Senate;
b) Monitoring the University's performance against objectives and reporting to the Council on the same, ensuring prompt action as required;
c) Coordinating the University's integrated planning and budgeting process and recommending the annual budget and financial forecasts to the Finance Committee for onwards recommendation to the Council;
d) Managing the University's relationships with external stakeholders;
e) Taking ownership and management responsibility for key risks to the University in a competitive and rapidly changing operating environment;
f) Considering such other matters as may be referred to the University Executive Committee by the Vice-Chancellor and Warden or the Council (or the Council upon the recommendation of the Senate); and
g) Reporting on matters within the Senate's remit to the Senate.
5. Obligations
a) In undertaking their responsibilities the University Executive Committee must comply with, and operate within, the strategies, policies, procedures and delegations from time to time set by the Council and, where relating to matters within its remit, the Senate.
b) The University Executive Committee will report on the discharge of its duties to Council and, where relating to matters within the Senate's remit, to the Senate.
6. Chair of the University Executive Committee
a) The Chair of the University Executive Committee is the Vice-Chancellor and Warden.
b) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost shall chair meetings of the University Executive Committee in the absence of the Vice-Chancellor and Warden.
7. Membership of the University Executive Committee
a) The University Executive Committee shall comprise such members as the Vice-Chancellor and Warden requires to fulfil the purpose and responsibilities set out at paragraphs 3 and 4 above.
b) The Vice-Chancellor and Warden shall determine the University Executive Committee's membership within any framework or requirements set by the Council.
8. Attendance
The University Secretary shall be the secretary to the University Executive Committee and would normally be present at all meetings. In order to maintain their independent governance function, the University Secretary should carefully consider any conflicts of interest in their position before voting.
9. Observers
a) The Vice-Chancellor and Warden may invite observers to attend meetings of the University Executive Committee as required and they shall be observers and not members of the University Executive Committee.
b) Observers may speak at University Executive Committee meetings on invitation from the chair of the meeting (but do not have the right to vote).
10. Meetings
a) The University Executive Committee shall meet as often as is required. The responsibilities of the University Executive Committee shall be discharged at meetings of the University Executive Committee.
b) The scheduling of meetings should be mindful of the dates of Council and Senate meetings. This is to ensure that the University Executive Committee can, via the Vice-Chancellor and Warden, provide appropriate input to Council and Senate deliberations.
c) An agenda and supporting papers for meetings shall be circulated were possible no later than 4 calendar days prior to the meeting.
d) Additional meetings may be called by the Vice-Chancellor and Warden or by written request of not less than two University Executive Committee members. Notification of meetings should be made not less than seven days in advance. An extraordinary meeting, called at less notice, may be held on urgent matters.
e) Meetings can only proceed with a quorum of one third of the University Executive Committee and the presence of the University Secretary or their nominated governance replacement.
f) All decisions of the University Executive Committee shall be formally recorded and the minutes of each meeting should be circulated to all members of the University Executive Committee, no later than the date of circulation of the Agenda of the following meeting.
g) The University Executive Committee shall conduct their business in a fair, proper, transparent and ethical manner, having regard to the values of the University and following the seven principles of public life set down by the Nolan Committee (accessible on the web at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-7-principles-of-public-life/the-7-principles-of-public-life--2 ).
11. Recommendations to the Council and the Senate
The University Executive Committee may make recommendations to the Council and/or the Senate.