Research and Impact
Archaeology at Durham has a worldwide reputation for research and impact.
Our research covers five continents, ranging from the palaeolithic to the contemporary world with particular strengths in material and visual culture, archaeological science and landscape archaeology as well as prehistory, India, Egypt and the Near East, medieval and historical archaeology and the Roman and Classical world.
With over 70 research active staff and increasing numbers of projects, publications and postgraduates, the Department has developed pathways for research and engagement with more diverse audiences than ever before. We believe Archaeology has a powerful part to play in shaping the modern world. We co-produce research and impact with a wide-range of organisations and users from schools and educators to theatre companies, museums, Government agencies and NGOs with research and fieldwork focused on past inequalities and health challenges, urbanism, ancient empires and major diasporas. We are setting out new understandings of human resilience in challenging environments and fostering sustainable programmes of archaeological and forensic skills training and education in the Middle East, Europe, North Africa, South East Asia and the UK.
Durham Centre for Cultural Heritage Protection
Find out more about our new MOOC
Endangered Archaeology: Using Remote Sensing to Protect Cultural Heritage
FSS International Brochure
The Faculty of Social Sciences has an extensive global collaboration in research and education with partners across the world, promoting Social Science solutions to the world’s greatest challenges.