Staff profile

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Professor in the Business School |
Journal Article
- Khanijou, R., Cappellini, B., & Hosany, S. (in press). Bare fridges and burnt tortillas: Conflictual moments in the making of coupledom. Sociology,
- Preece, C., Rojas Gaviria, P., Cappellini, B., Kerrigan, F., Hewer, P., Higgins, L., & Sobande, F. W. (in press). Let’s ROC: A Dynamic Experience-Based Roadmap for Relational Engagement. European Journal of Marketing,
- Yen, D. A., Cappellini, B., Jen, M.-Y., & Victor, C. (online). Happy to chat? Understanding older people’s attitudes and experiences of talking to strangers. Ageing & Society, 1-20.
- Webster, M., Cappellini, B., & Harman, V. (2025). Feeding grandchildren: competing priorities and blurred relational boundaries. Food, Culture & Society, 28(1),
- Parsons, E., Harman, V., & Cappellini, B. (2024). Foodwork and Foodcare in Hard Times: Mothering, Value and Values. Gender, Work and Organization, 31(3), 937-953.
- Yen, D., Cappellini, B., Hendy, J., & Ming-Yao, J. (2024). Acculturating again: Taiwanese migrants’ enduring COVID-19 coping paradox in the UK. International Marketing Review, 41(7), 1-22.
- Hutton, M., & Cappellini, B. (2022). Epistemic in/justice: towards 'Other' ways of knowing. Marketing Theory, 22(2), 155-174.
- Pirani, D., Harman, V., & Cappellini, B. (2022). Family practices and temporality at breakfast: hot spots, convenience and care. Sociology, 56(2), 211-226.
- Harman, V., Cappellini, B., & Webster, M. (2022). Intensive Grandmothering? Exploring the Changing Nature of Grandmothering in the Context of Changes to Parenting Culture. Sociology, 56(1), 38-54.
- Yen, D., Dovey, T., & Cappellini, B. (2022). Primary School Children’s Responses to Food waste at School. British Food Journal, 124(13), 109-125.
- Yen, D., Cappellini, B., Yang, H., & Gupta, S. (2021). Coping with Coping: International migrants’ experiences of the Covid-19 lockdown in the UK. British Journal of Management, 32(4), 1219-1241.
- Khanijou, R., Cappellini, B., & Hosany, S. (2021). Meal for Two: A Typology of Co-performed Practices. Journal of Business Research, 134, 675-688.
- Yu, Q., Yen, D., Cappellini, B., & Wang, C. (2021). From West to East: British Sojourners’ acculturation in China. International Marketing Review, 38(4), 671-689.
- Zakariah, A., Hosany, S., & Cappellini, B. (2021). Subjectivities in motion: Dichotomies in consumer engagements with self-tracking technologies. Computers in Human Behavior, 118, Article 106699.
- Parsons, E., Kearney, T., Surman, E., Cappellini, B., Moffat, S., Harman, V., & Scheurenbrand, K. (2021). Who Really Cares? Introducing an “Ethics of Care” to Debates on Transformative Value Co-creation. Journal of Business Research, 122, 794-804.
- Cappellini, B., Harman, V., Marilli, A., & Parsons, E. (2019). Intensive mothering in hard times: Foucauldian ethical self-formation and cruel optimism. Journal of Consumer Culture, 19(4), 469-492.
- Cappellini, B., Kravets, O., & Reppel, A. (2019). Shouting on Social Media? A borderscapes perspective on a contentious hashtag. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 145, 428-437.
- Pirani, D., Cappellini, B., & Harman, V. (2018). The Italian breakfast: Mulino Bianco and the advent of a family practice (1975-1995). European Journal of Marketing, 52(12), 2478-2498.
- Scheurendrand, K., Parsons, E., Cappellini, B., & Patterson, A. (2018). Cycling into headwinds: analysing mobility practices that inhibit sustainability. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 37(2), 227-244.
- Cappellini, B., & Harman, V. (2018). Unpacking the lunchbox: biopedagogies, mothering and social class. Sociology of Health & Illness, 40(7), 1200-1214.
- Cappellini, B., Parsons, E., & Harman, V. (2015). Right Taste, Wrong Place’: Local Food Cultures, (Dis)identification and the Formation of Middle-class Identity. Sociology, 50(6), 1089-1105.
- Harman, V., & Cappellini, B. (2015). Mothers on display: lunchboxes, social class and moral accountability. Sociology, 49(4), 764-781.
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